Chapter 25: Nightmare

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(Above is the shirt October buys.)

~October's POV~
It's been a week since Ke'Yon and I have had our triplets. Liam has been on my case about getting enough sleep and eating enough. Ke'Yon has too. I know they're just looking out for me. And I appreciate it. Quite a lot.
"Liam!" I shouted.
"What? What is it?" I heard him shout.
He must've been sleeping.
"I was." Liam said.
"DeShawn is taking us shopping again." I said.
Liam groaned.
"Ke'Yon talked to her after the last time. Her punishment was no hanging with friends and no electronics for a month." I said.
"Sometimes having a 'talk' won't stop someone. But if it's alright with you." Liam said.
"You're always here if I need you, right?" I asked.

"Always." Liam said.

I hugged him.
"You're so fluffy." I said.
"I'm a wolf. I'm supposed to be." I said.
"True." I said.
I kissed his snout. He shook his head but gave me a wolf's grin. I love talking to him. We've gotten closer since I found out I was pregnant. I wonder how much closer we'll get when I get pregnant again.
"Most likely, very close." Liam said.
"I forgot. You can read my thoughts. Regardless if I'm talking to you or not." I said.
"And that's an issue?" Liam asked.
"No! Not at all." I said.
Liam chuckled.
"I should leave your thoughts alone sometimes." Liam said.
"I like talking to you. It's fun. And I don't want gone a bitch and ignore you. Plus when you read my thoughts, it gives us something to talk about." I said.
"True." Liam said.
I smiled at him.
"Hey!" DeShawn shouted.
"What?" I asked.
"Leave Liam alone for a bit. Communicate with humans for once." DeShawn said.
"What? You don't like Liam?" I asked.
"It's not that. I just hate how much you talk to him. You've ignored Ke'Yon at times. I swear, Liam should be your mate. Ke'Yon deserves better than you. He was everything to you at one point. But all of a sudden, Liam is now your top priority. And damn it boy is it annoying. You're supposed to talk to your mate, not that stupid wolf of yours." DeShawn said.
Liam snarled. That pissed him off. He hates it when people talk to me like that. I called Ke'Yon.
"Baby? What's wrong? What did my sister do?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. It's just- It's just... Liam and I never talked much." I said.
I started crying. I could hear Liam whimpering in my head.
"You're not ignoring me. It gives you someone to talk to when I'm doing Alpha stuff and you have no Luna things to do." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I started really crying.
"I am the worst mate in history." I said.
"No. Baby... I'm fine with you talking to him. I don't mind. You give me attention. And I'm happy with you just looking at me." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"I hate hanging out with your sister." I said.
"I know. I'll talk to her." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"It sucks. She yelled at me because all I do is talk to Liam. She said that I always ignore you. She said that you de-deserve better than-than m-e..." I said, really crying.
"I understand that you talk to Liam a lot. I talk to Sheldon a lot. It's really no big deal. You give me lots of attention whenever Liam's asleep. Which is usually around 9:00." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I sniffled.
"And I really don't deserve you. You're nice and innocent despite what you've been through. But I'm glad I got mated with you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
That made me cry harder.
"Sheldon can hear Liam going nuts because you're so upset. I'll come pick you up. And I have Alpha stuff to do when we get back. So, you can talk to Liam then. We get wolves so we aren't alone if we don't find our mate." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"You'll never leave me?" I asked.
"Oh baby... I would never leave you. You've got me glued to you." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
I chuckled through tears.
"I'm on my way." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Okay." I said.
"I love you." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"I love you too." I said.
And he hung up. I don't want him to get in trouble.
"October?" Liam asked.
"Yeah?" I asked.
I was sitting in front of him, crying. He whined.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"You've no reason to be sorry." Liam said.
"Liam?" I asked.
"Mhm?" Liam asked.
"Do you like DeShawn?" I asked.
"Of course not! She's made your life a living fucking hell." Liam said.
Wow, when I talk to him, he rarely gets mad.
"She has no reason to talk to her Luna that way. She's knows the consequences if she does. And I hear that they're harsh. Due to the rules Ke'Yon set before he met us. But you've turned him into a nice cuddly teddy bear. So I doubt they aren't harsh anymore." Liam said.
"Probably not." I said.
Liam licked my face.

I saw Ke'Yon's car parked outside the mall doors. I ran outside to him and hopped in the car. Literally hopped into the car.
"I'll talk with... Sister later. Nice orange plaid jacket your wearing too. You know I did put money into your own separate bank account. You can use it." Ke'Yon said.
"I know. I'm saving it in case I need it." I said.
"Smart." Ke'Yon said.
And within about 30 minutes, we were at our house. I sighed. I'm exhausted.
"Tired?" Ke'Yon asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"I have Alpha stuff to do. Get some sleep." Ke'Yon said.
"Like what kind of Alpha stuff?" I asked.
"Just paperwork. Calling other pack Alphas. Stuff like that." Ke'Yon said.
I nodded. I know when some Alphas say they have 'Alpha stuff' to do, usually their mate sees them kidding and/or making out with another girl or guy.
"I would never do that to you." Ke'Yon said.

I forgot he could read my mind now.
"You'd better not." I said.
"I won't." Ke'Yon said.
"Good." I said.
"Come on. Let's go. You need sleep and I got stuffs to do." Ke'Yon said.
I nodded. He carried me bridal style to our room and laid my gently down on the bed. He kissed me and pulled the sheet and comforter over me. And left to do his Alpha stuff.
"Liam?" I asked.
"Hm?" He asked.
"Can you keep a secretive and close eye on them?" I asked.
"Of course. But I don't see the need to." Liam said.
"I've had nightmares of them leaving us." I said.
"I know. I experience nice them just like you do." Liam said.
"Oh yeah. I forgot." I said.
"Don't worry about it." Liam said.
And with that I fell asleep.

~Liam's POV~
Seeing October like this is horrible. DeShawn's is going to get it. I growled. But quietly as to not wake October. She has no reason to talk to him like that. I just want to kill her when she does. October's a sweet boy, he can even hurt a piece of paper. Well, unless you make him angry. Then the Black Magic kinda takes over his system. And then he's kinda out of it. That's why I try to calm him down when Ke'Yon isn't around. Which is basically never. Ke'Yon's always around. Which I don't mind. I heard October's breathing pick up. And I saw his nightmare.

<October's Nightmare>

He was running. Through the forest. Running from something. His feet were all cut up and bloody. Why he was barefoot, I don't know. I saw wolves chasing after him.
"Liam!" I heard him call out my name.
And he got no response.
"Liam! Help me!" He shouted.
"Liam! I need you!" He shouted again.
"Oh shut it. Just keep running." The nightmare version of me said.
What the actual fuck? I would never say that to him.
"You promised to protect me!" October shouted.
"No!" The nightmare version of me shouted.
I growled. October tripped over a tall tree root. He cut open his elbows. And landed flat on his face. Right above another tree root. This is horrible. October please wake up. This nightmare could make him not trust me. Or ever want to talk to me again. I whimpered. Please wake up. Please...

The wolves pounced on October. Clawing him up. Leaving marks all over his body. And not once did the nightmare version of me do anything. October! Wake up!

And just like that...

His nightmare ended.

<End of Nightmare>

"LIAM!" October shouted.
"I'm here." I said.
He sat in front of me again.
"You'll never do that... Right?" October asked.
"Of course not. You and me are together till the end." I said.
He hugged me.
"Please don't ever leave me." October said.

"Never." I said.

And he soon fell back asleep.

Leaning up against me.

"I love you, Liam..." October mumbled.

"I have a deep regard for you as well." I said.

And that is true.

I do love him.

His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now