Ch 14

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The most torturous class had to have been English, and I still had twenty more minutes to go. I was slouched in my chair, not saying a word to anyone. In fact, I'd hardly spoken all day, still feeling extremely drained from yesterday.

Harry had called a few times, even texted me to tell me he's sorry or to ask for forgiveness. I was being childish, I knew that. I was the one who started all this. Yet, I couldn't just give in.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket, yanking me away from my thoughts as I fish it out. My suspicions of it being a text from Harry are confirmed as I see his name on the screen, asking if I could babysit tonight.

I put my phone to sleep again, looking up only to make eye contact with my teacher. I sigh, very aware of where this was heading.

"I'm sorry, Miss Clark, am I boring you?" Mr Turner asks and I shake my head.

"No sir," I answer. I know that I haven't gotten away with it that easy as he still glares at me.

"Give me your phone," he instructs. As I stand he adds, "And I'll see you after class." The students make 'oooh' sounds, some snickering but honestly I didn't even care.

The class dragged on, eventually the bell ending the pain. I stay sat in my seat, even though I really didn't care if I got my phone back just yet.

"Miss Clark," Mr Turner starts. "Why were you in your phone?" He questions and I sigh.

"Well, I babysit this little girl and her father was just asking to make sure I could tonight." I explain, exhaustion clear in my voice. I study his expression, watching as he observes me as if I was lying. "If you don't believe me then you can ring him and ask yourself." I sigh.

"No, I believe you Miss Clark. From now on though, please wait until you are out of my class." He says before dismissing me.

When I get out of the classroom I call James. He answers on the fifth ring. "Hey James, Harry wants me to babysit tonight. Would you be able to pick me up after?" I ask.

"Sure. Are you ok with it?"

"Yeah, I need the money. I'm just going to keep it professional tonight."

"Ok sweetie. You know your mother and I are just a phone call away."

"Yeah, I know. Love you James I gotta go."

"Ok, love you too Kiddo. See ya later." I end the call as I start for the cafeteria. When I get there, I sit down next to Isabella. She looks at me with a smirk

"So? What happened?" She asks referring to me being called back.

"Nothing. I just told him the truth. I got asked to babysit tonight and I had to check the message. He just told me to wait until I'm out of class next time." I explain. She huffs, a little disappointed that I didn't get in more trouble. As she turns back to the conversation she was previously having with the other people at the table I text Harry.

Me:- I can babysit.

Me:- And only babysit.

"What's up with you today?" I hear Isabella ask. "It's almost like you're going through a breakup or something. Like, you're so depressed."

"I wish, they're easier to handle." I mumble earning a confused look from Isabella but I decide to ignore it.

I dismiss myself early as I head to class. When I get to my locker my phone buzzes once again with a new text. I pull out my phone to see Harry had replied.

Harry:- Ok, but can we please talk? xx


I lock my phone walking into the classroom. I take a seat in my normal place, resting my head on the table trying to block the outside world out. I'm startled as my phone rings. Without looking at the caller ID I answer it.


"Hey, you answered." I hear Harry breathe, clearly surprised.

"What do you want Harry?" I ask.

"Look, I just wanted to apologise for what happened. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I should never have laid a hand on you. Yeah, I was hurt but I was more angry with myself after I pushed you to the ground. I should never have let anything happen between us. It was a mistake."


Honestly, that hurt more than anything else he could've done. No physical therapy and is equivalent to this.

"Oh," is all I can manage to say


"N-nothing." What a dick!

"Nardia, I'm truly sorry about everything that has happened between us and completely understand if you don't want to babysit anymore."

"No, I want to. What I don't want is to talk with you Harry." And then I hung up.

I felt a little bad for being such a bitch but what he said hurt me and I really didn't want to talk to him anymore.

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