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Lets just skip until Friday night okay? Okay

Angie's POV
The past couple of days I've gotten to know Megan better and she's really not a bitch but Im still a little annoyed about her calling me a slut and lying about dating Hayes I've also been hanging with Aaron almost everyday after school. I'm currently waiting on Morgan outside of school I'm staying with her tonight because magcon is tomorrow and the guys all agreed to act like I'm just another fan. "Hey" I shout as Morgan came into sight "sup" she says. As we begin to walk to hers I get a text from Aaron.

From Aaron Bo$$
Hey bestie coming over today ?
To Aaron Da Bo$$
Nah I'm staying at Meg's tonight but I'll see ya tomorrow
From Aaron Da Bo$$
Kk see ya tomorrow
And that's how our convo went.

"Who was that?" Morgan asks wiggling her eye brows at me "Jack he's back home from press play this weekend and apparently he's bringing some friends" I lie to her well Im not completely lying some of the guys from press play tour are coming home with Jack today yeh Jack Dail no big deal I've known him since we were about 3 and we've always been friends but him and Morgan strongly dislike each other I would say hate but that's a very strong word. "Hello" I'm broken from my thoughts "yes can I help you?" I ask "yes I asked you if you are going to hang out with him tonight cause I've already made plans" normally this wouldn't make me angry but it kinda hurt she just went and made plans without me when she knew I was staying at hers tonight its our little tradition one week at mine the next at hers.

"You know what yeh I will go hang out with him and the guys" I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me "and you can shove the whole sleepover and your magcon ticket up your ass" okay maybe I could have handled that alot better but oh well. "You know what Angelica you are one ungrateful selfish little brat I'm glad I don't have to go to magcon with you, you know what im only your friend out of sympathy your just that stupid ugly kid who puts things on the internet and thinks she's amazing news flash its not the Angie show" she screamed at me " hey news flash you can also stick your sympathy up your ass" by now I was crying and walking away. I'm not sure if I'm crying because the one "friendship" I had is gone now or because I'm angry.

Before I know it my feet have carried me to the boys hotel as soon as I get up to their floor look to try and find Cam's room but bump into someone "Angie are you okay?" I look up to see a concerned looking Hayes "I would normally say yeh and walk away but right now all I can do is cry so the answer Hayes is no I'm not okay" I sniffle "come here" he says pulling me into his shoulder for a hug. "Hayes?" I ask pulling away "yeah?" "Sorry for being mean when we first met" I tell him "its cool" he replied as I got a text from Jack

Jack is the queen Dail
(J -Jack A-Angie)
J meet me and the guys at our little place
A can't I'm with Hayes
J bring him
A you sure?
J yes now move the twins are being annoying
A who's there and I'll be there soon

"Hey Hayes wanna come hang out with me and some friends don't worry their not fans or haters please I've not seen them in forever" I ask him "yeh I'm down but its raining do you need a jumper?" He asks "nah I have yours in my bag" I tell him "okay" and with that we start walking to "mine and Jacks spot" its just a part of the swing park that no kids ever play on. As we are walking I get a text from Jack
J I see you
J you'll have to wait and see won't you
A shut up I see you

And with that I ran up to Jack and gave him a hug "who's this?" Ethan I think asks "hi I'm Angelica you can call me Angie I'm Jacks friend and I'm in love with Mikey Murphy, Luke korns, O2L and of course Brooklyn Beckham that's not including the vamps and 5sos" I tell them laughing "Guys!" The Dolan shouts "Oh My God imma cry" I say "why?" The other twin asks walking towards us " are you stupid likey korphy, Christian leave and Hunter Geurink" are right in front of me" I say in a duh tone

"what about us" the twins ask I just roll my eyes I've met them a few time since them and Jack are good friends "wait your that girl that puts covers on YouTube lexi Dallas right?" Mikey asks "yeh alexis is my middle name" I say shyly "oh my God dude we love your singing" Luke says I just blush "well guys this is Hayes, Hayes the guys" I introduce them.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" I ask "I'm starving" Hayes complained "oh I know this really nice pizza place me and Jack used to go" I tell them "let's go then Grayson said.

As we are about 10 minutes away from the place my feet start to hurt " can I get a piggy back ride?" I ask Jack "nuh-uh" he tells me "here jump on Mikey says "let's go" he shouts putting an arm in the air running.
"Hey kids" Leigh says as we enter "boys this is Leigh, leigh this is Grayson, Ethan, Mikey, hunter,Luke,Christian, Hayes and well you know me and Jack." I tell her "nice to meet you all" she says heading to our little spot in the back of the store. "sit here I'll be back in a bit" she tells us.

We all order and make small talk while eating. "Well it was nice seeing you guys I've gotta go get my bag and go home but I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask "yeh see yah tomorrow text me bruh" Jack answers "okay love yah, bye guys" I smile.

"Just stay" Hayes begs me for the millionth time "okay" I eventually give in "but I need to go to bed like now it's late" I tell him as I text my mom saying night she still thinks I'm staying at Morgan's oh well.
Once I'm changed I go to sleep on the floor of Hayes room everyone is at Aaron's room but I'm too tired. I start to think about Hayes and I don't know why oh well. I text Jack goodnight and drift off to sleep.

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