Chapter 45: It's War

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~January's POV~
I am currently sitting in my office working on som paperwork. Seeing which pack to make treaties with. Which packs to help and all that jazz. Until my office phone started ringing. I answered it.
"January Diazepam. Alpha of the MoonStar Pack." I said.
"So I hear our mate had your two sons." I think her brother, Mattiaccio, said.
"What's it to you?" I asked.
"You don't get it, do you?" He asked.
"Please, enlighten me." I said.
"We will be taking our mate and little sister back. And there's nothing you can do to stop us." He said.
"Try me." I said.
"Okay." He said.
"I'll end your pathetic, miserable lives." I said.
He laughed. I didn't realize Sparta was standing in front of me. 'Can he hear me?' she mouthed to me. I nodded.
"Well I got news for you. I, Sparta WolfHeart, Luna of the MoonStar Pack accept your rejections." She said.
And they started whimpering. But because she mated with me, she doesn't feel that pain. That's my girl.

"So fuck off and leave us alone. GO SUCK A LEMON!" She shouted and slammed the phone on the receiver. Well then.
"Can I just say how much of a major turn on that was?" I asked.
"What? Me yelling at them?" She asked.
"Yes." I said.
She seemed stressed. I pulled her onto my lap.
"My little Enchilada... What's wrong?" I asked.
"So much. February is hurt and the doctor has to do a CAT scan on him. And December is worried. And I'm trying to be a good Luna too and be what you and this pack needs me to be. Giving advice and all that. And whatever else I have to do. And my brothers and Deimos and Demos won't leave me the hell alone. And I know I'm going into heat soon. Im not used to all the attention. And it's just doing a number on me." She said.
I kissed her.
"I had no idea..." I said.
Oh how bad I felt for my beautiful mate.
"You are what I and our pack needs you to be. Do you know how many compliments you get from them all? A lot. My parents love you to pieces. And as for February and December, they will pull though. They have their mommy's genes. You will power and my strength. They're great brothers to each other. Believe it." I said.
"Really?" She asked.
"Of course." I said.
She kissed me.
"That made me feel a lot better. Thank you." She said.
"Anytime." I said.
She kissed my nose. Whereas I kissed her as passionately as I possibly could. Good thing I pulled away in time because Beta Gyser stormed in. Slamming my office door against the wall.
"Um..." I said.
"Alright." Sparta said.

"Alpha! Luna! Major problem outside!" Beta Gyser shouted.
"And it is?" I asked.
"StarLight Pack! WolfHeart Pack! Here! It's war!" He shouted.

I entered full on Alpha Mode. No one messes with mine and Sparta's pack and gets away with it. StarLight is Deimos and Demos's pack. WolfHeart is Mattiaccio and Walter's pack. I faced Sparta.
"Stay here. Stay hidden." I said.
"Um, how about no? We're in this together." She said.
Oh how I love my stubborn mate.
"December and February are gonna want their mommy with them. And the females are going to want their Luna with them. And so will their kids." I said.
She sighed.
"Fine. But come back to me!" She shouted.
"You got it." I said.

"I love you." She said.
"I have a deep regard for you as well." I said.

I kissed her. I watched her run into the safe house with December, February and all the females and their kids. She bolted and locked the door. I ran outside. My eyes wend wide, fear ran though me. And let me tell you...

What I saw...

Was hell.

His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now