Chapter 11: Midnight Affair

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~Beta Turner's POV~ (Surprise! Happy birthday!)
Seeing Alpha Ke'Yon be so happy with October is the best thing to see. October still doesn't particularly like me or Delta Maximus. He seems to trust Alpha Ke'Yon the most out of us all. Delta Maximus walked up to me.
"Still can't believe October's an Omega. Kinda ridiculous, eh? A Submissive Omega at that." Delta Maximus said.
"He's our Luna." I said.
"Not yet, he's not. He hasn't been marked nor has he fully mated with Alpha Ke'Yon." Delta Maximus said.
"Oh go fuck a duck." I said.
"Fuck you, man." Delta Maximus said.
"I'd rather you not." I said.
Delta Maximus shook his head.
"You know you feel the same way." Delta Maximus said.

"At first, yes. But you see how happy he makes Alpha Ke'Yon. And that's all that should matter." I said.
"Now he's corrupted you." Delta Maximus said.
"No he didn't. I just want our Alpha to be happy." I said.
"If you ask me, Omega October doesn't deserve to have half of the things he has now. Our Alpha deserves someone of higher rank." Delta Maximus said.

"And what rank would that be?" We heard Alpha Ke'Yon ask behind us.
We turned around. His eyes were pitch black meaning his wolf, Sheldon, was in control.
"Let's see, maybe an Alpha or a Beta or even a Delta." Delta Maximus said.
"I love October. You know that once I met him, his Omega rank dropped. And he instantly became Luna. Regardless if he's marked or not." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
Alpha Ke'Yon grabbed Delta Maximus by his throat.

"And if you ever... Say anything about my mate again... I will strip you of your rank... And exile you from the pack..." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
Yep. His wolf is defiantly in control. His eyes are a charcoal black. Like onyx black.
"Alpha?" I asked.
He looked at me.
"Yes, Beta Turner?" He asked.
"Permission to speak?" I asked.
"Permission granted." He said.
"This isn't the first time he's done this." I said.
"Traitor." Delta Maximus said.
"Oh really?" Alpha Ke'Yon said.
Delta Maximus glared daggers at me. I smirked at him. I nodded to Alpha Ke'Yon.
"Tell me more... Beta Turner." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"As you wish, Alpha. Delta Maximus has told October to go jump off a bridge. And actually handed him a razor and told him to go cut till he drops." I said.
If looks could kill, then Alpha Ke'Yon would've killed us by now. His eyes went an even darker shade of black. In other words, his entire eye was black. He slowly turned his head to Delta Maximus.

"You told my October to kill himself?!" Sheldon, Alpha Ke'Yon's wolf, shouted.
"I don't know if he's started cutting yet. But... Yes." Delta Maximus said.
Sheldon snarled, shaking the house.
"Alpha Ke'Yon!" October shouted from behind us.
"It's not Alpha Ke'Yon. Sheldon has control of him right now." I said.
"Oh. Can I help him?" October asked.
"No. Let him burn off the anger. Although, we might not have a Delta." I said.
"Why?" October asked.
"He might be killed. So close your eyes and ears." I said.
Sheldon snapped Delta Maximus's neck, killing him instantly. You don't mess with the Alpha's mate. I looked down and October didn't have the time to close his eyes and cover his ears.
"Alpha?" I asked.
"What?" He asked.
"I really wish you didn't do that." I said.
"Why? You miss him?" He asked.
"No. Look down next to me." I said.
He turned around looked down. His eyes went back to their hazel/orange color. October has a look of sheer terror on his face. He started backing up.
"October..." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"No... No!" October shouted.
He ran into his and Alpha Ke'Yon's room. And we heard the door lock. I sighed. Alpha Ke'Yon looked down.
"You wanna go for a run?" I asked.
"No. Not today." He said.
I nodded, understanding. This is the first time October's seen him kill someone.
"He'll come around." I said.
"How long will that take?" He asked.
Alpha Ke'Yon walked away. Obviously passed at himself.

~Alpha Ke'Yon's POV~

I can't believe I did that. I didn't even feel October's presence.
"I was too angry. I wasn't paying attention." Sheldon said.
"I know. Now our handsome October is terrified of us." I said.
"He'll come around." Sheldon said.
"Again, how long will that take?" I asked.
"I-" Sheldon began.
I cut our link. I didn't want to talk to him right now. I just wanted October...

~Sheldon's POV~

I can't believe I did that. In front of October! How stupid can I be? Now Alpha Ke'Yon won't even talk to me! I started pacing back and forth. I'm such a moron! I growled angrily at myself. I looked up. And that's when I saw a fire orange colored wolf.
"Hi." It said.
"Hi." I said.
"I'm Liam. October's wolf." Liam said.
"I'm Sheldon. Alpha Ke'Yon's wolf." I said.
"I know who you are silly." Liam said.
I looked down.
"October was just scared. But he's realizing you and Ke'Yon did that because you care about October and I's health." Liam said.
"True." I said.
Liam ran up to me and put his head under mine.
"Alpha Ke'Yon hates me now." I said.
"He will. Just until October comes around." Liam said.
Liam looked around.
"I gotta go. October's calling me." Liam said.
I licked Liam's nose.
"Will I see you again?" I asked.
"Whenever you desire." Liam said.
And with that... He vanished.

~October's POV~

"What's he say?" I asked Liam.
"Just that he's really beating himself up and that Alpha Ke'Yon won't talk to him anymore." Liam said.
"Oh. I need to talk to Alpha Ke'Yon." I said.
"That's my boy. Now let's go get our mate!" Liam shouted.
I nodded.
I ran out of mine and Alpha Ke'Yon's bedroom. I ran up to Beta Turner. He turned around and looked down at me.
"Oh, hi." Beta Turner said.
"Beta Turner? Have you seen Alpha Ke'Yon?" I asked.
"In his office. I knew you'd come around." Beta Turner said.
"Okay. Thanks!" I said.
I ran up to Alpha Ke'Yon's office. It said his title and name is gold letters on the door. I knocked.
"Who is it?" I heard his voice from inside the room.
"The pizza man." I said.
"Come in." He said.
His voice had a depressed tone to it. I shifted into my wolf slowly opened the door using my paw. I got mad skillz like that. Alpha Ke'Yon looked at me.
"Hi Liam." He said.
"Alpha Ke'Yon." Liam said.
"I love talking to you but, uh, where's October?" He asked.
I shifted to my human form.
"Right in front of ya." I said.
He looked at me, a sad looking in his eyes.
"October... I'm sorry. I just lost it and Sheldon took control. I've never meant for you to see that." He said.
"Ah, don't worry about it." I said.
"Why not?" He asked.
I kissed him. It took him a minute to respond. I took the big bad Alpha by surprise. Our lips moved in sync with each other. I pulled away, so we could our breath.
"If you keep doing that, I will lose control." He said, his eyes turning dark. I straddled him. I felt how hard he was.
"I think I can handle that." I said.
"You're asking for it." He said.
I wiggled my eyebrows up and down. He growled and next thing I know, he's on top of me on our bed.

And he marked and mated with me.

We were now...


His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now