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Angie's POV
I woke up with something crushing me. When I opened my eyes I seen Cameron lying on me then Nash jumped on shouting pile on top. "Get your fat asses off of me" I groan "not until you say Cameron Dallas is the best big brother ever I love him" Cam tells me "no" I say "uhm ya" he says the way he said it in expelled "actually get off of me" i say and he rolls off of me.

I sit up and feel a pain in my stomach but ignore it and go to get changed. Whilst I'm waiting on the shower to heat up I decide to make a Playlist on Spotify. I quickly lock my phone then press the button to check the time 06:45 it reads why am I up so early then I notice the date its that time of the month no wonder my stomach is hurting.

I shower then get ready I just put on a white slightly oversized top with black high waisted jeans and a pair of timberland boots. I dried my hair and left it natural then I moved onto makeup I done an exaggerated eye well it was exaggerated for me and the I done a nude lip.

I walked out of the room and the rest of the boys where waiting in there "come on let's get food" Carter suggested "sorry to burst your bubble but I'm going home before Meg comes over" I tell them "well were going without you then" I hear from behind me and turn to see Cam.

"Bye guys" I say and give Cameron a hug before leaving to go home. I quickly put in my earphones and press shuffle play at the top of the Playlist on my spotify.

"My driver pullin' up, lets ride
Windows down rollin' up, lets ride
My driver pullin' up, lets ride
Windows down rollin' up, lets ride
My driver pullin' up, lets ride
Windows down rollin' up, lets ride
My driver pullin' up, lets ride
Windows down rollin' up, lets ride"

I begin to sing as my driver by skate starts playing. After a good 25 minute walk I eventually reach the house I quickly knock the door because I left the key yesterday.

After a few minutes the door opens revealing a sleepy looking mom "morning mom" I say as I walk past her into the warm house "morning" she chirps "hey why don't you go back to bed you look tired" I suggest "okay wake me up in an hour" I just reply with an 'okay' as she goes up stairs.

I go up to my room and put on catch up TV to watch the 8th episode of scream queens. As the episode finishes I hear a knock on the door I go down the stairs to get the door once I open it I see Megan with an excited expression on her face "hey" she says "hi come in" I say opening the door wider to let her in. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited I never got to meet them at the last event" she tells me as we go into my room "2 seconds" I tell Megan as I go to wake my mom up.

"mom wake up" I whisper shaking her "thanks for waking me have fun at the event and theres 30 dollars in the kitchen bye love you be safe and call me if anything happens" she says as I leave her room.

When I get back to my room I see Megan on her phone "let's go" I tell her as I grab my leather jacket I quickly run to the kitchen and take the money my mom left for me.

"So Angie have you met the guys before?" Megan asks "i-uh yeh once at the last event" I tell her. "Its going to be so fun" she says smiling. "Yeh we might wanna walk a bit faster the VIP starts at 12 and its like 11:15" I inform her "oh okay" she says as she begins to speed up.

After 25 minutes of walking and talking about the guys we arrive at the hotel that the event is taking place.

We eventually get in line to meet the guys and at the first table is Matt Carter and Taylor. Megan starts crying as we get closer to the table. "Aww babe don't cry" Taylor says as he hugs  Megan.

We eventually get to the last table and its Shawn Hayes and Cameron. Won't this be weird acting as if I have never met my own  brother. "Hi" I say to Cameron and he gives me the are-you-being-serious look.

After being awkward with Cameron I move on to Hayes "hey" I say "nice shoes" he compliments "nice face" I say laughing "oh smooth Dallas" I just laugh and give Hayes a hug. We must have been hugging for a bit long because Megan cleared her throat making us pull apart "bye" I say to Hayes as Megan begins talking to Hayes.

"Hey Mendes" "sup Dallas" he replies I then hug him and wait for Megan to be finished with them.

"Wow they must remember you from the last event" Megan looks at me funnily "yeh they must" I act along "and well Cameron is my dads cousins son but I don't get to see my dads side of the family" I tell her "oh" she whispers.

"Guys one last thing Shawn has a new song he's gonna sing so everyone be quiet" Jack G said through the mic.

Shawn started to play the guitar I recognised the song it was a little too much everyone sat in silence but I just wanted to sing along but I managed just to hum along.

We left and decided to go for pizza cause I'm a fatty.
"Angie I'm sorry okay" Megan said "for what exactly" I asked "for everything I've always been mean to you and I wanna just forget about it" she says sounding sincere "forget about what" I say laughing "thanks" she replies.

I walk Megan home and decided to text Jack to see if he wanted to hang out. About 15 minutes later the door went. I opened and almost fell someone ran past me. "He had to pee" hunter laughed "oh okay, well come in" I walked into Cameron's chill space.

"Well you guys pick a film and I'll go get snacks" I tell them and they all start arguing over movies. "Hey can I come help you" one of the twins ask "sure Dolan " "oh so were on second name basis are we?" He asks "Nope I just don't know the difference between you and your twin" I tell him "well first I'm Grayson look at my face I have a little freckle thing on my chin and Ethan has one on his eye and I have a blonde bit through my hair" he informs me as we start walking back to the guys with the snacks.

We decided to watch we are your friends. After the Movie we were all either on our phones or making small talk when I heard the front door open "Angelica honey we're home" my mom shouted out. I got up and went into the living room to see my mom running around the kitchen. "Hi mom" I say entering the kitchen "hi, Jacks here right?" She asks "yes why?" I ask "Mr and Mrs Dail are coming over for diner and they're bringing the new baby" "what about mason?" I ask "he's going to his friends" she informs me.

The guys all went back to their hotel and Jack stayed here. Me and Jack where dancing and singing cause we can when we heard a bunch of hellos and laughs being flung around from downstairs. We went down and greeted Mr and Mrs Dail.

After dinner me and Jack went back to the hang out room until his mom called on him. He returned seconds later screaming and holding baby Keira. "What's wrong?" I ask laughing. He hands me the baby "our parents have gone out to get a few things and because im 17 they thought I was responsible enough to look after her" he screams in one big breath"one stop shouting and two it'll be fine I'll take care of her" I tell him and he smiles.

When our parents got back the Dails decided to go home and I went to bed but there was something on my mind or should I say someone and I couldn't stop thinking about them until I finally fell into a deep sleep. That person was   Hayes.

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