Ch 16

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One month later

Tomorrow is my birthday and I haven't even planned anything to celebrate. It was my eighteenth birthday and I wasn't doing anything interesting. My depressing thoughts are stopped when my phone vibrates in my back pocket of my jeans.

Harry: What are you
doing for your birthday??

Me: Nothing. Why?

Harry: I wanted to do
something with you... ;›

Me: Yeah? And what
would that be?

Harry: Ah, that's a

Smiling brightly, I make my way to my next class. Taking my seat, I am emerged in the possibilities of what Harry could possibly want to do for my birthday. The thoughts are halted by Isabella entering the room and sitting next to me.

"So, I have the best idea for your birthday!" she gushes. "I was thinking, we should get the girls together and go drinking or something." she tells me with a giddy smile.

"I'd love too, but I can't. I've already made plans. Sorry," I shrug, Isabella frowning deeply at the newly found information.

"Oh, really? And what would that be?" she asks, squinting her eyes. "We always spend your birthday together." I roll my eyes, annoyed with her at this moment. Yes, in the past we have always spent my birthdays together, but I had no one else to spend it with before. Now I have Harry and honestly, I'd rather spend this time with him over her. She always makes the 'celebration' about her. She even makes my family forget about me...

"Oh, um... I have to... ah... babysit." I tell her, faltering with my excuse.

Rolling her eyes, she says, "Oh my god, can't Mr Styles find someone else to babysit just for tonight." the tone of her voice was clear that she was annoyed with my plans.

"Izzy, I'm happy to do it, to babysit Cleo. I really like her." scoffing at my statement, she rolls her eyes.

"Fine," she huffs. "Me and some of the girls will go out for dinner and have a few drinks and party." she finishes her statement turning away from me, presumably pissed off and sulking.

› ‹ › ‹ › ‹

Staring blankly at my wardrobe I had no idea what to wear. Harry hadn't told me where we going to and I had no idea what to wear. Was it casual? Dressy? Sexy? Eventually figuring that I should go sexy and dressy, I pull out a tight, strapless cream-pink dress. Holding it against my body and admiring myself in the mirror I smile brightly. It'd be perfect.

After showering and blow-drying my hair I fix my makeup. Keeping it simple, I put on a thin coat of mascara and foundation. I outline my eyes with liquid eyeliner and put on a thin layer of eye shadow on my eyelids as well as a matte nude lipstick. Leaving my hair in its natural wavy state, I add my gold hoops in my ears. 

Grabbing my purse I walk downstairs. Walking into the living room, I see James and mum sitting on the sofa, attention focused on the telly. When they realise that I am in the room they look at me, smiling widely.

"I'm going out with the girls to celebrate." I lie, a nervous smile adorning on my face. Although I felt incredibly bad for lying to my mother, I was too excited to be going out with Harry to dwell on it.

I walk outside, Harry's car parked down the road a little. He gets out, his body adorned in a suit. God, he looked so hot in a suit...

When I finally reach him, he smiles happily. I smile back, stopping in front of him. "You look hot," he smirks cheekily, making me blush.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself." I tell him, Harry reaching in to peck my check. He walks me around to the other side, opening the door. I climb in, Harry jogging back around to the other side. He drives us to a restaurant, it looking far too fancy for something that I would regularly go to to eat dinner. My mouth drops, shocked by what I was seeing. It looked far too expensive for something I could afford to eat.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Styles." Harry tells the hostess, the lady checking over her books.

"Oh, yes sir, right this way." the lady leads us through the dimly lit restaurant, taking a seat at our table. It was such a such a nice place.

"So...?" Harry asks, eager for my response, clearly anxious. I smile, my hand grabbing his over the table.

"This is really nice Harry." he smiles happily, clearly satisfied with my answer. "Harry, I can't afford this, though." I tell him honestly.

"Nardia, don't worry about it. It's your birthday, I wasn't going to let you pay anyway." he tells me with a chuckle. "Happy birthday, baby."

We talk a little longer before ordering our food. I decide on a chicken Alfredo dish and while Harry orders a steak. It doesn't take long before our drinks are placed in front of us, shortly after our meals follow. We both dig in, enjoying our meals. While I eat, I look around the place, taking in the beauty of this place. My eyes land on the door, a group of people walking in. I noticed some of the people in the group, my heart beat increasing dramatically when I see Izzy.

"Shit," I say, fidgeting in my seat.

"What, what's happening?" he asks sounding genuinely concerned.

"Izzy just walked in. What do I do?!" I ask, freaking out. His eyes widen, scanning the area at the entrance.

"Um, you could hide in the bathroom." he suggests. I nod, pleased by the idea. I stand up abruptly, rushing to the bathroom. As I lean against the sink, my phone buzzes. Pulling it out of my clutch, a text from harry flashes on my screen.

Harry: They're walking
over to me....!!

"Shit," I mumble under my breath. I was nervous about how this was going to pan out.

I hoped you liked it. It was longer than the others!! Yay!

Love you! xx

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