Chapter 58: I Hurt You Dec

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(Above is February's wolf. His ears are stuck to the side like the wolf's ears in the picture.)

~February's POV~
I hurt him... I HURT HIM! This is all my fault! God, I am so stupid!
"Baby!" Dec shouted in my head.
Dec is the nickname I gave December.
"Yes?" I asked.
I felt someone tackle me. The person sat on my chest. I knew who it was. The sparks gave it away. December. I looked at him.
"Don't run away from me." Dec said.
"I'm sorry. I had to cool off." I said.
I lifted my head and saw the scratches and bruises on Dec's gold and gray colored wolf. I whined. I dropped my head back down.
"I knew this would happen. So I've accepted it." Dec said.
I growled at myself.
"The question is... Can you?" Dec asked.
I nodded.
"I can. You're still my mate. You're still the love of my life. But I'll never forgive myself." I said.
I speak the truth. Dec chuckled.
"This is my mate I know and love." Dec said.
"Oh." I said.
Dec licked my cheek. I licked his cheek in return. He laid down on top of me, resting his head on my chest. He intertwined our tails. I'm glad he still loves me after all my wolf has done to him.
"I lost control. I'm sorry." My wolf said.
"Shove off!" I snapped at him.
He whined in my head. But did I care? No. He used my body to hurt my mate. And for that, I'll never forgive him.
"You do care about him. And you know it. He's your wolf. You have to forgive him." Dec said.
"No. I refuse." I said.
Dec shook his head.
"Please... Forgive me, February." My wolf, Forsher, begged.
"No!" I shouted.
He whined again. Again, don't care.
"Come on. Let's run." Dec said.
I nodded. And we ran. Side by side. Together.


We arrived back at our personal house. I sat in my office. I looked at the mirror across from my chair. And there stood Forsher. That stupid mongrel mutt. I glared daggers at him. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under by now.
"I'm sorry. I know those two words mean nothing to you when they're coming from me... But you need to know that I genuinely mean those two words." Forsher said.
I shook my head at him.
"You used my body to hurt my mate. I damaged myself because of my guilt and because of my hatred for you." I said.
Forsher whined.
"I know. I saw the damage on your legs in the mirror when you changed. I know you'll never give me control again." Forsher said.
I scoffed.
"Ya got that right." I said.
This wolf irks me. I heard my office door open. Dec walked in.
"I made some hot chocolate for you. Figured you might want cause it's cold outside." Dec said.
He handed me a tall cup of hot chocolate. As he kept drinking from his.
"It's good. It's really good." I said.
He smiled. He looked at the mirror.
"Oh, hi, Forsher. How are today?"December asked.
Forsher whined.
"He said he's sorry for hurting you." I said.

"Ah. There's no need to take a trip via the guilt train." Dec said.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. He's so damn adorable. He hugged me.
"December... I hurt you. And I will never forgive myself." I said.
He flicked his hand in the air.
"Nah. No need to be all like that. I forgive you." Dec said.
I smiled.
"I'm glad." I said.

And he kissed me.

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