Chapter 12: The Morning After

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~October's POV~
I woke up to big, strong arms wrapped protectively around my waist. Well one was wrapped around my chest and the other was wrapped around my waist. The memories of last night came flooding back to my mind. I mated with Alpha Ke'Yon. I mated with my Alpha. And I do not regret a thing. I propped myself up and started tracing Alpha Ke'Yon smexy abs. His 8 pack. I heard a low rumble and I flinched. Turns out...

It was him laughing.

Da f?

"You scared me, Alpha Ke'Yon." I said.
He opened his eyes.
"Sorry poptart." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Da f?" I asked.
"Sorry, October." He said.
"It's fine." I mumbled.
"Now that we've mated. It is just Ke'Yon to you. Eventually you and your wolf won't like to call my by my title anymore. I'm surprised Liam still allows it." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I opened my mouth to speak.
"And no. I won't hurt you. No one will." He said.
I closed my mouth.
"That's what I was gonna say." I mumbled again.
"I can hear you... October." Alpha Ke'Yon said in my head.
I screamed and fell off of the bed. Goddess, I am a such chicken.
"Dafuq? What was the fuck was that?" I asked, looking around and surprisingly not getting whiplash.
"Mate bond. I can read your thoughts. As you can mine." He said.
"Well shit." I said.
Now my thoughts aren't safe.
"Not until you learn to block me out, they're not." He said.
"How do I do that?" I asked.
"Mm... Not telling you." He said.
I groaned.
"Be careful when you do that." He warned.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because... 1.) you're going into heat soon. And 2.) since we mated, it's difficult as fuck for me to hold control right now. Being an Alpha makes it a little bit more challenging. Especially when I have such a sexy mate." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I looked down and realized that I was not dressed. And neither was he.
"Well fuck." I said.
I heard him laugh.
I glared at him, playfully.
"October?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
His face just turned dead serious.
"Mhm?" I asked.
"Come here." He said.
I lowered my head in submission. I crawled back onto the bed.
"Didn't mean that to sound commanding." He said.
I shrugged.
"Geo told me something. When I first brought you here. And it was, is, bothering me." He said.
Oh boy, this can't be good.
"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you hurt yourself?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.

My eyes went wide.

Oh fuck me...


Another update! I would've updated sooner but I was at work. But I pondered up the rest of this idea while I was there. Cool right?

We'll see ya all in...

Chapter 13!



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