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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm beeping. I roll over and slam my hand on the small device looking for the button to turn it off. I sit up slowly letting my eyes adapt to the light.

I look around my room then the sudden realization hits me. Today I am going to Styles Inc. for work experience. It is a massive magazine company, and a group of us from school were lucky enough to get the chance to go there and have a look around, to get an idea of expectations. Five of us will even be picked to work at the company for a week to get a taste of it, see if it's really what we want to study at Uni.

We will each be chosen by the owners of the company. The of the entire company is Harry Styles. He is a very powerful man that has a lot of money. He also has a daughter to his now ex-wife, Vanessa. His daughter's name is Cleo.

Harry's four friends also co-own the company; Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Niall Horan. For business owners they are all pretty young and incredibly good looking.

I decide that I might as well get out of bed and get ready for today. I decided to go for a nice hot shower washing my hair and shaving, making sure that I am presentable for today. Once I am finished with my very calming shower I dry my hair before brushing it.

I then put it in a braid. I put in my white pearl earrings before I do my makeup. I go with my foundation, eyeliner, mascara, a tan colour eye shadow and a little lip gloss.

I then go to my cupboard and grab out my baby blue dress. It was tight at the top, hugging my figure nicely, and then flowed out until it stopped above my knee. It was quite short but it was comfortable and looked really stunning.

I then added my light brown belt. After I was completely dressed I put on my white heels and grabbed my white cardigan. I grabbed my bag and phone before making my way downstairs.

As I walk into the kitchen I see my mother reading a magazine while having her morning coffee. When she notices me walking in she looks at me with a bright smile.

My mother was very proud of me. I had handled everything with her and my father really well.

When I was fifteen my parents got a divorce. They were always fighting and I would have to just deal with it. After the break up I focused on my education; I am a straight A student.

I have had boyfriends since the divorce but they are all like me; focused on school. Before my parents left each other I had many boyfriends and I didn't give a damn about school. There was this one boy, Connor. I thought I loved him and he loved me but that wasn't the case. I slept with him then he left me.

"Morning darling, how are you?" I smile at my mother before answering her.

"I am nervous but excited. I really hope that I will get one of the positions." I say grabbing an apple from the neat fruit basket.

"Don't worry, you will get it honey. You're very intelligent." She gushes and I smile.

"Where's James?" I ask diverting the attention away from me to try and mask the nerves.

"He went to work already. He wanted me to tell you that he wishes you good luck." I smile but it soon vanishes as the nerves crawl back.

James is mum's new boyfriend. I really like him. Well, at first I didn't because there is no one that can replace my father but he makes my mother happy and that's all that I can ask for. He also does his best to look after us which is exactly what my father was supposed to do.

I talk to my mother a little while longer to mask the nerves, taking my mind off what was to come today. Soon, we are interrupted by a car horn.

"Oh, well I guess that's Isabella. See ya mum. Wish me luck! Love you!" I call as I get my things, heading for the door.

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