Ch 6

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I wake up after having the most refreshing sleep, stretching my limbs. I look around the room, taking in its unknown qualities. Finally, it dawns on me where I am, my eyes floating over to where Harry laid still passed out on the opposite side of the bed.

I stare at the roof as thoughts from last night invade my mind. A smile begins to tug on my lips at the thought. Kissing Harry was something that I never knew I wanted until it happen. It was the sweetest kiss I had ever experience and honestly, I'd do it again. In fact, I hope we do.

"Morning," I hear Harry's gravelly voice rasp from next to me. I turn to look at him, taking in his features. His eyes were closed, shielding their beautiful green. His hair was messy curls from sleep while a smirk danced on his plump lips.

"Morning," I say back, my voice coming out in a whisper.

We talk for about ten minutes, our voices quiet as though someone was still sleeping in the room. We then hear the quiet patter of Cleo's feet coming from her room. She opens the guest room door before it falls quiet again. She must hear us talking though as she comes into Harry's room next. She smiles when she sees the both of us, running to the bed. She crawls on before jumping around. "Good morning!" She chirps, happiness clear in her tone.

"Come here you!" Harry says as he pulls her down, laying in between Harry and I. Harry's long, ring clad fingers move to her stomach, moving in a tickling matter. She giggles loudly as she kicks her feet, hands trying to pry her father's off of her body.

"Daddy! I.. can't.. breathe." She says and Harry stops, pulling his hands away from her. "Daddy, do you have to work today?" She asks.

"Um, I don't think so. Unless I get called in." He smiles happily as does Cleo. Harry wraps his arms around her small body, hugging her close to him. When Harry releases Cleo his eyes move to me, smiling as he does so, hand rubbing my arm.

"How about breakfast?" He asks and I nod with a smile, mirroring Cleo's reaction. All three of us crawl out of bed together.

Harry reaches down to pick Cleo up but she stops him. "Imma big girl now daddy. I can walk." She says and I chuckle. Harry rolls his eyes at his little girl before following her downstairs.

"So, what shall we have?" Harry asks as we all stand in the kitchen.

"Fairy pancakes!" Cleo screams. Harry laughs before collecting all the ingredients to make pancake batter. When the batter is prepared, Harry places fairy shaped cookie cutters into the pan, pouring the batter into them to make fairy pancakes.

The fluffy pancakes are dished out onto plates as Cleo and I set the table with pancake toppings; cream, jam and syrup.

We laugh and talk as we enjoy the delicious breakfast. Soon though, it is interrupted by Harry's phone ringing. He excuses himself as he leaves to answer it. My eyes glance at Cleo who had stopped eating looking as though she was about to cry.

"What's the matter?" I question.

"Daddy has to go to work now." She sighs clearly upset.

"He might not have to. I'm sure they're just asking a question." I try to convince her. It seems to work a little as she looks at me with a hopeful smile.

Harry comes back in looking upset and I instantly knew that Cleo's suspicions were correct. For a young child she is very intelligent. "I have to go to work." He says quietly.

"Told you," Cleo whispers so only I can hear.

"Cleo baby, I'm so sorry. I promise tomorrow I will be home. Ok? I will make sure that I will be here with you. That's a promise." He says as he bends down to be at eye level with her.

She looks at her plate not saying anything, clearly heartbroken. Harry sighs. "I've gotta get ready." He says pecking Cleo's head but she pulls away. Harry looks heartbroken by this as he looks down. I bite my lip looking at Cleo.

"Hey, how about we go to the beach or something instead?" I ask and she nods slightly, eyes fixed on her plate still. Harry comes back down moments later, fully dressed and ready to go.

"I've gotta go. I'm sorry Cleo. I love you." He says through a sigh. "Bye Nardia," he adds with a sad smile before walking out of the house. When Harry was gone, Cleo went to play while I cleaned up. I wiped the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher and putting the leftover pancakes and toppings in the fridge.

When I was finished I walked into Cleo's room to see her playing with her toys on the floor. "So, how about we go to the beach?" I offer enthusiastically. She looks at me excitedly, nodding her head vigorously.

"YES!" She squeals.

Cleo decides on her swimmers before dressing into them. I plat her hair before I packed her bag with spare clothes, a towel and a hat. When her things are ready, I grab my own belongings and we leave.

Harry leaves his range rover here just in case we need it so we get in and start for my house. I help Cleo out of the car and we walk inside together.

"Honey, are you home?" I hear my mother's voice from the kitchen.

"Hey mum," I say as I walk in with Cleo. "This is Cleo." I tell her and she smiles widely.

"Oh, hello Cleo." She coos as she bends down. Cleo scurries behind me as she says a small hello.

"Well, I'm gonna go get ready so we can go to the beach." I say walking away with Cleo following closely behind. I throw my bag on my bed as Cleo patiently sits there eating for me. I pull my black bikini from my dresser before hurrying to my bathroom to change.

When I am dressed I decide to tie my hair into a mesh bun before going back to my room. When I walk in I see Cleo lying down on my bed, eyes open as she stares at the ceiling.

I grab my singlet and throw it on as well as my denim shorts. I find my black sandals and throw them on too. I grab my other bag and pack spare clothes, towel, wallet, phone and some sunscreen. Just as I throw my phone in though I get a message.

Harry: It looks like I
I may have to work
late again tonight.
Could you stay again?

I'll have to ask, I think to myself as I grab my things, leading Cleo back downstairs with me. "Ok mum, we're off. Oh, and Harry wanted to know if I could babysit again tonight. He texted me 'cause he has to work late."

"I don't know..." She says, her voice fading out.

"Mum, it's just to earn money. Nothing else."

"Do you and Mr Styles, I don't know.. do anything?" She asks.

"Oh god no. We barely even see each other." I partly lie. I mean, we really only get to see each other briefly.

"So... you sleep in a different bed then?"

"Yes mum," I say as I bite my lip, praying Cleo will stay quiet and won't say anything. My eyes move to the ground to avoid her harsh glare.

"Ok then, bye sweetie." She agrees before dismissing me.

"Thanks, bye mum."

"Bye Cleo," my mum calls as we walk out.

• • • •


So this is totally irrelevant, but have any of you heard of Matt Terry?

Ugh! He's so sexy and a brilliant singer. He won the XFactor UK 2016. There's a picture of him with Louis on the side, top, wherever. You should check him out!!

Instagram and Twitter:- mattterry93

Love ya xx

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