Ch 25

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After yesterday Harry and I went out for the day. He took me to all these places trying to buy me anything that I was remotely interested in nut I wouldn't let him. As we walked through another clothes shop, not knowing the name, I spotted a beautiful dress.

It was a slim fit reaching the manikin's mid-thigh with long sleeves. The entire dress was altered sigh lace, adding personality to the material.

I pointed out the dress to Harry, telling him that I thought I was beautiful. He insisted to buy the piece for me but I declined, telling him not to worry about me. As we continued to mindlessly stroll through the semi-crowded shop Harry whined and complained that he hadn't got me anything for Christmas yet which had approached at a very pace, now being only five days away.

I don't think that I was really looking forward to Christmas like every other year because this year mum and I weren't on speaking terms.

“Harry, you really don't have to get me anything.” I tell him with a light giggle but he just shook his head at me in response.

“Nardia, please. You are do difficult.” he whines. “Just tell me what you want.” he begs and I just roll my eyes looking at him with a smile. Fisting his shirt, I lean against his chest.

“I really don't want anything. Please, we can just get dinner or something. Don't waste your money on me.” I argue and this time he is the one to roll his eyes.

“You sure, baby?” he asks and I nod before pressing my lips to his. “Fine, fine. Most girls would jump at the chance to have someone shower them with gifts but I have to choose a girl who loves to be so difficult.” he says and I giggle as I rest my head against his hard chest, Harry kissing the top of my head.

“Look at that, George.” I hear a lady say my eyes flicking open, Harry and I both glancing in the direction of the voice. We spot an elderly lady that was holding hands with and elderly man, presumably George, her husband. “See, there is still such a thing as living someone for them.” she gushes with a large smile. George smile as well before grabbing his wife.

“I love you for you,” he tells her with a bright smile.

“How long have you two been together?” the lady asks.

“Erm, a few weeks or so,” I say go the woman and she smiles.

“What's the age difference?” she asks and I look to the ground, slightly ashamed of the difference in mine and Harry's ages. If it were someone a little younger than I would be happy to say it, not caring but I feel older people feel it to be inappropriate to have such an age gap. I mean, if my grandmother knew she'd loose her mind. 

“Jude, stop intruding.” George speaks up.

“Erm, no it's fine. It's about five years.” Harry answers to me and the lady smile at us which I gracefully return.

“Well, you look so happy together.” She says walking away. I look at Harry and he is smiling just as big as I am. He then wraps an arm around my shoulder as I wrap mine around his waist.

3 days later

I was currently at home, wrapping the presents that I had bought for everybody, blasting Even Angels Cry by Reece Mastin. The lyrics filling the space of my room as I sang along.

And we lie, lie, lie, lie
Lie, lie, lie
All the time, all the time
And we try, try, try
To get by, by, by
But all the while
Behind all the smiles
Even angels cry
Even angels cry

I sing along horribly, my phone cutting out the music on my speaker as if beeps with an incoming message. I look at the screen as the music fades back in to see a message from Harry flash on the screen. Unlocking my phone I smile at the text.

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