Ch 10

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He was here. He was in the same building, the same room as me!

I turn around, looking at the pair over my shoulder. His eyes move around the confined area, eyes meeting my own. He smiles at me but my face stays blank as I look away, too ashamed to do otherwise. As I stir my drink I hear patter of small feet, followed by a voice.

"Nardia!" Cleo calls out of excitement. Soon, she appears next to me.

I look down at her, smiling down at her weakly. "Hi Cleo,"

She frowns at my behaviour but doesn't ask like she usually would. "Who's this?" I hear Isabella asks. I had forgotten that she was sat with me.

"Um, the little girl I've been babysitting. Her name's Cleo." I explain, heart beating fast as I know Harry will be over here soon. I look back at the counter to see Harry thanking the girl that hands him a bag and a cardboard tray with two drinks.

"Cleo, c'mon. We gotta go." He says without acknowledging me.

"Daddy, it's Nardia. See!" She beams pointing at me.

"Yeah, I see that. C'mon," he says walking away with Cleo. I watch them get into the car, guilt flowing through my blood. I place my head in my hands as they drive away.

"Jeez, he's a little rude. What a dick!" She says and I roll my eyes. "C'mon, tell me who it was." She says and I roll my eyes once again.

"Isabella, no! You won't know how to shut your fucking mouth! Forget I said anything! I was lying!" I say as I gather all my things and leave the small shop.

I pull my phone out to call mum when I see a text from none other than Harry.

Harry:- Right, so I'm not good enough to be around in public? Just my bed?


I feel a tear stroll down my cheek as my heart clenches. I don't think I have ever felt so bad in my life before.

• • • •

I know it's super short but I needed to post something, guess it's this. I'm so sorry!

I've just been so busy focusing on my senior year and I still need to have a social life and ugh! I'm sorry but sometimes I need to put my writing aside.

I know this is a poor excuse but I just loose motivation when I see no votes and what not. This isn't supposed to be a scam to get more votes, just an explanation in which I think I owe you!

Thank you anyway. All the love - H x

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