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Angie's POV
I roll over pretty much straddling Hayes as I kiss his forehead hoping he'd wake up but when I look down seeing him still asleep I bring my lips to his nose and then to his lips. Hayes still asleep I start to kiss down his jawline slowly making my way to his neck leaving a couple love bites as I get lower down then slowly sitting up baffled at how Hayes is still asleep.

Once I sit up completely I hear Hayes groan "why'd you stop?" He asks his eyes still closed but a smirk playing on his lips. Quickly he sits up grabbing my wrists flipping us over " my turn now" he smirks slowly kissing down my neck. I don't move or make a noise I don't want to give in to him.

~like 10 minutes later idk😂~

"Stop!" I screech for Hayes to stop tickling me. Once he stops I sit up breathing heavily trying to catch my breath from all of the laughter. "C'mon let's go eat" I tell Hayes grabbing his arm pulling him up from the bed.

Hayes and I are sat on his couch eating fruity pebbles as he goes through mail he got this morning. "Oh no way you got nominated for a 3 tca's babe" he looks at me "come again?" I ask oblivious to what Hayes is talking about. "You've been nominated for 3 teen choice awards" Hayes tells me "oh well thanks for ruining the surprise" I laugh "sorry" he just looks at me "it's okay I was kidding" I tell him.

"Well we're sitting together at the awards so why don't we walk the carpet together?" I ask Hayes "are you asking me to be your date?" Hayes asks smirking "well I suppose I am so? Will you be my date to the teen choice awards?" I ask Hayes "I'd love to" he replies hugging me.

"Oh gimme a couple minutes I gotta call Megan" I tell Hayes picking up my phone walking out to the little balcony/patio area. I dial Megan's number leaning on the railing looking over LA. After a couple rings she picks up
(A~Angie M~Megan)
M~ morning boo
A~hey do you need a ride home?
M~nah imma spend some time with Brandon and then he's gonna drop me of back in chino later if you don't mind?
A~yeh no problem I'll just stay with Hayes but text and call me and I'll see you on Wednesday in school
M~ okay see ya
A~ bye love ya

Hayes steps out onto the balcony as I hang up the call "coffee" he hand me a mug "thanks" I gladly take it from him. "Plans?" I ask Hayes "well I was going to go hang out with the guys but I stay here and chill if you want" he tells me "no go hang with the guys" I tell him "okay but only if you come with" he tells me "I will but first imma go change" I say brushing past him to his bedroom going to his closet grabbing a pair of my denim shorts and a white crop top. I quickly rush into the guest bathroom and have a shower before changing into my outfit for the day and then braiding my hair.


"Yo Hayes" Sam says bro hugging Hayes "hey Angie what brings you here?" He questions me as I just point to Hayes earning a chuckle from Madison sitting over on a chair as she watched the jacks, Tez and Skate play basketball.

"Hey" I say sitting down beside Madison "hey" she smiles at me "how are you?" She continues "I'm good how are you?" I ask "I'm good" she replies "you know the guys are smoking right?" She asks me "nope i didn't know but I do know now" I tell her diverting my eyes back to a shirtless Hayes who is attempting to play basketball against Johnson.

Later on we all sit round the table when skate starts rolling a blunt. Once rolled he brings it to his lips lighting it before taking a draw passing it to Hayes. My eyes go wide as Hayes takes a huge draw. When the blunt is passed to me I refuse to touch it let alone take a draw Madison following my actions.

After the blunt is done all of the guys are super high including Hayes it's kinda funny but kinda scary I've never seen him really drunk before never mind high. Not gonna lie I like high Hayes he's so much more calm and all he wants to do is cuddle it's kinda cute.

"Guys we better get going" I say gabbing Hayes' arm wrapping it around my shoulder "you know I can walk" hayes tells me causing my cheeks to go red with embarrassment. "I'll see y'all tomorrow no doubt bye, goodnight love y'all! " I shout making my way out to Hayes' car strapping him into the passenger side I jump into the drivers seat.

"I want McDonald's" Hayes groans as we pull out of the drive "okay well we can go on out way home " I tell him. The drive to McDonald's is quite. Once we order I pass Hayes the bag and he begins eating. By the time we make it back to the apartment Hayes is passed out.

I get out the drivers side of the car and walk round to Hayes' side lightly shaking him causing him to wake up. We walk to Hayes' apartment where he locks the door behind us and walks to his room. When I make sure everything is tidy in the apartment I walk into Hayes' room seeing him cuddled up in bed I quickly kick off my shoes and socks. I unbutton my shorts allowing them to fall to the ground as I take my top off picking up Hayes' shirt pulling it over my head.

I slowly climb in bed beside a still high Hayes "come cuddle me baby" he says closing his eyes opening his arms for me to cuddle with him. "Hey we're gonna talk later about you getting high Hayes! are you outta you god damn mind?" I question him and he just groans pulling me closer to him to the point we're practically spooning.

"I'm sorry" he whispers into the crook of my neck. I roll over to face him but he also decides to roll onto his back allowing me to rest my head on his chest he slowly brings his arms down to reach my waist and I just intertwine our fingers. I don't want to argue with Hayes about getting high especially when he is high so I give in. I close my eyes whispering a goodnight before slowly falling asleep in Hayes' arms.

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