Ch 29

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Harry's P.O.V

I hand Nardia her bag, turning in my heel and walking back inside after mumbling a small "sorry". I slide down the back of my wood framed glass door, my face buried into my knees. I don't know how I could fuck up so much as to believe my ex-wife over my beautiful girlfriend, the girl who even risked her relationship with her mother for me. As I think of all the things that I have done to the poor girl I start crying, regret filling every inch of my body. I am pulled out of my pity party with the sound of screeching tires and a deafening crash sound.

I ruse quickly from the floor still feeling sorry for myself, but confused about what happened. I open the door but I can't see anything because the reason for the sound hidden behind my thick gate and fence. I walk out from my home and outside of the small gate to the side, revealing the remains of two cars that had collided. My heart drops, my face presumably loosing all its colour. I can see Nardia's car mixed in the rubble.

Her car looked as though it had been squished, as if something had just stepped on it. I sprint over to her wrecked car, peering inside to check if she was alright. I find her lifeless body in her seat, the seat belt holding her tightly against her seat.

I try desperately to open the door of the car but with no luck. I look around trying to find someone that could come help us but there was no one out. Warm tears begin to fall as I turn around fast and run back inside to grab my cell, running back out to the road as I call the emergency number. Checking in Nardia once again, I rush over to the other car, peering in through the open window to find the man's chest still moving unsteadily as he breathed. Thankfully, he was still alive.

“Hello, what's you emergency?” a lady on the end says, voice clear yet bored.

“Yeah, there was a car accident at the front of my house. I know that one of them are still alive but my girlfriend trapped in the car. I-I don't know if she's still breathing.” I rush, fingers tugging harshly at my strands of hair that sat messily atop my head. Why the fuck does this have to happen? It's all my fucking fault.

“Okay sir, please stay calm. We are sending someone to your destination immediately. Where is this accident?” I tell her by address, hanging up the phone gone before she can respond. I shove the phone back into my pocket before grabbing the man out of his car, laying him down onto the sidewalk.

I run back over to Nardia's small car, trying helplessly to get in and help her. I think when she had come out of my driveway she was hit, tipping her car over so she rolled which is why her car had been squashed. As I continue to try and get into the car, failing miserably I might add, a fire engine arrives to the scene. The firefighters jump out of their truck and rush to the wrecked cars. One tries to push me back but I resist, trying with everything in me to get a look at Nardia, praying she was still alive.

They finally open the door with some sort of tool before laying her on the road, checking her pulse and other vitals. An ambulance arrives shortly after, four men jumping out, three examining Nardia while the other assists the man. Soon, the man Wales up and he only had a few scratches and bruises by the looks of it, my anger boiling. He looks to be like fifty and Nardia was only eighteen. She still has her whole life ahead of her.

They help the man info the back of the ambulance and grab a bed out for Nardia. They pick her up, placing her out the portable bed. I bite my tongue though when I see how rough they were being with her. They lift her into the back of the ambulance.  She looked so lifeless.  Honestly, she looked dead. They start up the defibrillator and I freak out. She has no pulse.

It's at this point that realisation hits me. I might be losing the girl that I love so much, yet I was so fucking stupid to not believe her. I feel the tears fall even faster than what they were before, my heart pumping even faster if possible. I try to walk towards the ambulance but am stopped by one of the police officers that arrived.

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