Chapter 79: You Got A Friend In Me

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(One on the left with the pout face is Trenton. The one in the front is Carson.)

~Ruvel's POV~

This fucking forest is fucking treacherous. Like how long are these things? They seem short in movies. Then again, movies are nothing but jump cuts and drama. Never really liked them. How the little brat enjoyed them, I'll never know. Twigs snapped behind me. I smirked. Someone wants to play? Fine by me.
"I'd come out if I was you." I said.
"Well, we aren't you." A voice said.
I growled. I hate being talked to like that. I turned around to face the voice.
"Who dares tempt me?" I asked.
"Carson Walls." Carson said.
Two men stepped out. They looked like they were best friends. Why waste their time with each other? In this world...

It's kill or be killed.

Another boy steps out next to him.
"And who might you be?" I asked.
"Trenton Halls." Trenton said.
"Walls and Halls? Funny." I said.
They didn't seem to like that, but knew not to growl at me. Smart choice boys.
"Why're you roaming in this forest all alone?" Carson asked.
"Question is, why are you? You both very... Intimidating." I said.
Carson stepped forward. This one is brave. Can't say the same for Trenton though.
"We are very intimidating for your information, stranger." Carson said.
"Ruvel." I said.
"Carson? Do you think he can protect us?" Trenton whispered to him.
"I don't know, Trenton. I just don't know." Carson whispered back.
"But do you feel how powerful he is?" Trenton asked.
"I do." Carson said.
"If you both are done, what is it you two 'intimidating' dogs need protecting from?" I asked.
"We have a house just south of the Walkings Pack Border. Our other friend lives there. He's unable to protect himself which is why he doesn't ever come with us." Carson said.
This peaked my interest.
"And why is that?" I asked.
"He got injured. Bad. He was in the hospital for three years. He was awake and alert, he just wasn't healing." Carson said.
"Why?" I asked.
"His wolf is just unable to heal him quickly like you or us can. It's a birth defect. His mother was on drugs when she had him. He can't read and write very well." Carson said.
"How long have you all been friends?" I asked.
"Since we've all been born. Our parents were all friends. We grew up together. We only lived just houses down from one another. Trenton lived across the street from me. And our friend lived 3 houses down from me to my left." Carson said.
"What's your friend's name?" I asked.

"Quinton Veshton." Trenton said.

"Trenton doesn't talk much, does he?" I asked.
"He comes from an abusive past. His mother beat him whenever he talked. But treated his fucking sister like a queen. And treated Trenton like he was a fucking Omega." Carson said.
He said 'mother' and 'sister' with so much hate in his tone. Can't say that I blame him though.
"He does know he can talk freely now, doesn't he?" I asked.
"He knows. He's just afraid. Our old Alpha wasn't to kind to him either." Carson said.
"How so?" I asked.
"He locked him on a silver chain. Trenton was outside for a year and a half. He was half dead when I found him. He was delusional. Almost insane. He would pace back and forth in his room just... Talking to himself." Carson said.
He looked at Trenton, whom was looking down. Probably reliving that hell they put him through.
"What was his rank?" I asked.
"Lead patrol." Trenton said.
I growled.
"Lead patrol is an important rank. More important that warriors. Than frackers. You check the borders and make sure no idiot decides to be stupid and attempt to get through. How well did you do your job?" I asked.
"The Luna would always reward him Hershey's milk chocolate. It's Trenton's favorite. He would get 6 or 7 bars a day. That's the max they would give him." Carson said.
"Seems like the Luna was the only nice one. With the exception of you and Quinton." I said.
"Yeah. She was. The Alpha killed her." Carson said.
"He killed his own mate?" I asked.
No Alpha had ever done that. It's a stupid, horrendous mistake. The whole pack suffers, not just the Alpha.
"Yeah. Said she was too 'weak' to be of any use. And she was too 'nice' to Trenton. The Alpha convinced him that the Luna died because of him. Trenton has never slept since." Carson said.
"That's why he looks like a zombie. How long ago was this?" I asked.
"Couple months. Roughly two. Trenton was reluctant, but I managed to go rouge with him. Quinton was too young. He wouldn't have handled the transition well. He's younger than Trenton and I by a year." Carson said.
"Seems legit. So you want my help to get back to Quinton?" I asked.
"If it wouldn't be too much trouble." Trenton whispered.
"Yo, you gotta speak louder, man." Carson said.
"If it wouldn't be too much trouble." Trenton said much louder.
"It won't be. I'll help you. And Trenton? You really need to speak louder. I didn't hear you the first time." I said.
Trenton nodded. Almost like he was being scolded. What the hell else did this boy get dealt with?" I asked.
"More than that. But that's a story for another time." Carson said.
I nodded, letting it go for now.

--------------  [Time Skip. Sorry] --------------

We reached a... Cavern? The hell? This is not what those boys described.
"Quinten?!" Carson shouted.
A boy climbed out of the cave. Literally climbed. It was slick from ice. So he slid a couple times. He grabbed a firm tree root and boosted himself up. He looked like hell. Quite literally. He launched himself upright and fell face first into a tree.

He bitch-slapped a tree.

"Hey man." Carson said.
Quinten nodded to Carson in acknowledgement.
"He's not a big taker either." Trenton said to me.
I nodded. Quinten had a massive scratch mark on his face from the tree.
"You weren't supposed to be here. Why'd you leave our safe spot?" Carson asked.
"No choice. Wolves showed up." Quinten's small and feeble voice sounded.
I like that voice.
"Shit." Carson whispered.
"Lead us to where they chased you into this... Place." Trenton said.
Quinten nodded and proceeded to lead us to the entrance. Which was also covered in ice. Joy.
"He do we-?" Carson began.
Quinten sat down on his butt and slid down. Hitting some jagged rocks here and there. Ow. Quinten winced, must be he injured himself doing this.
"You got hurt doing this... Didn't you?" I asked.
Quinten nodded. Poor kid. I felt bad for him. And I don't feel bad for nobody. But him? Hell yes. Why? No clue. We followed what he did. But we didn't actually hit rocks. We followed Quinten deeper into the cavern. It was hella dark. He used his phone to light up the place. It was coated in spray paint. Some words said:

'Here's to the lost souls in which roam this cavern"

"Turn back all who enter here"


The fuck? Bananas? Well alrighty then.
"Quinten? Where are we going?" Carson asked.
I heard chuckling coming from Quinten.
"A place I like to call 'home.'" Quinten said.
His voice. It was deeper. Much like mine is. I stepped forward and placed my hand on Quinten's shoulder. He jumped and glared at me.
"What?" Quinten asked.
"You have one too?" I asked.
"Unfortunately. Being chained for years created me. The poor boy. His body is weak. For a boy of 5 feet and 7 inches, he is quite  small.
"He's all cut up and I'm sure he injured his ass sliding down those rocks and ice." I said.
"He did. Sadly. I feel bad for him. He just can't get a break." Quinten's dark side said.
"It would appear so." I said.
"He gives me control in instances like that. I guess he decided to do it himself. Although he knows I am much stronger that he is." Dark Quinten said.
"Sometimes they need to prove to themselves that they can do it. Instead of relying on someone else." I said.
Dark Quinten nodded.
"I'm sure Quinten wanted to do just that." Dark Quinten said.
"You guys chatting up a storm?" Carson asked.
That obnoxious son of a-
"Potentially." Normal Quinten said.

Hmm... Must be Dark Quinten hates Carson's obnoxious voice. Quinten looked at me. His eyes red. And what silent message did they send me?

"Meet me here. Midnight. We will talk."

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