Chapter 73: Dark Side of the Moon

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~Annalise's POV~

I woke up this evening to a start. Deimos was calling me. I ignored it. I had to. Suddenly, the pack alarm sounded. If the sound is deep, it means a pack member escaped. If it's high pitched, like right now, it means wolves who aren't a part of the pack have entered the territory. I'd say it's the second option. Unfortunately. And it's midnight. Great. Please take note of the sarcasm.
"EVERYONE UP!" I shouted.
The whole pack was alert and ready to fight waiting outside. I came outside to join them a couple minutes later. And I was standing in front. Leading them. And what greeted us high in the sky? A blood red full moon.
"Fight to the best of your abilities. Remember your training! But leave Steve to me!" I shouted.
They all growled in agreement. To which I nodded in return. Grateful for them to listen to me. Deimos would be proud.
"LET'S WIN THIS THING!" I shouted.
And we all took off fighting. I met Steve in the middle of the training field.
"Well hello Princess." Steve said.
I still haven't forgiven him for making me kill Demos. My other mate. This piece of shit. I growled.
"Never call me that." I said.
"Well... Someone seems to be angry at the world. Why's that?" Steve asked.
He's stalling. I've seen him do it before. Good thing I'm not gonna fall for it. Joke's on you, Steve. Ha. Ha. Ha.
"Let's fight. I want to get back to my day, hon." I, very sarcastically, said.
"As you wish... Princess." Steve said.

I growled. He charged at me. In which I anticipated he would do this. He's such an idiot. His eagerness will be his downfall. Add his cockiness to that too. Poor baby. Too bad, so sad. I grabbed his shoulders, brought him down, kneed him in the chest and then threw him into a big oak tree. He groaned in pain.
"You fucking bitch!" Steve growled.
Oh no he didn't...
"You'll pay for calling me that!" I shouted.
I charged at him this time and clawed his chest. He started backing away.
"Hell no! You aren't getting out of this!" I shouted.
He shifted and ran. As I did the same thing.


I came to a clearing and it was silent. So eerily silent. I heard rustling around me. Sounds like leaves being stepped on. Some twigs too. I wonder who it could possibly be? Note my sarcasm. Steve. But which direction is it coming from? That's the winning question. I heard growing and claws being stabbed into my sides. Ah mother shit. This bitch is getting on my nerves. Time to finish this. Once and for all.

I turned around and fell to the floor. Trapping his paw in between me and the ground. He whimpered just a tiny bit. Haha. I made the supposed 'big bad wolf' whimper. He's such a fake. And he knows it. Never mess with a Luna. It typically doesn't end well. Just saying. He growled and bit my shoulder. As a way to get me to release his paw. Not a chance in hell, honey. I bit his neck, in the way to make him submit to me. Most wolves, to spare them some time, would submit immediately. But Steve is stupid. And he isn't about that life. So he snarled in response. Well, I have him a chance. I flipped us so I was on top of him. He tried squirming away from me. Which failed epically. Might I add. I clawed at him a couple more times and eventually, after hours of us fighting, he died. I know his so called 'pack' would begin to feel the loss of their so called 'Alpha.' Sucks to be them. I ran back to my pack. And what I saw was not a pretty sight.


Blood was everywhere. Most were from Steve's pack. Some were from mine. I couldn't help but the Luna side of me feeling like she let her pack down. But deep down I know that isn't true. I trained with them and they know every skill they need to survive. If anything were to happen to the pack or them or whatever. If anything happened to me and/or Deimos. Put it that way. I growled and jumped into the fight. A great leader always fights along side his or her pack. Moral support of you will. Some wolves from Steve's pack ran to me. Five against one. It hardly seems fair. But I still stood my ground. Never let go. Never give up. Never give in. Never back down. I promised Deimos that I and this pack will stay alive. And I intend to keep that promise. Forever and always.

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