Chapter 70: Coursing River

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(70 chapters already? Daaaaaaaaaamn! And thank you guys so much for all the votes, comments and reads. These next few chapters were inspired by I'll Make A Man Out Of You from the first Mulan movie)

~Annalise's POV~

I woke up from my nap. When did I fall asleep? No clue. And Deimos wasn't near me. But a note was. The hell? I opened and read it.

"I hope you know how to train your pack, Luna. Because I declare War."


The note read. Oh no.
"EMERGENCY PACK MEETING! NOW!" I shouted through the mind link.
Deimos wasn't here. He was on a 1 month long Alpha meeting trip thing. So I started taking care of the pack. Being the Alpha and Luna.


I gathered the pack downstairs in our meeting room. It's big enough to hold all of us.
"The Rouge pack that made me kill Demos is still in existence. And they have trained to defeat us. since Deimos is absent. I will train you. And you will not like me by the end of this training. We have 3 weeks to prepare. Deimos will not be back in time for this war. Yes, war. Steve's pack has declared war on us!" I shouted.
They all growled.
"Let's win this... Once and for all!" I shouted.
Everyone growled and snarled in agreement. Good.


I took the ones how are of age and can also fight to the training field.
"There are many key things to a fight. Can anyone tell me that they are?" I asked.
Harvey raised his hand.
"Yes, Harvey?" I asked.
"Agility, stealth, force, intelligence and team work." Harvey said.
I nodded.
"Very good. Correct. You do not want to loose your cool in a battle. You will lose." I said.
They all nodded.
"Now, our first lesson... How fast would say a coursing river is?" I asked.
Jordan raised his hand, he's out second lead Scout.
"Yes, Jordan?" I asked.
"Depending on their location, some can range from 500 to well over 1,000 miles per hour." Jordan said.
I nodded.
"Excellent. So, we need to be as fast as that river. Let's call the river, Win. We can win if we beat the speed of that river. Got me?" I asked.
They all nodded.

I turned around and showed them all holograms.
"These holograms are at a speed of 600 miles per hour. I know that only matters to cars, but shut it. I will increase the speed every time you beat the hologram's speed. Your name's are attached to the hologram's chest. Find them and start fighting. Remember, speed is one of the keys here." I said.
They all went to their respective holograms. As I went to mine. They all began training with them. Some were much faster than others. Mainly the teenagers were faster. Being anywhere from 16 to 21, you have much more energy than older wolves. So their agility is much faster. My cell phone started ringing. Deimos. Shit.
"Hello?" I asked.
"I can feel your stress through our mate bond. What's going on there?" Deimos asked.
"Don't freak out." I said.
"Okay..." Deimos hesitantly said.
"Steve's pack is not dead. And he has declared war on us. So I am training our pack members to fight. And heightening their senses to detect danger before is ambushes them." I said.
I heard Deimos sigh. Trying to keep his cool. I saw Jordan getting really pissed at the hologram because it's knocked him down 5 times.
"Jordan! What did I say about keeping your cool? If that were a real opponent you would be dead by now!" I shouted.
Jordan relaxed a little and managed to take down the hologram. I went back to Deimos's phone call.
"Anyway..." I said.
"When is the war supposed to happen?" Deimos asked.
"3 weeks from today." I said.
"Shit. I won't be back by then." Deimos muttered.
"And I do not want you to leave early. You are Alpha. Those meetings are necessary. I've got everything under control here." I said.
"The Alpha Elder will understand if I leave early." Deimos said.
"No. I will forbid you to leave early if I have to." I said.
Deimos sighed, defeated.
"Fine. Just... I expect you all to be alive when I return." Deimos said.
"We all plan on it." I said.
We said our 'I love you's' and I hung up.

[Five hours later]

Everyone's started to get exhausted.
"Keep going! I told you will not like me by the time this is over! Your opponent wants to tire you out so he can take advantage of your exhaustion! Agility comes within time but you've no reason to train before this. Well now you got a reason! When your Alpha returns, he wants his pack and I alive!" I shouted.
That fueled their energy. They went back at their holograms. Again. And again. And again.

[7 hours later]

"Okay! We are done for the day! Go home, eat then sleep. I expect you all to be back at 5:00 am sharp tomorrow! Am I understood?!" I shouted.
They all growled in response. I went back to mine and Deimos's house. I fell asleep almost instantly. Today has been a long ass day. And the next two won't be any shorter. I just hope I'm doing this right. If not...

We are all in trouble.

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