Chapter 8: First Date

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~Alpha Ke'Yon's POV~
Thank the Moon Goddess for healing October. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. He's my everything. The sooner he realizes the better. He's warming up to me but a lot slower than I'd hope. But it's progress. And progress counts... Right? Right. DeShawn stormed into my office.
"If you want him to warm up to ya, take him to see Jurassic World. He's been yapping about that movie for ages, man. Plus, he needs some bonding mate-to-mate time wit ya. Ya know? Right on! So hurry your Alpha butt up and go take him to see Jurassic World. He likes dinosaurs. Especially the T-Rex. I think, other than liking dinosaurs, the reason he's wanted to see it was because that's all his old pack talked about. And most our pack has seen it. So take him out." DeShawn said.
"Okay then. Tell him to get ready. But nothing too fancy." I said.
"Right on!" DeShawn shouted.
Yeah. October has been saying 'right on' too. He spends way too much time with my sister. Way too much time. But I get my mate time with him too. Not in that sense. But we do do stuff as mates.

And if it's Jurassic World he wants to see...

It's Jurassic World he's gonna get.


October walked out into my 1958 Plymouth Fury. It looks exactly like Stephen King's movie Christine. Which I found out, October likes too. He watched that movie at least twice every week. Usually Monday's and Friday's.
"Where are we going?" October asked.
"It's a surprise. One you are going to like." I said.
"Oh okay." October said.
I nodded.

So about halfway through the drive to the movie theater, he starts talking about Jurassic World.
"So there's these four velociraptors named Echo, Charlie, Delta and Blue. According to Owen, Blue is the Beta. She actually looks like she got some blue on her. I've seen pictures. And the Indominus Rex is like the T-Rex. But bigger and has a lot more teeth. Cool right?" October asked, a huge grin on his face.
"Right." I said.
"I know! And then, and then... There's this supposed boss battle and oh how I wish I could see it." October said.
I chuckled. He really wants to seethes movie.
"I like Charlie and Blue the best." October said.
"What if it has a T-Rex in it?" I asked.

"Then that is my ABSOLUTE favorite dinosaur in the history of dinosaurs. Just how fast it runs and it's teeth. My God! It's all like... DAAAAAAMN!" October shouted.
He is so happy. And over a simple movie.
"Like seriously, bruh." October said.
I shook my head. I can't help the smile that snuck it's way onto my face. October was bouncing up and down in his seat like an excited little kid.
"And it's jaw is like seriously like 4 feet long!" He shouted.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah! And it was close to 15-20 feet tall and that converted into meters is 4.6 to 6 meters tall." October said.
I looked at him smiling.
"And did you know that the word Tyrannosaurus means 'Tyrant Lizard.'?" October asked.
"No, I did not know that." I said.
"It's true. National Geographic told me so. And they know everything." October said.
I realized my smile was even bigger now.


We made it to the movie theater.
"Hey Alpha Ke'Yon." The movie guy who takes the part of your movie ticket said.
"Hi." I said.
"You two enjoy the movie. It's pretty cool." The guy said.
"We will." October said.
I smiled and the guy chuckled. We sat down in our seats for the front row. And as it started, October's eyes were glued to the screen. It was like everything around him and all his worries and fears just didn't exist here. All that existed was Jurassic World.


October was happy and bouncing around in the car on the way to our secondary location.
"That movie was SOOOO cool! The way Owen saved that guy from getting eaten by Charlie, Blue, Delta and Echo. It was amazing. Don't you think?" October asked.
"Yeah. I liked the last scene too." I said.
"Oh my God! I know! The T-Rex totally obliterated that Indominus Rex!" October said.
He's been opening up a lot more to me. He's still nervous and shy due to me being an Alpha and all. But it's getting better.


We arrived at the second location. A 5- star restaurant. Named Taco Lego. Now we live in a place called Lego City in a country named Anvalavalope. Weird names, I know. But it's whatever. I love it.
"What is this place?" October asked.
"Taco Lego. It's a restaurant." I said.
"I've never even heard of it. Then again I haven't been anywhere near here my whole life." October said.
"Well you live with me now. It'll be much happier, I swear." I said.
"Cool beans, bruh." October said.
Oh God. Now he's talking like my sister. Oh boy.


We sat down and ordered our food.
"I'm thinking about cutting my hair. And I have a tattoo by the way." October said.
"Oh really? What is it? And please don't cut your hair. I like it like that." I said.
"Okay. And yeah. It's a realistic heart with 'mom' and 'dad' written on it in like a banner formation. You'll see it sometime." October said.
He covered his mouth when he said his last sentence. His checks turning a bright red. He's so cute when he's shy or embarrassed.

We got our food and he actually ate the whole thing. Which is shocking because he barely finished whatever food anyone in the house makes him.
"I was hungry." October said, embarrassed.
"That's fine. You're eating more than you have been. And that's fantastic." I said.
October smiled a huge smile. I love seeing him happy.


We finished eating and we're now at home. We were just laying on our bed watching Christine again. He laid his head on my chest. And eventually fell asleep listening to my breathing. I just hope he doesn't have any nightmares tonight. After the movie was over, I fell asleep too. Cuddling my mate to me. I sighed happily.

I love you...



I updated again!


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