Back yet again :))

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Okay so it has been requested for me to do an epilogue for this book, however I was maybe planning on doing a sequel. It will only be a short story, more details written in the first chapter. I have already written the first chapter, plans for book brewing in my head, but it's up to all of you. Please let me know if this is something that you could possibly want??

I'll probably post it regardless, but I'd love to get all of your opinions prior. Thanks again and I'm sorry I keep giving you all these stupid notes. I appreciate all of you so much xx

The story will be called Long Way Home. The first chapters are going to jump between flashbacks from the past two years and the present. The flashbacks kind of explain how they got where they are now. A few chapters are already planned. Three or four I think.

The rankings for my books have been posted on my Instagram: Harry.fics28

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