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Hayes POV
I drive back to Angie's and luckily her mom isn't home, I take her bags up to her room and lay them on the floor at the bottom of her bed kicking my shoes beside them before getting into Angie's bed pulling up Netflix on her laptop.

About 50 minutes into the movie I was watching I felt my eyes get heavy so I shut off the laptop and put it on the bedside table. I slowly slouch down under the covers of Angie's bed and fall asleep.

~ later ~

I'm awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I answer without checking the contact name "HAYES!" Angie screams down the phone "woah calm down what's up?" I ask still laying with my eyes closed "where were you at lunch ?" She asks in a pissy tone. "Wait what time is it ?" I ask sitting up "4:15 I thought you were coming to get me for lunch and getting me straight from school to take me home ?" She says anger still laced in her voice "I'm so sorry babe I got back to yours and crashed, why didn't you call me when you were on lunch?" I ask leaning back onto the headboard " Hayes check your phone I called you at lunch and I texted you an I've been calling you for the past 30 minutes to come get me but it's fine just leave it I'll walk" she said "no! Don't walk I'll come get you stay where you are" I tell her "wait where are you?" I ask hearing a slight chuckle followed by a groan "I'm at school headass" she says "okay bye, see you soon"

Angie's POV
After 15 minutes Hayes eventually turns up in my car "get out" I tell him "wait what?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows "you're driving my car, get out so I can drive" I laugh at him "no, get your booty in the car so we can go" not wanting to start an argument over who's driving I climb into the passenger seat of my car.

"Oh can we go to panera please?" I ask dragging out the please. "Yeh sure" He replies and heads towards panera. I open the little compartment in between the two seats and pull a packet of animal crackers out causing Hayes to chuckle and shake his head "what?" I ask "nothing" he proceeds to laugh and shake his head "no tell me what's so funny?" "You jut casually have a stash of snacks hidden in your car" he chuckles again "you got a problem with that bud?" I ask admiring the side of his face "no and don't call me bud again" he laughs slightly turning his head towards me quickly flicking his eyes between me and the road.

I watched Hayes' face as he drove he would screw his eyes or furrow his brows sometimes even clenching his jaw as other drivers irritated him "staring isn't a cute look on you Angelica" Hayes scolded causing heat to rush to my cheeks, I brought my hands up to cover the redness of my cheeks. Hayes just laughed at my reaction.

~after panera~
Angie's POV
"Hayes?" I say "mmmm" he mumbled in response "once I've had a nap back at my place can I drop you off in LA I just kinda want to have a girls night with Megan, we've just not really spent much time together recently and I miss girls night with her and I mean you don't have to go home you could stay and I could cance-" "no babe it's fine don't worry, you go enjoy girls night and I'll probably go see Nash's new apartment or something" Hayes cut me off.

Once I had napped I dropped Hayes off at Nash's apartment complex I drove home and decided to text Megan to see if she wanted to have a girls night. 

A/N sorry for the hella boring updates and the short chapters, I'm gonna try update more often and have better content and more drama

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