Chapter 20: You're My What?!

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~Alpha Ke'Yon's POV~
"Alpha!" My dad called from downstairs.
"Coming!" I responded.
I bolted downstairs due to the urgency of my father's tone. I stopped when I saw November and September.
"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" I asked, my voice deep and cold.
"Son?" Father asked.
"He, November, is claiming to be October's real mate. He's trying to separate us." I said.
"He can't. You'll have to learn to get along." Mom said.
"Not happening." I said.
"We shout try. For October's sake." November said.
"He even told you himself... He chose me. So back the fuck off." I said.
"Son." Father said.
"No. If I have to, I'll banish you from my pack. And if you cross it, they'll be hell to pay." I said.
"You wouldn't do that." November said.
"Tsk. And why not?" I asked.
"It's not my place to tell you." November said.
"Go figure." I said.
"Where is October anyway?" November asked.
"Sleeping." I said.
"No I'm not." October said.

October stood next to me. But glared daggers at November and September.
"Hello, little mate." November said.
"What did I tell you? I am not your mate. Get that through your thick skull." October said.
I could feel his anger rolling off in waves. The tension in the air was almost suffocating. October is pissed. I wrapped my arms around his waist, in an effort to calm him down. It worked... Kinda.
"Babe... Relax." I said.
"I'll relax once they've left." October said.
"Listen to them. They know what's up." Father said.
"I don't give a damn what they know. I know that November is the Alpha of a rouge pack. And his brother is the Beta of that same rouge pack." I said.
"True." November said.
"Does September even talk?" October asked.
"Yes. Just not often." September said.
"He's mute. Partially. He talks only when commanded or spoken to." November said.
"Well, that's not a nice way to live." October said.
"Don't tell me you're starting to care about them..." I said.
"Nonsense. I was just curious." October said.
"Okay. Good." I said.
"Trust us. I know I am October's mate." November said.
"Okay. Let us prove it then." October said.
He walked over to November. November touched October's extended hand. Apparently October didn't want to get to close to November.

October pulled back, wide eyed. Scared. He ran back to me, burying himself in my chest.
"Don't tell me you felt sparks from him touching you." I said.
"I did. The same sparks I feel with you." October whispered.
"Told you." November said.
"It's a trick. It has to be." I said.
A wolf can't have two mates. Well an Alpha, Beta and Delta wolf can due to their high ranks. They have what's called a second chance mate. A second chance mate is basically the moon goddess gave you a second chance because either you or your mate rejected one another. Unless there's something I'm missing here. All I know is, October is now terrified to turn around and look at them two. I'm ready to rip 'em apart.
"October? What did it feel like?" I asked.
"It felt like just like you were touching me." I said.
"How? We've already marked and mated with each other. You're my Luna. That should've broken whatever bond you had with him." I said.
"He's a Golden wolf." October said.
"So?" I asked.

"I'm an Orange wolf. If those two are supposed to be mates, no one can break their bond. Not even rejection. Because our colored wolves are too strong and rare." October said.
"The fuck...?" I asked.
"I don't get it either. All I know is him and I can't have kids. Those kids would be straight up dangerous to us all. They could wipe out entire packs in the blink of an eye." October said.
"How?" I asked.

"The Golden wolf, November, has White Magic. The Orange wolf, me, has Black Magic. If those two mix, that's like taking a trip into hell itself." October said.
"And?" I asked.
"It'll cause mass destruction to both our packs." October said.
"Mom? Dad? You knew about this?" I asked.
"Yes." My mom squeaked out.
"Yes." Father said.
"Should've known." I said.
"You know something else though. Something big about this. You need to tell us. The truth." October said.
"I really don't think-" Father was cut off.

"Tell us the truth." October said in his commanding Luna voice.
"I love it when he gets all demanding. That voice is a major turn on." Sheldon said.
"Oh shut it. You horny dog." I said.
"He's our mate. Can't help it." Sheldon said.
I rolled my eyes at Sheldon. Sometimes j really hate him.
"Love you too." Sheldon said.
"It's true. We do." Father said.
"And that is?" I asked.

"Alpha Ke'Yon?" Mom asked.
"Yes?" I asked.

"November and September... Are your stepbrothers..." Mom said.


Whoop whoop! Another chapter down!

How do you think Alpha Ke'Yon will react?

I know.

But can you take a shot at it?


Well, I will see you all in...

Chapter 21!

And remember...




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