Chapter 9: The Fighter's Relinquish

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~October's POV~
I heard crashing and banging outside. I stood up and walked out the front door. My old pack was there... Fighting my new one. Except everyone stopped when they saw me standing there. The Warriors stood in a circle around me. I knelt down to one of them.
"What's happening?" I asked.
"They are fighting to take back what they believe is there's." Our warrior, Tahoe, said.
"And that is?" I asked.
I already knew the answer.
"You." Warrior Tahoe said.
I nodded slowly.
"How long have they been here?" I asked.
"Since 5:00 am." Warrior Tahoe said.
"Oh. You guys must be tired." I said.
"Yes. But we will defend you to the death. You are our Luna. And we must to fight to protect you. You know if Alpha Ke'Yon lost you, our whole pack would fall apart." Warrior Tahoe said.
I nodded, understanding.
"Oh." I said.
Warrior Tahoe nodded.

There wolves came charging at us. More so at me. I felt myself quivering in fear. Warrior Tahoe jumped in front of the lead one and they clashed. Hearing skin being torn apart and seeing blood drip down from its owner. I felt my chest tighten. Oh shit. My Pneumonounltramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is acting up again. I started coughing and wheezing. Everyone looked at me and it felt like time had froze. I was coughing so much, I started feeling like I was going to be sick. Doc said cold air will effect it too. Forgot about that. Alpha Ke'Yon in his wolf form ran up to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
His wolf looked scared. I was holding my chest, coughing. I dropped to my knees.
"Luna!" Doc shouted.
I started seeing black dots could my vision.
"Baby! Stay with me! Stay awake!" Alpha Ke'Yon's wolf shouted.
"I-I'm try-trying..." I said, my voice slurring.
"His disease is relapsing again. He's going to get worse." Doc said.
"Help him!" Alpha Ke'Yon's wolf shouted.
I looked up with my blurry vision. I was seeing three of everything. I saw them fighting in the background. I gasped, one in pain and in shock. Most of the pack ignored me and just kept fighting. I felt myself starting to relinquish. I felt myself giving up. Getting weaker.

"Stop... Fighting..." I whispered.

And with that...

Everything went black.


Sorry about the short chapter. And by the way, the word 'relinquish' means, according to Google, means to "voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up."

I've had this idea for about 3 days now and I just finally got around to it. And I just had to get the idea in line because originally it was a huge mess and I sorted it out. And here ya go.

So I gave ya two updates in one day!

I'm proud that I'm getting to it better and quicker.

Isn't that good?

I'm glad that you all love this book. The nice comments and the votes mean a lot to me.

Again, thank you for supporting this book. I honestly thought it was going to go flat. Like no one would like it.

But thank you for all the support and stuff.

I appreciate it!



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