Chapter 80: Last Call

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~October's POV~

Feeling the sun beating down on my skin, feeling it's comforting heat, reminds me of when I was just a pup. The times where I had no worries. No fears.

[20 years ago]

"Mama! Dada!" I shouted.
I ran to my mom and dad and but my dad's pant leg, trying to get him to play. I heard his deep chuckle in return.
"Alright October... I'll play." My dad said.
Being I was the only child, I was a little spoiled. My mom was always home with me. My dad was always out of the house on business trips. You see, he was my Alpha's Beta. I got along with Alpha, he often played games with me too. Mostly hide-and-seek. That was my favorite game.
"October?" My dad asked.
I yipped and ran outside in a zig-zag fashion. I heard my dad's chuckle and my mom's musical laugh.

I ran to the middle of our back yard. I looked at my dad.
"Gotta close your eyes and count, October." My dad said.
I did as he said.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100." I said.
I opened my eyes and looked around. Okay, not in any obvious places. Time to use my nose. I ran along the outlines of our yard and started sniffing. Not smelling him yet. Hm... I ran to the front of the house and checked both of our cars. Not there either. Where's my dad? These were places he's hide before. Think, October, think. I looked back at the house. He wouldn't... Would he? I ran into the house.

And there say my father at the kitchen table...

Drinking coffee.

I let out a growl.
"Dad! You can't do that!" I shouted.
"He can, honey." Mom said.
I looked down and sighed.
"Awe, my pup." Mom said.
She picked me and held me in her comforting arms I yipped happily. I loved being held in my mom's arms. Dad sighed and stood up.
"I didn't mean to make you sad, October. Maybe we can play hide-and-seek the right way next time." Dad said.
My mom backed up and held me closer to her.
"My October." Mom said.
I snorted in agreement. My dad just blinked. Mom and I laughed tried not to chuckle at my dad's dumbfounded look.
"But wha-" Dad began.
"But what?" Mom innocently asked.
"But what about me?" Dad asked.
"What about you?" Mom asked.
"Who's gonna be mine?" Dad asked.
Mom and I looked around.
"The door?" Mom asked.
"The-" Dad started.
Mom nodded.
"Mhm. I heard the door telling October that it loved you a couple days ago." Mom said.
Now my dad was strange and he often played along with things my mom and I did. Wether it was to him or not.

"Oh door! My one true love!" Dad shouted.
He ran to our front door and hugged it. He had one hand right under the handle and the other was right in between the hinges. My dad started kissing the door. The poor door.
"Sorry, honey. This door is my mate." Dad said.
Mom shrugged.
"Okay." Mom said.
She took me upstairs and into my room. She set me down on my bed and I took out some Crayola crayons and my Scooby-Doo coloring book.
"Mama, color this picture with me." I said.
My mom chuckled.
"You are so demanding." Mom said.
I nodded and proceeded to use my puppy dog eyes. My mom could never resist the look.
"Alright." Mom said.
She sat down next to me and began coloring in Daphne as I was coloring Scooby-Doo.

After the picture was done, my mom was just sitting next to me rubbing my back. I was very close to my mom. Closer to her than I was my dad. I was a mama's boy after all. Me and mom did everything together. Also because dad was never really home. He was off doing Beta stuff with Alpha. All. The. Time. But mom and I adjusted. He still made time for us. He'd be home every night. He'd even cook us dinner and dessert. He'd spend hours with mom and he'd play games with me. He made up for always being away. Alpha Cordon always said I looked more like my mom than my dad. I got that a lot though.

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