Chapter 6: Family Is Here Everywhere

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~October's POV~

<past memory>

I remember that I always spent Christmas in my cold cell back when I lived and was part of the Cruel Black Pack. Presents never reached down there. Nothing good ever happened. We were just left to listen to the laughter. Dampened our moods and mentally took its toll on us drastically. I had my electric guitar with me. So I always played that every Christmas. It was the same song every time. Every year. It was Where Are You Christmas by Faith Hill.

"Can you sing us that song that has become out one and only Christmas carol?" Omega Frank asked.
I nodded.
"Here goes." I said.




Where are you Christmas?

Why can't I find you?

Why have you gone away?

Where is the laughter,

You use to bring me?

Why can't I hear music play?

My world is changing.

I'm rearranging.

Does that mean Christmas,

Changes too?



Where are you Christmas?

Do you remember,

The one you used to know?

I'm not the same one.

See what the time's done.

Is that why you have,

Let me go?


Verse 2.

Christmas is here!



Christmas is here!

If you care,


If there is love,

In your heart and your mind.

You will feel like Christmas,

All the time.


<present day>

I feel you Christmas!

I know I've found you.

You never fade away.


The joy of Christmas,

Stays here inside us.

Fills each and every,

Heart with love.

Where are you Christmas?

Fill your hear with love.


My whole pack smiled at me.
"I like dat song bruh." DeShawn said.
"You and that strange language." A girl said from near the door.
We all looked towards the door. Most of our pack in attack mode.
"Mom? Dad?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
"My sweet baby boy." His mom said.
"Daddy?" DeShawn asked.
"Hiya Pumpkin." Their dad said.
The two of them ran to their parents. This is probably the best Christmas in the history of best Christmases. Don't you think? I do. Family reunions are always nice.

"Mom, dad! I want you to meet my mate. October." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I looked at them. Nervously might I add. Them nerves are going all over the place. That's what I said whenever someone or I is nervous. My mom nudged me forward.
"Go on." My mom whispered.
I gulped silently and walked towards their family. I stood behind Alpha Ke'Yon.
"Oh sugar. You don't need to be scared of us." His mom said.
"Yeah. We the cool cat parents." His dad said.
"O-Oh. Okay." I said.
"He's a Submissive Omega." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Oh." His mom and dad said in unison.
I shuffled more behind him.
"Coke here, silly." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
He moved so I was in front of him.

This is all too new to me. Not sure who I feel about this.
"There's no reason to be nervous." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I looked at him.
"Mate bond. I can feel your emotions." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I nodded, understanding.
"I'm Sandra, Ke'Yon and DeShawn's mom." Sandra said.
"I'm Marty. Their dad." Marty said.
"Uh, hi. I'm, uh, October. Alpha Ke'Yon's mate." I said.
"Isn't it just Ke'Yon to him?" Marty asked Alpha Ke'Yon.
"Yes. But he was trained otherwise." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Boys. Have some respect. The lovely October is right here. You shall never talk bad about him." Sandra said.
"Yes dear." Marty said.
"Yes mom." Alpha Ke'Yon said.

"How old are you?" Sandra asked.
"Uh, 16." I said.
"Oh. Are those your parents over there?" Sandra asked.
I looked behind me. And sure enough my parents were waving to them.
"Yep." I said.
"Can we meet them? If-If that's okay with you. I don't wanna pressure ya." Sandra said.
She seems nice.
"Uh... Mom? Dad? Can-Can you here please?" I asked.
They nodded. They stood next to me.
"Hi. I'm Sandra." Sandra said.
"And I'm Marty." Marty said.
"Hi. I'm Chloe." My mom, Chloe, said.
"And I'm Mellman." My dad, Mellman, said.
"Cool name, man." Marty said.
"Thanks, dude." My dad said.
"Boys these days." Sandra and my mom said together.
They laughed.

I looked at Alpha Ke'Yon, still nervous.
"You have a beautiful voice, dearest." Sandra said.
That tickles the nerves.
"Uh, thank you." I said, quietly.
"We ain't gon' hurt you, sonny boy." Marty said.
"Dad... Watch what you say for nicknames to him." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
Marty's mouth formed an 'o' shape. I just had to be an Omega, didn't I?

Just had to be...

His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now