Chapter 3: Rescue My Friendly Omegas

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(Above is October.)

~October's POV~
My phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I asked.
There was some heavy breathing on the other end.
"Hello?" I asked.
"I'm coming for you... Little October..." A distorted voice said.
Alpha Cordon was the only one who called me 'Little October' he did that because of my rank. Omega.
"Alpha Cordon?" I asked.
"You seem a little more confident. Maybe I should call your Alpha mate and tell him some of your secrets..." Alpha Cordon said.
"No..."  I said.
Beta Turner walked in. He walked over to me. I barely even noticed him.
"What secrets?" I asked.

"You're Black Magic ability." Alpha Cordon said.
Yes. I'm a wolf whom uses Black Magic.
"I only use that for good. Which I almost never use it. And it's weak. So it won't do much good." I said.
"Yes, but it can grow stronger once you learn how to properly use it." Alpha Cordon said.
"I don't want to use it. At all." I said.
"One day you will need to." Alpha Cordon said.
"What? Why?" I asked.

"Once your mate and pack get attacked, you may need to use it. So I'd practice Little October." Alpha Cordon said.
"But I-" I began.
"Hush!" Alpha Cordon shouted.
I flinched.
"S-Sorry... Alpha Cordon." I said.
Beta Turner looked at me, trying to make sense of what was entirely going on here.
"Just know this..." Alpha Cordon began.
I waited for him to finish.

"There's a storm a coming..." Alpha Cordon said.
Then the line went dead. All that was heard was the annoying monotone dial tone. I was visibly shaking like a leaf.
"October?" Beta Turner asked.
"Beta Turner?" I asked.
"Just Turner. What is it? Who was that?" Beta Turner asked.
"Alpha Cordon. Where's-Where's Alpha Ke'Yon?" I asked.
"Outside training. Why?" Beta Turner asked.
Worry was on his face.
"Can you please tell him to come here?" I asked.
"Of course." Beta Turner said.
His eyes glossed over. Meaning he's communicating through mind link.

Within a time span of about 10 seconds, Alpha Ke'Yon and his Delta were in the room standing next to Beta Turner.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
"You okay?" His Delta asked.
I forgot his name. Oops.
"October?" Beta Turner asked.
"Alpha Cordon just contacted me. He said- He said 'There's a storm a coming' I don't know what he meant. But he was using one of those voice distorter things. Like some people use for like prank calls and stuff." I said.
"How do you know it was him then?" His Delta asked.
"He's the only one who ever called me 'Little October'." I said.
I could see Alpha Ke'Yon trying to suppress a growl. He clearly doesn't like Alpha Cordon anymore.
"He is not to contact you again." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"How do I stop him?" I asked.
"If he calls, give the phone to with myself, Beta Turner or Delta Max." Alpha Ke'Yon said.
"Okay. And if you aren't around?" I asked.
"Let it go to voicemail." Beta Turner said.
I nodded.

My phone started ringing again.
"Who is it?" Alpha Ke'Yon asked.
"Omega Que-Lynn. He's another Omega friend of mine. They never let us call anyone. Not even family. It must be important." I said.
"Put it on speaker. We'll be quiet." Delta Maximus said.
"Okay." I said.

I answered and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Oh my God! October! Thank God you're alive! Where are you?" Omega Que-Lynn asked.
He seems in distress.
"With my mate. Why? What's happening?" I asked.
"It's like our pack turned into a battlefield here. I don't know what happened. But us Omegas are getting it bad, man. Granted, since you left, there's only 2 of us now. They said weMll both be dead within a week." Omega Que-Lynn said.
"October! You okay, man?" I heard Omega Frank ask.
"Yeah, I'm good. How are you, man?" I asked.

"Just got chained." Omega Frank said.
"What?" I whispered.
"I'm alright though. We ain't gonna make it, man." Omega Frank said.
"N-No! You-You have to." I said.
"Dude, it's bad over here. It isn't gonna be long, bruh." Omega Frank said.
My heart was aching. The line was silent for a what seemed like forever.
"Guys?" I asked.
"We gotta go, man. Can't get caught." Omega Que-Lynn said.
"See ya. Hopefully..." Omega Frank said.
"Guys..." I said.
"Bye, man." They said.
"Bye..." I whispered.
The dial tone came up again.

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