Ch 21

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I wake up in the morning, naked and alone in the hotel room. After the events last night Harry and I went out to get dinner before coming back and going for round two.

Pulling the blanket up to make sure that it was covering me before I reach and grab my phone off of the side table, a text from Harry flashing on the screen.

Harry: There is money
in the draw, take it with you
and buy something really
nice for tonight. xx

As I read over the text, I smile before crawling out of bed. Just as my feet hit the plush carpet, there is a knock on the bedroom door. "Ma'am." a voice calls on the other side.

"Shit." I mutter to myself before jogging to the bathroom, grabbing a white, fluffy robe, wrapping it around my naked body. As I go to leave I catch my reflection, seeing my hair a matted mess. Trying to tame the knots I rake my fingers through it.

Moving to the door, pulling it open to reveal the same boy from yesterday. Looking close to my age, the boy was cute. Not in a hot-sexy aspect but rather like in a baby-child way. His dark sandy-blonde hair was swept to one side, his bright blue eyes piercing through. He chubby cheeks were a light shade of pink, his lips matching the colour.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you ma'am, again, but I was told to give you this." he explains, handing me a Victoria Secret bag. Smiling happily, I reach for the bag, thanking the young worker and parting ways. I rush over to the bed, eager to examine the articles inside. I read the tag tied to the bag, my smile hurting my cheeks.

For tonight x

Was written in Harry's neat handwriting. Opening the bag, I reach in, pulling out a smaller bag filled with assorted makeup consisting of eye-shadow, lipstick and even some highlighters. How did Harry know to get all this? Perhaps he had a little help from the clerks?

In the larger bag there was also two different bras, matching panties as well as this red, lingerie, pyjama dress thing. It showed my stomach and crotch area through the transparent material. The dress also came with some black stockings.

One set of the underwear was a red-black lace set, a diamond heart pendant hanging between the two cups. The other was a black lace bra, the cups speckled with gems.

I smile excitedly at the contents I found, I place them back into the bag. Taking the bag into the bathroom for later use before jumping into the shower. Once I have cleaned my body I dry my hair with my hairdryer, straightening it before tying it into a high pony. After, I do my regular makeup routine.

I pull on a purple button up and white skinny jeans, adding nude heels. Grabbing my bag I check for my wallet, adding the money Harry gave me to my wallet before taking my phone from the charge and heading out. Leaving the room, I am sure to lock the door behind myself, beginning my journey of dress shopping in New York.

So many of the shops were filled with stunning dresses, however, none I thought would impress Harry.

I walked into a shop that looked very elegant, sure I would find the right dress there. Thankfully, I did find something that I liked. It was a long dress, reaching right down to the floor. It was a dark blue with thin straps and a thin black belt. The top hem was also black. The breast area was tight, hugging my bust nicely. The dress was simple and plain, yet, I found it gorgeous. Immediately, I carry it to the front desk, purchasing it. I was so happy with the dress.

After all my shopping I decided to get something to eat, heading back to the hotel after. Sprawled on the comfortable sofa, my phone chimes with a new message. I groaned as I picked it up.

Harry: I won't be able
to come back to get
ready. Can you meet
me at the event?

Me: Yeah, I guess...

Harry: Thank you so
much beautiful.  I'll
send a car for you,
baby. I can't wait to
see how stunning you
are tonight xx

Smiling lightly, I look at the bag my dress was hanging in, groaning when I realise Harry won't be able to see it for ages now.

<> <> <>

Soon, five o'clock rolls around and I stand to get ready. I was so excited, jumping into the shower to wash away any of the dirt and sweat from today. I washed my hair, a strawberry scent filling the small area. Before I jumped out I shaved myself. Jumping out, I threw my hair up to work on my makeup. I used my new tan-nude eye-shadow, pale pink matte lipstick, working on my mascara and eyeliner. Once my makeup was finished I blow dry my hair before I style it into a bun, curling a few stands that fall from it.

Pulling the dress on, I add my shoes and accessories before grabbing my clutch. Walking downstairs I find a black limo parked out the front, the driver leant against the side with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. When the guy noticed that I was approaching him he flicks the cigarette to the ground, putting it out before he opened the door.

"Good evening, Miss Clark." he says, the sent of cigarette filling my nostrils.  Cringing, I crawl inside, I thank him quietly.

It wasn't long before we had pulled up to the gala. The vallet opens the door, offering me a hand out. Stepping out, I start for the gala entrance. I was so nervous, I didn't know how I would fit in, or even how Harry would react. When I walk in, my eyes land on Harry, my small faltering when I see his arm hanging around some blonde bimbo, his eyes glued go her chest. Looking at mine I sighed. Her chest was much bigger than mine.

They're probably fake, Nardia. A little voice tries to convince me, a pathetic chuckle coming from me. Glancing at Harry one more time, I could feel my heavy heart shattering. To drown my feelings away I start for the bar. It's situations like this where I wished that I was like a robot, to be something that has no feelings, to be oblivious to what it felt to be hurt.

"I know these things are boring, but it's only the beginning of the night. Why are you so down?" some guy that was sitting next to me says, my attention turning to him as I force a smile.

"Well, I saw something that I'd much rather not have seen." I tell him. The stranger quirks one side of his mouth in a sympathetic smile.

"What happened?"

"Honestly, I'd rather we didn't discuss it." I reason and he nods.

"Anyway, I'm Chad." I smile a little.

"Nardia." I tell him and he smiles too.

"Can I buy you a drink, Nardia?"

I nod, eager to get some alcohol. "Sure,"

"Well, you've got the next round." he chuckles with a teasing smirk making me giggle.


So my book has received 950 reads and that's unbelievable. I got like 60 reads in two days. Thank you so much. I hope for 1k reads by the end of the week. Today's Tuesday so...

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