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Angie's POV
I wake up and get out of bed and go to my closet to pick out today's outfit I picked out black skinny jeans with a dark red CAMI top and white chucks. I then picked out an outfit for the party I'm going to tonight which was a blue skater dress I got ages ago but I've never worn I then picked out black sued platform heels.

Once I showered I straightened my hair and put on foundation, eye liner, mascara and put some ChapStick on my lips because they're chapped.

I go downstairs to have breakfast.
Once I have food I decide to scroll through Instagram for an hour .

I'm now sitting in a hotel room with Taylor Matt Carter Hayes and Aaron. "Yo Hayes?" I ask "yeh?" "What are you doing tonight?" "Uh nothing why?" " a girl in my grade Susannah is having a party wanna come?" I ask him. "Sure what time does it start?" He asks "6 I'm gonna go home and get ready I'll see you here at 5:30" I inform before I leave.

When I get home I start to curl my hair.  Then put a French braid across the back of my head. Once my makeup and hair is done I changed into the outfit I picked out earlier.

I walk to the hotel to get Hayes. When I got there he was  ready. He had black skinny jeans on with a black shirt that has white splatters on it, a pair of white vans and a white snap back on.

As the car pulled up outside the house you could hear the music from outside and there where some kids outside on the front lawn. I got out of the car and began walking towards the house when Hayes shouted to me to stop. I turned around to face him "I don't know anyone here" he tells me and I start laughing "stop its not funny" he whined "sorry." I turn to start walking "wait" he called out again "what now?" I ask turning around he grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers and smiles at me. I knock on the door and its opened by Morgan she smiles at Hayes then growls at me her eyes then wander down to our hands "care to explain?" She asks Before I could say anything Hayes buts in "yes I'll explain I'm Hayes and this is my girlfriend" he says and kisses my cheek. Morgan groans and moves out of the way to let us in.

Me and Hayes enter the living room I say hi to Susannah and we go find my little group of friends. "Hi" Megan says hugging both me and Hayes and her eyes travel down to out hands "care to explain" she asks reminding me of Morgan "what do you mean?" I ask "why are you holding hands with thee Hayes Grier?" She asks "because she's my girlfriend" Hayes buts in before me again "oh my God how do you guys know each other?" She asks seeming confused "uh what would you do if I said Cameron was my uhm ... Uh  brother" I say the last bit quietly but she still manages to hear me "Oh my freaking God thee Cameron Dallas is your big brother" she says a bit to loud "yes he is"

The rest of the party consisted of Megan asking lots of questions. Now me and Hayes are walking back to the hotel "Hayes?" "Huh?" "Why'd you say I'm your girlfriend?" I ask not knowing what to expect him to say "Cameron said that I had to look out for you" I burst out laughing "seriously you take orders from  Cam?" I laugh "it's not funny" he whined.

We are now back at the hotel and I'm currently wearing a pair of running pants and a shirt. While lying on Cameron's hotel bed because I have cramp and it hurts like hell. "Ma sistah" Cameron shouts entering the room "ma brotha" I yell back. Were all going out on an adventure are you coming?" He asks "nah I don't feel to good" I tell him "okay suit yourself bye" he says leaving.

Minutes later the door opens "go away" I yell "oh sorry" Hayes says "Hayes?" I question "yeh the guys are going on a late night adventure and I can't be bothered" he tells me "Oh okay well I have cramp so imma go to sleep good night" I tell him "nah you can't go to sleep I'm here to partyyyyy" he says extending the aye sound in party "well I'm not" I tell him closing my eyes. "Buzzkill" hayes remarks but I ignore it. I hear the tv turn on but I keep my eyes shut and slowly start to drift off to sleep "goodnight Angie" I hear Hayes say before I fall into a deep sleep

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