Chapter 51: Alpha School For February and Chain For December

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~December's POV~
So, February accepted me as his mate. And I was the happiest boy in all the land that day. He accepted me right in front of Deimos and Demos.
"Babe, come to our room." February said.
"Okay." I said.
I walked into our room. He had a sad look on his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
I ran to him and hugged him.
"Deimos and Demos are sending me to Alpha Training School." He said.
"Okay. There's one not to far from here." I said.
"Not that one. The one in Russia. And I'm leaving tonight. Because it'll take me three days to get there." He said.
I started crying.
"Don't cry. I'll be back, my love." February said.
"When?" I asked.
"June 4th. That's when I'll be here." He said.
"Then let me do this." I said.
He looked at me weird, tilting his neck to the side. I bit him.

Marking him as mine.

I licked the mark, cleaning whatever blood was there. My mark shined beautifully on him. Next thing I know, he's biting me.

Marking me as his.

He licked the mark, cleaning up whatever blood I oozed out from it. He pulled away from me.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said.
We laid down together and watched DVDs until 9:00 pm. When my mate and brother had to leave. He kissed me.
"I'll have Trevor use his iPhone 6 to FaceTime me. So we can talk." February said.
I nodded.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said.
He kissed me one last time. And left.

------ [Three months later]------

The day after February left, Deimos and Demos out me in a silver collar. Silver don't go well with us werewolves. They stripped me naked and left me outside. And it is -40 degrees because it winter. And it's hailing out.
The chain was connect to a metal post and the collar was tight around my neck. I could literally feel it burning into my skin. That's the silver and Wolfsbane. And damn it hurts. Ever since they put me on this chain and collar, I haven't eaten. So I'm losing weight very quickly. It was 8:00 pm. Trevor walked out with his phone. I heard him talking. And I recognized the other person's voice as my mate. February. Trevor say in front of me with his phone facing me and a tray full of food.
"FEBRUARY!" I shouted as soon as I saw his face.
Even though it was through an electronic.
"Baby... You look like hell." He said.
"I haven't been sleeping. And I'm completely naked in the cold. It's -40 degrees and its hailing." I said.
"And you haven't been eating." He said.
I nodded.
"Baby... You have to eat. I can see your bones. And when I get back, we are leaving. Starting our own pack. They've done this to you too many times. And eventually it'll kill you. And- How tight is that collar?" He asked.
"Very. It hurts to breath and talk." I said.
February growled.
"It's silver... Isn't it?" February asked.
"Yep. And everyday they pour more Wolfsbane on it." I said.

"If I could come back now, believe me I would be there in a heartbeat." February said.
"You still love as your mate right?" I asked.
"Of course I do! You're my mate!" He shouted.
"Thanks. I just wanted to make sure. My neck is going to be so red and irritated by the time you get back." I said.
"Mates can fix that." February said.
I saw Deimos and Demos walk out. A bottle of Wolfsbane in Deimos's hand. Oh no.
"No... No... Please don't do this. I beg of you." I said to them.
"Baby? What are they doing?" February asked.
Demos loosened my collar just a little bit. And Deimos dumped all the Wolfsbane onto it. Demos then tighten the collar back as tight as it goes. They left. I started screaming. The burning was too much. I wanted to pass out. It felt like someone set my neck on fire. Well this collar did anyway. I saw tears running down February's face. I couldn't stop screaming. I'm sure they could see the redness appearing above the collar on my neck.
"FEBRUARY!" I shouted.
"Baby! Just hang in there. The pain will stop!" He shouted.
"December? I know it hurts. But you need to eat. It'll take your mind off of the pain." Trevor said.
I shook my head no. It now hurting to talk.
"Baby, please. You have to eat. I know you haven't eaten since I left. How much does he weigh?" February asked.
Trevor had me stand on a scale.
"53.4 pounds." Trevor said.
Now February is really crying.
"Baby, please... You have eat sweetheart. Please..." He begged.
I ate some of the mashed potatoes and bread with butter he made. Trevor cooks good. But not as good as February. He cooks like a champ. I drank the orange juice too.
"Okay. I ate." I said.
"Eat more." February said.
I sighed. And ate the chicken. But it hurt my stomach.
"I can't. It hurts to eat any more than what I did." I said.
February wiped his tears away.
"Baby..." He said.

The burning sensation had died down a little. I hate it when they do that. I was shivering from the cold. Like I said earlier, I was completely naked. Nothing covering any part of me. And now it was snowing. Making it colder as the snow flakes landed on my bare skin.
"I'm so c-c-cold..." I started stuttering.
"Oh my poor baby. I wish I could be there to help warm you." He said.
I knew he spoke the truth. This is hard on him. In more ways then one. February had to leave because he had classes that start again soon.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said.
And with that...

His beautiful face was gone.

~February's POV~
My roommate, Alyx, looked at me.
"How's your mate?" He asked.
"Horrible. They locked him on the chain and collar. With the collar as tight as it can go. With is already cutting off his breathing. Well, making it hard to breath. He's not eating at all. And because of that, he only weighs 53.4 pounds. And his depression had kicked up again." I said.
"He's got it bad." Alyx said.
"What would do... If your mate was like this? And you're here?" I asked.

"Leave immediately and go to him. This could manifest into something worse." Alyx said.
I only had four more months. And Deimos and Demos would kill him if I left early. But he needs me.
"Or just believe in him that he can pull through it. You've only got four months left. Since we are in February." Alyx said.
I nodded.

I need to help him...

Or he will die...

He's been through enough.

"I'm leaving. Tonight." I said.
"Good call." Alyx said.
I packed everything up and left. I got on the plane and we took off.

I'll be there soon December, my love, my mate.

Don't you worry your fragile little heart...

I love you.

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