Chalter 71: Force of a Great Typhoon

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~Annalise's POV~

The pack met me at exactly 5:00 am sharp. Which is good. Okay.
"Let's get down to business. Today you will all fight each other. And I intend to work you guys to exhaustion today. Hope you got enough sleep. We'll be at this all day." I said.
"Luna?" Harvey asked.
"Yes?" I asked.
"How do you want us to fight?" Harvey asked.
"First couple hours as a human. The last hours as a wolf. We need to increase both of you. I want you all to use the speed you earned yesterday into today. Just don't kill each other." I said.
They all nodded and found partners. Some even chose to battle their own mates. My phone starts ringing. Deimos.
"Hello?" I asked.
"How's it going?" Deimos asked.
"Good. They're learning force combined with the agility and speed they learned yesterday." I said.
"How are they holding up?" Deimos asked.
"They may not like me after this." I said.
"Why?" Deimos asked.
"I'm running them to exhaustion. But I can't be easy on them. They have to learn." I said.
"A woman after my own heart." Deimos said.
I chuckled.
"Alright, I need to get back to them." I said.
"Alright." Deimos said.
We said out goodbyes and hung up.

[7 hours later]

"Shift!" I commanded.
They all did on my command. Good.
"Now, fighting in wolf form is hard and dangerous. Your wolf gets angered very easily. So you have to control that. I want you to become one with your wolf before you fight together. Show that wolf that the human part of you is the dominant one." I said.
They all nodded.
"How?" Harvey asked.
He's been questioning me a lot. I'm starting to get suspicious of him. I made a mental note to keep and eye on him from here on out.
"Tell them who has the pants in your relationship. They are a part of you. They are not you. They are there for extra strength and power and advice. They are not there to control you. Make sure they understand and know this." I said.
They nodded. They spent about 2 hours doing this.

"Okay. Hopefully they get it now. I want you all to face different partners and fight each other. Do anything you think can take down an enemy." I said.
They nodded and began training.


I noticed Harvey would train some and then call someone. I took out my phone. Being Luna I can use my phone to hear another wolf's phone call so long as they're in the pack. Let's see what Harvey's hiding from me/us.
"She is teaching us how to fight in wolf and human form. I know stuff I can't teach you guys." Harvey said.
And that's all I needed to hear.
"HARVEY!" I shouted.
He hung up the phone and walked up to me. The pack stopped their training to look at him. Harvey stood in front of me.
"Thy phone call... You were talking to Steve, weren't you?" I asked.
The pack members growled.
"Traitor!" They all shouted.
"You did this all of yesterday, didn't you?" I asked.
"He told me that he would hurt my little sister if I didn't do this. I'm sorry, Luna." Harvey said.
"Save it." I said.
He looked down. The whole pack was shouting insults and continuously calling him a snitch and a traitor.
"I have but one thing to do to you." I said.
"And that is?" Harvey asked.

"EXILE!" I shouted.

The pack whistled and shouted in agreement. Harvey shifted and ran off of our territory.
"Anyone else betraying us?!" I shouted.
They all bowed and shook their heads.
"Good. Get back to training!" I shouted.
And they all did.

[8 hours later]

It is now 8:00 pm. The pack is getting tired out. Their movements are getting slower. And they're not as fast as they were earlier.
"Everybody stop!" I shouted.
They all did. Some looked relieved. Some looked happy. Others, who like training, looked mad.
"A campfire is set up for us. I want you all to be there. We have some things to... Discuss." I said.
They all nodded.

[15 minutes later]

We all met at the campfire that sits next to the pack house on the left side.
"I would like to start off as you guys are coming along very well." I said.
They all nodded. Happy that they're pleasing their Luna.
"Tomorrow I will be more aggressive and hard on you. Meaning tomorrow's training is going to be rough." I said.
The 'Omegas' as Deimos called them brought out stuff for s'mores. The pack cheered.
"I know you guys needed some R and R for tonight. Today has been... Eventful. I would relay today's events but we need rest and relaxation, or R and R, not stress. When your Alpha and my mate returns, we will relay today's events to him. I have told him your progress. He is very impressed with all of you as well." I said.
They cheered again. Their Alpha and Luna is happy with them. That's all a pack member could ever ask for.
"Anything you guys would like to say? Now's the time." I said.

"Luna? If I may, this training will help us defeat Steve and his lowlife pack... Correct?" Jordan asked.
"Yes." I said, nodding.
"Harvey has told them what training we've been doing. Steve knows all of what we've done." Jordan said.
They pack growled whilst making s'mores.
"You all need not worry about that. I did not train your moves. I let you do how you defeat an opponent on your own accord. He has no idea how we've trained." I said.
They all nodded.

And that's how the rest of the night went until 10:00 pm.
"I want you all to get some rest and be here, on the training field at 5:00 am sharp. Got me?" I asked.
They all nodded. And left.

I went home again and fell asleep instantly.

Hopefully Deimos will be happy with all the training I'm doing for this pack. If not, Oh well. I don't care.

I'm the Luna.

I train them my way.

His Submissive Omega (boyxboy) Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now