Ch 17*

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*Sexual content*

Harry's P.O.V

As Isabella walked closer to me, the rest of the people following her closely behind. I sit quietly, pretending I didn't know that they were there.

"Oh, hi, Harry." I take in a deep breath, turning around to find Isabella standing next to me, a smirk plastered on her face.

"It's Mr Styles." I say through gritted teeth, Isabella just rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. What are you doing here? You're making my friend work for you while you're on a freaking date?"

"Is it really any of your business?"

"So, where is she? The bathroom?" my jaw tenses, a smirk appearing on her face. "Let's go meet her then, yeah?" she says stalking off to the bathroom.

Me: Isabella is on her way to the bathroom. Get out of there!!

After a few moments Nardia was hastily approaching me, clearly stressed by the situation. "C'mon, we gotta get out of here." she says quietly and I nod.

Throwing the money on the table, rushing out of the restaurant. We jump into the car, speeding away back to my place. We arrive shortly after, both of us jumping out. I look over at Nardia to see she was smiling.

"What's so amusing?" I asked, not all that amused by what was happening. She shakes her head.

"Nothing." she pauses. "I was thinking about what happened at the restaurant. I don't know, it was a bit funny." she chuckled. I shake my head at her, completely disagreeing.

"No it's not. They ruined the perfect night I had planned for us." I was so disappointed.

Nardia walks over to me, kissing my cheek. "No, they didn't. Trust me, this is the best birthday I've had in a while." she assures me with one of the biggest smiles I had seen.

Leading us inside and into my room. "Where's Cleo?" she asks as she lays down on my bed.

"She's at her mum's tonight." I tell her, throwing my jacket on the drawers. Standing up off of the bed she walks over to me, attaching our lips in a hungry kiss. Leading both of us over to my bed, laying us down. My hands snake their way up her rather short dress, resting along her panties, my fingers dancing over the lace material.
Hooking the elastic waist band, I yank them down her soft legs. Already she was reacting to me, panting heavily. Pushing her dress up to reveal her core, I pepper kisses from her hip bones, down her thigh, copying my actions for the other side. When I move back up her left leg, I move to her core. A loud moan erupts from her throat. She was so wet and warm.

"Fuck, you taste good, baby girl." I tell her, another moan sounding from her. Lifting her dress, I pull it off of her small body. I unbuttoned my shirt yanking it off followed by my pants, leaving me in just my boxers.

Slowly, I press two fingers into her, her back arching off of the mattress. Lifting my head, I attack her neck with hungry kisses, sucking harshly when I came in contact with her sweet spot.

"Harry..." she pants, my fingers removing from her. I lift my hands, unhooking my bra clasps. She laid spread on the bed, panting beneath me. Tugging my boxers down my legs, I move back to continue to assault her neck. I move to her ear, nibbling gently on the soft skin.

"Are you a virgin, baby?" I question her. She shakes her head to tell me that she wasn't. I smile, eager to follow through.

I get up, rushing to the bathroom and fetching a condom. Walking back into the room I rip the packet open, rolling it onto my throbbing shaft, the slightest touch feeling good. Crawling back onto the bed, I move into the same position I was previously in, lining myself up at her core.

Connecting my lips to hers I push myself into her dripping heat. One of my hands move to one of her breasts, massaging it roughly. Letting it go, I lower my hand go her crotch, rubbing vigorous circles, Nardia lifting off of the mattress, screwing her eyes shut in pure bliss. I mimic her actions, my eyes closing as I feel the pleasure racing through every part of my body, thrusting in and out of her. One of Nardia's hand reach for my back, dragging her nails down my back.

As I feel the pressure building in my lower region I start thrusting faster, the sensation taking over. Nardia was the first to reach her orgasm, moaning out loudly. I follow shortly after, continuing to thrust as we ride out our highs. When we're both completely finished, I flop down on the bed beside her.

We lay next to each other, regaining our breaths. Disposing the condom I crawl back into the bed, snuggling closely into Nardia. Never did I think that I would develop feelings for someone like Nardia. She was, is so young...

Just as I begin to drift off to sleep, Nardia held tightly in my arms, I hear her mumble something.

"Best birthday ever." I grin happily, pleased that I gave her a great birthday experience.

I'm sorry it short my darlings... xx

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