Chapter 55: Stephanie And Onwards My Trusty Steed

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~Stephanie's POV~
So every night Trevor and I sleep next to the Unicorn Glow Pet with its lights on. He's been doing anything to make me happy for some odd reason. But I like it. He was walking towards the pack house and I jumped on his back. He carried me and knew t was me because of the sparks. I pointed forward and in my demanding voice shouted...


He laughed at me and had a big smile on his face. I love his laugh. I never heard it much before. February made me the lead chef because I love cooking. And I thanked him deeply for it. I kissed Trevor's cheek. I think he's into me now. He pretended to neigh for my 'onwards my trusty steed' line and also pretended to gallop like a, well, horse/trusty steed. I kissed him again.
"Good steed." I said.
He neither in response. He even pretended to gallop up the stairs to our room. And I pulled on imaginary reins and he stopped like s real horse would. He gently set me down.

"Thank you." I said.
He shook his head and chuckled.
"You're welcome." He said.
I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. All of a sudden I got this really sharp pain in my lower abdomen area. He knelt down next to me. Panic, concern, and worry written all over his face.
"Baby? What's wrong?" He asked.
"Can you get me to the bathroom... Please?" I gasped out in pain.
He nodded. He carried me to our bathroom that's connected to our room and sat me down on the toilet.
"I'll be out in a second. Okay?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I'll stand right outside the door." He said.
I nodded. And he left. I took out a hidden pregnancy test and used it. I waited patiently for its result. It flashed one word:


I'm pregnant.

"Trevor? Honey? I'd move away from the door." I said.
I heard him move away. I opened the door and looked at him. He looked so scared.
"What's wrong? Is the pain gone? What can I do?" He asked.
I nodded. The pain did go away. It went away as soon as I figured out I was positive. I smiled and ran towards him. I jumped on his and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He held me close.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I'M PREGNANT!" I shouted.
He was silent for a second or two.
"Come again?" He asked.
"I'm... Pregnant." I said, slowing the words down.
A smile broke into his face. Now he's grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"That's wonderful!" He shouted.
He set me down and kissed where our baby is. February and December walked in.

"Congrats guys." They said.
"Thank you." I said.
Trevor was too happy to respond. But his smile was enough for one. I bent down and kissed him.
"You still love me?" I asked.
"I love you both more than anything in this world." He said.
I kissed him.
"December's pregnant too." February said.
"Oh my gosh! Congrats Dec!" I shouted.
December blushed.
"Right back at ya." He said.
We smiled at each other. These two boys have to de with hormonal, mood swing pregnant man and woman. Joy for them. December kissed February and I kissed Trevor.

"We'll leave you two alone now." February said.
"Just wanted to stop in and see how you guys were doing." December said.
"We're doing fantabulous now." I said.
"Word." Trevor said.
"A'ight." December said.
"Fo shizzle." I said.
"Ya feel me?" December asked.

"Nope. That's February's job." I said.

The four of us laughed. They left. Now it's just me and Trevor.

"You just made me the happiest man on Earth." Trevor said.
"Glad I could be of service." I joked.
He smiled and shook his head.
"Kiss me." I demanded.
And he did. But this kiss was full of...

Passion and love.

His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now