Chapter 31: Cut The Losses

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[10 years later]

~Liam WolfHearts's POV~
So Chiquita and I had a son. His name is Atticus Danger WolfHearts. He's 10. Also, Derek, Emmet and I are now Alphas. Our dads stepped down. Now that us boys are 18. And our mates are 17. Yeah. I know. No, we did not have Atticus at the ages of 7 and 8. That would be just weird.

Werewolf boys of Alpha descent age faster.

Just an FYI. Yeah, anyway... Emmet and Frachesica had a daughter name Jewel May Augusta. Yeah, she has two middle names. And Derek and his mate, Maria, had a son named Theodore Tile. Strange name. I know. But whatever sinks there ship. Usually water. Hahaha. Their kids are the same age as Atticus.
"Alphas!" Our Bets, Forest, shouted.
He bust open the door to our office. Knocking it off its hinges. It slammed onto the floor, snapping in half.
"Yes?" I asked.
"It's Chiquita." Beta Forest said.
That got my attention.
"What? Where is she? Tell me!" I shouted, my Alpha voice awakening.
"In the meadows. South of our border. She's hurt. Most of our pack is there. The others don't know yet. She is bleeding like crazy. Geo and Sally are trying to get there in time." Beta Forest said.

I shifted into my Orange and Golden colored wolf.
"Who attacked her?!" I shouted.
Well, my wolf, Henry shouted.
"Rouges." Beta Forest said.
I snarled. My snarl sounds like the Doberman's bark/growl. If you play the game Stray Dog Simulator, you'll understand. The entire bark that it has on that game. I slammed the alarm. It's used in case of an attack. My brothers shifted as well.
"Have Delta James stay here. Get the women and children into the safe house. Lock all doors and windows. Pull the blinds and curtains shut on the Windows. No one must know that they are in there. And if my son gets hurt, I will kill you." I said.
"Yes, Alpha." Beta Forest said.
I snarled again and bolted for it.


I made it to the meadow. No...

I was too late.

I ran to her. The whole pack, including my parents, were there. I nudged her with my snout. Wake up... Please wake up. I whined. Henry grew restless in my head.
"I can't hear her heartbeat." Henry said.
"Me neither." I said.
She's gone. I shifted. I didn't care if I was naked. Least of my worries right now. I lightly shook her. But she didn't budge. She started to feel like ice. Henry whimpered. Our pack was looking down, but still kept their eyes on me. Not knowing what I would do. I heard shouting coming from behind me.



"Delta James! Where is Atticus?!" I shouted.
The whole pack must've heard me shout that. They all got restless.
"I don't know. He must've gotten out somehow!" Delta James shouted.
I heard my pack whispering. They kept saying 'Our future Alpha is missing.' And 'What do we do?' I stood up. I couldn't sense or smell him. The whole pack could sense my nervousness, worry, and fear.

"What should we do?" October, my dad, asked.
I was breathing hard. Between losing Chiquita and now Atticus is missing. I don't know if I can take much more of this.
"Alpha..." Beta Forest said.
"Bro?" Emmet asked.
"Baby bro?" Derek asked.
"Son?" Ke'Yon, my other dad, asked.

"DAD!" I heard Atticus shout.
"ATTICUS!" I shouted back.
"DAD! HELP ME!" Atticus shouted.
Those three words sent my wolf and I into overdrive. I shifted and ran off.
I'm coming Atticus.
"Dad!" Atticus shouted in my head.
"I'm on my way. Where are you?!" I asked.
"I don't know. They've got me cornered, dad." Atticus said.
"No! I will not lose you too!" I shouted.
I could sense Atticus's confusion through our father-son bond. I finally caught his scent. It's fresh. He's close. I ran to my left, dodging trees left and right. I stopped and hid behind a bush. He was there...

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