Chapter 67: Hatred... Is A Powerful Thing

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~Re-Re's POV~
"Let... Go... Of... Me..." My brother begged.
"Beg for your life bitch." I growled.
His eyes showed shock and fear. Bitch better fucking fear me. He rejected me and made this monster that I never wanted to be.
"I'm this way because of you!" I shouted.
I'm all up in his grill now.
"Sis! I... Didn't... Mean to... Hurt you." My brother said.
"I am no sister to you! I've explained that!" I shouted.
"Anna... I mean, Re-are come on. You know you don't want to do this." My brother said.
He could speak full sentences because I released my grip on him a little. A little.
"Oh I do want to do this. I want you to suffer just like you made me suffer." I said.
"Please... No more." Ghazi begged,
"Lock it down! That stupid girl over there... You rejected me for her?!" I shouted.
"I cheated on you prior and to the rejection and she told me she was pregnant with my baby. I had no choice." Ghazi said.
I choked him again. He was gasping for air.
"I should let my pack kill you. She's your second chance mate. Isn't she?" I asked.
He did respond.
"ISN'T SHE?!" I snarled in his face.
"She is!" Ghazi growled back.
I laughed darkly.
"Where's my sister?" Ghazi asked.
"Long gone. Why do you think I got tattoos and changed my entire name, idiot? To ditch the past. Create a new and improved future." I said.
"I want my sister back." Ghazi said.
"Too bad so sad. We don't always get what we want in life, now do we? I most certainly never did when YOU REJECTED ME! What would you have done if I was pregnant huh? Would you still have rejected me like the douchebag you are?!" I shouted.
"No!" Ghazi shouted.
I held his neck a little harder. He winced in pain. His neck bruising.
"I'm sorry, does this hurt?" I asked.
"You... Aren't... My... First... Mate..." Ghazi gasped out.
I nodded.

"True. True. I'm not. And I'll fully admit that. BUT THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CREATE A MONSTER!" I shouted.
My voice echoed through the sky. My still like furious. But not at me. At Ghazi. I could feel their hatred. Rolling off of all of them in waves.
"Why... Aren't they... Helping... Me?" Ghazi asked.
"You can't feel the hatred they have for you. It's rolling off of them in waves. They want a war." I said.
"You wouldn't let them..." He said, pulling my fingers away from his neck. I dropped him to the ground. He got on his knees, gasping for air.
"Your neck's a little bruised, big brother." I said.
"I still love you. You're my first mate and my little sister." Ghazi said.
I started getting furious again.
"I should kill you right here and now." I said, darkly.
His eyes went wide. Terrified of his little sister.
"I was so nice to you... Being nice GETS YOU NOWHERE!" I shouted, my voice echoing again.
"I'm sorry." Ghazi said.
I sarcastically laughed.

"Sorry? SORRY?! You think that's going to help you? That fucking word? Well let me inform you, it never works on me. Not anymore. Especially not with you! You aren't mine anymore. I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE MINE ANYMORE!" I shouted.
He looked hurt and heartbroken.

"I DON'T WANT YOU!!" I shouted, my voice echoed once again.

Tears started to stream down his face. I had crushed him. At the sight, my anger disappeared. I... Felt bad? Why? After all he's done, why do I feel bad? He walked away from this pack... He rejected me... Why? What is this feeling? Guilt? Sadness? Delusional anger? Am I doing wrong? Why? Why am I like this?

Why am I like this now?

"I know you don't mean that. Just by the look on your face now." Ghazi said.
I shook my head.
"I-I mean it." I stuttered.
Fuck! I hate it when I stutter. It's a given symbol that I'm lying. Damn it!
"You can't lie to me." Ghazi said.
I growled.
"You were never good at it." Ghazi said.
I glared daggers at him.
"You might have changed your appearance and attitude... But you're still my little sister. You're still my first mate. I still love you. To pieces. And you saying you don't want me, is killing me." Ghazi admitted.
I was taken aback.
"It's..." I couldn't even finish the question.
His facial expression. It has my whole world crashing down. I'm hurting my brother. Not physically. But the worst way possible.


It's killing him. Why am I so stupid? Why am I such a bitch? He's rejected me for a valid reason. Right? I'm such an arrogant bitch. I shouldn't be this aggressive towards my brother. My first mate. What is wrong with me.
"Re-Re, you idiot!" I scolded myself.
I often talk in third person when I do something stupid. I don't know why. Don't judge me.
"Why? Why do I act like this?" I asked.
"After I rejected you, it tore you apart. Hurt you and your wolf. Developed a hatred. Fueled your fire. So you sought out to kill me. Not physically. Mentally. Emotionally. And I deserve it all." Ghazi said.
I should be this way. No.
"There's no excuse..." I mumbled.
"There is." Ghazi said.
"How? Why?" I asked.

"Hatred... Is a powerful thing." Ghazi said.

And my world came crashing down.


Hey hey!

I'm sorry I haven't updated. I had some friends read this book so far and said the chapters felt too rushed. Like they weren't thought well enough. There was too much action and not enough sentimental, romantic, emotionally moving stuff. They said it fizzled out once I stopped writing about Ke'Yon and October.

What do you guys think?

Do you feel as if the chapters are too rushed?

Do you feel as if I should've spent more of the book on October and Ke'Yon?

Or do you like it how it is?

So anyways, I've been trying to think more about the chapters. Hopefully they like this one. I've been writing ideas down in a notebook but kept tearing out the pages because I thought the ideas were terrible.

But anyways...


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