Ch 13

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When I got home I was still sobbing, my wrist aching from the fall. I slowly walk to the door, pausing. I take a deep breath pushing it open and rushing through the living room straight to my room.

I turn around to lock the door, leaning against it as I cry more. Throwing my bag aside, I slide down the door, my head resting on my knees.

I cry to myself for a few minutes before there is a light tap against my door followed by my mother's voice. "Sweetie?" She coaxes from the opposite side of the door.

I roll my eyes at her, knowing she can't see me though. Trust her to 'comfort' me. She only cares because James would have said something.

"Go away!" I demand. She sighs in response. I hear her leaning against the door as she speaks once again.

"Please talk to me," she begs. I stand up abruptly, pulling my door open with a little too much force.

"I can't talk to you! You distance yourself, pushing me away so you don't have to listen to me!" I scream. My words were harsh and a little untrue but I was hurting and I know she wouldn't understand. She already thinks the worst of Harry. "You'll judge me." I add softly, eyes trained on the floor.

I look up at her, her mouth opening as she begins to speak but I stop her, closing me door. I close my eyes leaning against the wood, replaying everything from this evening.

I feel gross, covered in tears and sweat from the day so I decide to go for a shower. I scrub my body, washing away all the drama from the past three hours. My muscles relax, the strain weakening as I don't feel as tense.

All of my previous emotions flood away as I dress myself, but as I walk into my bedroom they all flood back. Every single emotion I feel toward this situation hits me.

I curl into a ball as I let the overwhelming feelings show through, sobs racking my chest as tears stroll down my cheeks. This is too much. Feelings and emotions are just too much for people to experience.

There's a knock on my door, my sobs hauling. "Buddy?" I hear James' voice through the door, muffling it a little.

I let out a breath of relief in which I wasn't even aware I was holding. I'm kind of glad my mother didn't come back to be honest. She's just too judgemental.

"It's open," I mumble back quietly. I hear my door push open before it is lightly pushed shut. James' footsteps are heard as he walks closer before my bed sinks a little where he sits.

"Hey," James says in a soothing voice, already making me feel more comfortable. "What happened?" He asks. The thought of what happened is too much, sobs continue to pass through my lips. I sit up, wrapping my weak arms around his neck, crying into his chest.

"I-... I did something bad." I explain, still hugging him. "I'm a bad person." I add.

"Tell me what's up." He coaxes, his hand rubbing over my back in a soothing manner.

I pull away, eyes looking into James'. "I fell for Harry..." I trail off looking at the ground. James looks shocked at the new piece of information.

"Ok..." He says, holding onto the 'k'. "What happened then? Did he already have a girlfriend?" James asks, not understanding how that would have me so upset.

"No, I..." I sigh, searching for any courage so I can explain to James. "Harry and I... did things." I say not making eye contact. "And, we made a deal, not to tell anyone that something happened. But... I broke that trust. I told Isabella." I explain. "I couldn't face him, I just felt too guilty. It was eating me up so I told him. He got really angry and we had a fight." I finish.

"So, what happened when you fought? Did he touch you, hurt you?"

I lower my head, eyebrows furrowing. "He pushed me." I say.

"Did he hurt you?" James asks sounding angry.

"No, I was just surprised when I fell."

"Nardia, why would you tell someone though when you promised one another that you wouldn't tell a soul?" James questions and I sigh.

"Isabella was bragging about shagging some guys or whatever, just being a... a slut and then had the nerve to tease me that I hadn't been with a guy for a while. I told her out of anger. I didn't say his name at all, just said that I did do things with a guy." I finish feeling the guilt rise again.

"You understand his anger though right?" James asks and I nod. "Not only did you break that promise and trust, but Harry could get in huge trouble." James pauses, opening and closing his mouth a few times as if he wanted to say something. "Did you two... havesex?" He asks rushed and I blush, shaking my head.

"Um, no?"

"How old is Harry?" He then asks surprising me.

"Ah, twenty-three,"

"Well, in one month, when you turn eighteen, there is nothing they can do. Until then, you'll have to keep it quiet, not telling anybody and I promise, I will keep my mouth shut." He smiles and I nod.

"I don't think that matters anymore. Harry hates me."

"Harry doesn't hate you, he's just hurt and upset. He's just scared. Clearly he felt something for you as well, so when you broke his trust he was really hurt. And he would not risk his reputation, going to jail, everything for a girl that he didn't really care for. So he'll come back around, just give him some time. Besides, right now he probably hates himself. He would be angry that he pushed you." James explains and I nod.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed. This day has drained me." James leans forward, hugging me tightly. "Please don't tell mum?" I ask in a whisper.

He pulls away with a smile. "Ok, Kiddo. I won't. Have a good sleep." He smiles, getting up and leaving.

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