Chapter 37: Sparta's Mates

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~Sparta's POV~

"Mate..." The black wolf said.

I stood up and gasped. I ran away and found my second chance mate. A sandy beach colored wolf appeared next to the black one.

"Mate..." The sandy wolf said.

I have two mates?! What the shit?! I stood up on all fours and started backing away from them. They walked towards me. The black one growled at me. I whimpered. The sandy one snarled at the black one.
"W-Who are you...?" I asked.
"I'm Demos." Demos, the sandy one, said.
"I'm Deimos." Deimos, the black one, said.
"I-I'm Sparta..." I said.
"Sparta." They said.
I closed my eyes for a millisecond and when I opened them they were in front of me. I flinched and fell off the tree branch into the water.
"Ugh. Now I'm gonna smell like a wet dog." I said.
"Actually... You don't." Demos said.
I jumped back onto the tree branch. I growled at them. They both narrowed their eyes at me.
"Are you guys...?" I asked.
"Alphas? Yes." Deimos said.
I whimpered. My brothers were Alphas. I did something stupid.

I ran.


But soon enough, they both caught me. Demos blocked me from going any further. And Deimos was on top of me. Deimos growled at me. Oh he's going to be so much fun.
"Alphas?" Some boy asked.
He stopped when he saw me. He growled at me as his eyes narrowed.
"Why is a rogue here? And why haven't we executed it yet?" The boy asked.
"She is our mate." Deimos said.
"Oh." The boy said.
I ran up to the boy.
"Hi. I'm Sparta. Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm the Beta." The Beta said.
"Your name, silly." I said.
The Beta smiled at me. I called him a name... Shouldn't he be pissed at me?
"That's my name. Beta." Beta said.
"Your real name is Beta?" I asked.
"Yes." Beta said.
"Cool." I said.
"How come she doesn't act that casual with us?" Demos asked.
"She might not take to kindly to Alphas." Beta said.
I whimpered at the word 'Alphas.'
"What's wrong?" Beta asked.
"My brothers are Alphas." I said.
"And?" Deimos asked.
"I was their mate and they rejected me." I said.
"So my Alphas are your second chance mates. But you are their first chance mates. How unusual... That's why you don't like Alphas." Beta said.
I nodded. Beta bent down to my level. She now he was eye level with me.
"Hey. They are nothing like your brothers. Deimos can be, well... He can be an ass, but he means well. Demos is more laid back." Beta said.
Deimos growled at Beta. He must not have liked Beta's comment about him. Beta just looked unfazed.
"Can you tell me more about them? Like their personalities?" I asked.
Beta chuckled.
"Sure. Even though Deimos can be an ass, and Demos is laid back, they are very good Alphas. They have never let us down. They are well respected here." Beta said.
I looked at them, then at Beta.
"They take very good care of you." Beta said.
I looked at the ground and sneezed.
"God bless you." Demos and Deimos said.
"God bless you, Luna." Beta said.
I sneezed again.
"How long have you been on the run?" Beta asked.
"Uh... About 2 or 3 weeks now." I said.
They all looked at me like I was nuts.
"Even in the snow? The past week it's been in the 20s and snowing. Hailing occasionally." Beta said.
I nodded.
"Uh, where am I?" I asked.
"Black Widow territory." Deimos said.
Black Widow territory?! I whimpered. I've heard so many stories about this place. I turned and backed away from the three of them.
"What's wrong?" Beta asked.
The three started walking towards me. Slowly. As not to show harm. I didn't even realize Demos and Deimos shifted to their human forms. I knew if I tried to run, the three of them would shift and catch me.
"We're not going to hurt you." Demos said.
"Is that what you tell every person before you kill them?" I asked.
They all shook their heads.
"Hey guys what's... Rogue!" Another man said.
He must be the Delta. Or as others call it the Third in Command.
"Alphas mate." Beta said.
"Ah." The Delta said.
Now I'm really terrified.

"The Delta over here is Ashton." Beta said.
I nodded.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi." Ashton said.
"This is mine and Demos's mate, Sparta." Deimos said.
I like the way my name rolls off his tongue.
"Our Italian Alphas have an American mate." Ashton said.
Italian? No wonder they're so damn sexy.
"I'm Spanish actually." I said.
Ashton narrowed his eyes at me. Well they all aren't a fan of me.
"Why are guys walking so slow? Take her to the pack house and have our Alphas mate with her. Simple as that." Ashton said.
Oh hell to the fucking no.

I ran... Again.
"Sparta!" Demos and Deimos shouted.
"Come back!" Beta shouted.
Hope. Not happening.
"Go back!" My wolf, Bethany, shouted.
"No!" I shouted.
Deimos and Demos cut me off. Ashton and Beta cut me off from behind. I can't move. They've boxed me in. Well fuck.
"Don't move." Deimos commanded.
Now I agree with Beta.
"Now I agree with you Beta. He can be an ass." I said.
"He means well." Beta said.
I shook my head. Of course he'd say that. It's his Alphas.
"Come." Deimos said.
I followed behind them. Ashton and Beta behind me. A rabbit ran out in front of me. I stopped. As did Demos, Deimos, Ashton and Beta. The rabbit looked at me. Ran to me and then ran away from about 3 feet. Oh. It wants me to chase it. Well then. I growled at it and got into my fighting stance. That's where we place our stomachs and chest close to the ground. All wolves do it. The bunny ran away and I chased after it. I knew I'd go back to those four. I caught the wild bunny. And killed it. Oops.
"You're a good hunter." Deimos said.
I screamed. The four of them stood in front of me.
"Thanks." I said.
"You're welcome." Deimos said.
Wow. He complimented me. He actually complimented me.

Maybe I can do this.


Whoop! Here it is!

Whoop! Here it is!

The first chapter to the sequel of His Submissive Omega.

I hope you guys like this story too.

And as always...




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