Chapter 72: Strength of a Raging Fire

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~Annalise's POV~

Today is the day before the war. And everyone is tense.

"Okay. I want you all to practice what you've learned since day one." I said.
I'm only going to push them for roughly 5-6 hours today. I don't want them to tired. The ones who want to continue training, can. They're skills and senses are getting better. Sharper.
"I know you're all scared and tense. But you need to focus more than you ever had before. Tomorrow is the war. And it will not be pretty. War never is." I said.
They nodded in agreement.
"So... Train with your brain. Not with your heart." I said.
They began their training. As I have mine. I've trained in my spare time whilst they sleep. I sleep roughly 4-5 hours and then I train. They're stealth is getting better as well. I can't tell you how many times I've been jumps cared by these guys. They're good, I'll give 'em that. I watched them fight. They're focused. Not get angry like they did when we first started out. Which is always a plus.
"You guys are doing well. Keep up the good work." I said.
They cheered but kept going. I'm very proud of these guys. Even the girls who practically begged me to train with the men. I agreed after seeing how much they wanted to. It was quite a sight to see. And these women did exactly as I told them. Just like the men. I'm happy the women stepped out of their comfort zone and volunteered to train as well. And they didn't wear and revealing clothes. Even the teens. Damn. They surprised me on that one too. And they're doing just as good as the men in my opinion. Even the men have congratulated them. Which was very nice of them and brought a smile to my face.

[5 hours later]

"Everyone stop what you are doing!" I shouted.
They halted. And looked at me. Some fell on top of each other if they were in mid jump for an attack. You heard groan is pain and what not from them. They can be quite comical at times as well. Even though the war is tomorrow.
"We've been at this for 5 hours now. Let's break for lunch and if you still would like to train, you may. Others who don't want to, can relax and watch the ones who do want to." I said.
They nodded.


We came back from lunch. I expected half of them to stop training. But oh no.

They all continued training.

And I couldn't be more happy. These are the people in proud of.
"I see you've trained them well." Someone said from behind me.
I turned around to see October. He's such a sweetheart. I felt bad for him.

Ke'Yon died 2 years ago.

Leaving October alone to run the pack. Even though he lost his mate, he's still doing well. The pack is still up and running. He's only 33 years old.
"Thanks. How are you holding up?" I asked.
"Same as always. Don't dwell on it. It won't do any good." October said.
"Never dies to be honest." I said.
I never heard what Ke'Yon died from.
"If you don't mind me asking, what did Ke'Yon die from?" I asked.
October looked down.

"Rouge attack." October said.

I nodded.
"It was either me or him. He chose him." October said.
It's heartbreaking to see October in pain whenever he talks about Ke'Yon's death.
"How's the pack holding up?" I asked.
"At first, not well. We all kinda fell into a depressed mood, I guess you could call it. But we've adjusted. It's getting better." October said.
"That's good." I said, nodding.
"He'll be fine." December said.

December lost February 3 years ago.

It was very hard for him. Especially on Christmas. But he soon realized, just like October, there was no way to bring him back.
"How did you hold up when... Demos died?" October asked.
I shrugged.
"Steve made me do it, and Steve also declared war on this pack. That's why we're training. But, I felt so sad and alone. Then Deimos and the pack made me realize that I'm not alone. I never was." I said.
They nodded. The pack cheered in agreement. Then went back to training.
"We've trained our pack's as well." December said.
I looked at him, confused.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because we're helping you." October said.
I smiled. They know they didn't have to.
"But we both wanted to." December said.

And that was probably the best news I've heard all day.


I know these past three chapters are short. But the next one will be longer. Probably around 2,000 words or maybe a little more. You guys still liking the story?

To clarify,

Ke'Yon was killed protecting October in a rouge attack.

February was killed on Christmas from a car accident.

And as always...


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