Chapter 40: What's It Gonna Be?

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(Above is the mansion.)

~Sparta's POV~
I and Deanna ran up the supposed 'north trail' this riddle talked about. It was dark. Eerie. Scary even. But not scary enough for a determined Luna on mission.
"Wait!" Deanna shouted.
I skidded to a halt. She had shifted and handed me a note. I shifted and took it. After we had gotten changed that is.
"Oh great. Another one." I mumbled.
"I know." Deanna said, sighing.

"Now you've ran and yet so far.

Don't you wish you were back at the bar?

Just you and Deanna after a hard days work.

Not knowing when and where danger will lurk.

I know all.

And I see all.

I've stalked you at the Wolf's Heartbeat mall.

Look for a man cloaked in black.

He will bear the secret on his back.

You have just till sunrise.

Until then you are someone I despise.


I growled again.
"Sunrise?" Deanna asked.
"He knows who you and I are." I said.
"How?" Deanna asked, her voice shaky.
She's scared. I sighed.
"He's been keeping tabs on us." I said.
"Why is he doing this?" Deanna asked.
"I don't know. But I have a feeling we won't like the answer." I said.
Riddles are pointless. Absolutely pointless. This person is playing with fire.

And you know what they say...

You play with fire and you will get burned.

We shifted again.


It had to have been about an hour if ya running down this stupid path. So far no notes...
"Yo!" Deanna shouted.
Spoke too soon. We shifted again, changed, and Deanna handed me the note.

"Have you seen the man?

He doesn't talk that's just who he am.

His name is Ghost.

He'll be waiting at his post.

He'll take you home.

Take you to me...


"This person is pissing me-" I paused.
A man in a black cloak stood at the end of the road. A black car behind him.
"-Off." I finished.
He motioned for us to get into the car. So we did. I know. Not smart. But it's to find our pack and my mates. As we sat down I noticed a piece of paper duck taped to the back of the front driver's side seat. I opened it. It was in a fancy envelope this time.

"I see you've made it this far.

And your trust is slightly ajar.

For you do not seem to trust me.

And that's okay because I'll never set your pack free.

You are the light to my dark.

And it seems that you've killed my spark.

But you will be here soon enough.

And you fight through even when times are tough.

So I expect you to be a brave little soul.

When I strip everything away and lock you in a tiny little hole.

I admire your fight.

And all of your might.

But in the end...

We all lose this fight.

~Kevin Bacxter"

The moron told us his name. Stupid idiot.
"Kevin Bacxter?" Deanna asked.
"Don't know him." I said.
Who is this man?
"Hey... Ghost?" I asked.
He shifted his gaze to me. His bright orange eyes casting a dark terror.
"Who's this Kevin Bacxter?" I asked.
"Oh my sweet, sweet Luna. You needn't worry. He will soon be your whole world. As I will soon be at your command." Ghost said.
His voice was slow and demo is. He didn't laugh. He cackled. Creepy dude.
"My whole world?" I asked.
"Yes. I am his Beta. And we share what belongs to us. So you will also be mine." Ghost said.
"It'll be a cold day in hell when I become yours." I said.
"Ah ah ah." Ghost said, waving gif pointer finger back and forth.
I growled lowly.
"That's not how a Luna acts." Ghost said.

"Well this Luna is in heat! In pain! My pack has disappeared! My mates have disappeared! I woke up at 3:23 am! I am not happy!" I shouted.
Everyone in the car was silent. The only thing that could be heard was my panting breaths. I knew they could feel the anger radiating off of me. Tension filled the air.
"We are here." Ghost said.

We pulled up to this mansion. A creepy ass one at that. Ghost led us to the basement. A big basement at that. Deanna held my arm. I felt her shaking in fear.
"Don't be scared." Ghost said.
"Oh I quiver with fear!" I hissed loudly.
Boy oh boy, am I pissed. Yeah. I fucking am. But I noticed that Deimos's silver Lamborghini was parked out front. A massive dent in its right passenger side front end. The tire looked like it was pushed back. And I noticed our Delta and our Beta's Jeep and Cheetah trashed in the backyard. What the hell happened? I internally growled. Mustn't attract attention to oneself.

I saw the cells. My whole pack locked up. Deanna gasped as she stood behind me.
"Baby!" Deimos shouted.
"Deimos! Demos!" I shouted.
I heard demonic laughter.
"So you've made it.

Now it seems.

But one small diamond in the glistening trees.

Not you will see.

That your true dear is...

Me!" A man shouted from behind us.

We twirled around. I was surprised Deanna Dan I didn't get whiplash from it. Daaaaaamnnn!! This man was cloaked in black. But he had scars all over his bare chest and face. A gunshot wound in his neck. How in the hell of heaven did he survive that? I growled. This bastard locked up my pack and my mates.
"No need to growl." The man said.
"Who are you?" I demanded.
Here comes my Luna voice. Oh yeah buddy.
"Get mates!" My wolf shouted.
I growled in response. I stepped closer to the guy.
"Who are you?" I asked again.
"January." January said.
"Like the month?" Deanna asked.
"Yes." January said.
"Release them." I commanded.
I could tell he was an Alpha. But he still tried to not show his submission. Just submit to me, damn it! I snarled at him.
"No." January said.
I scoffed.
"And why not?" I asked.

"Unless you choose something. It's a big decision. It could make or break you." January said.
Make or break me?
"Uh oh." My wolf said.
I mentally whimpered in sync with her. She's just as nervous as I am.
"You have two options..." January said.
I motioned for him to go on. His facial expression darkened. Oh shit...

"Leave your pack and mates and become Luna of my pack and my mate. Or. Stay with your pack and mates and I'll kill them all. Burn them all at the stake." January said.

"What?" My wolf asked.
I felt everyone's gaze on me. I hate being I the spotlight. I really hate it. Wait a minute... He sounds like someone familiar to me. But who?

"What's it gonna be?" January asked.


Bam! Cliffhanger!

What do you guys think Sparta will choose?

Who do you think January's real name is?

Lemme know!

And as always...




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