Ch 18

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Nardia's P.O.V

"Harry!" a voice shouts from outside of the room. Groaning, I cuddle further into Harry. "Harry!" the voice calls again, this time I shoot up, holding the sheets tightly around my chest.

"Daddy!" another voice sounds, this time I knew the voice well. It was Cleo. I start to panic, realising that Vanessa and Cleo must have been here. I shake Harry violently but he doesn't budge.

"Harry..." I whisper-shout, Harry groaning while furrowing his eyebrows. His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to me. "Harry, for God's sake, wake up. Vanessa and Cleo are here, you need to get to work!" I exclaim. He sits up abruptly, clearly panicked.

"Fuck," he murmurs, shooting out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. The shower starts up, my eyebrows furrowing. Standing up, I make my way to the bathroom too. My eyes land on Harry in the shower, clearly still agitated. About to walk out I jump when Harry speaks. "Are you getting in?" he asks and I nod, a little intimidated by his tone. I hop into the shower with him, standing awkwardly.
He let's out a deep sigh, grabbing my body and pulling me closer to him. He lightly presses his lips against the soft skin on my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. Smiling, I look up at him. "I'm sorry, love. I don't mean to be a dick, Vanessa just puts me on edge." biting my lower lip I nod.

"Harry, where the hell are you?" Vanessa's voice travels through the bathroom door. Harry groans deeply, quickly jumping out of the shower,wrapping a towel around his lower half. Turning the water off, I jump out too, grabbing my own towel.
"Can you do me a favour and just wait here until we're gone? Please. It'll be too much drama if she finds out about us, okay, baby." I nod, agreeing with his decision. I'm surprised though when he pecks my lips before walking out, shutting the door behind him.

Drying myself I wrap the towel around my body. Waiting for the the car to pull out, I sit on the sink, picking at my nails. When I finally here both cars pulling away from the house I make my way out to Harry's room. My lips turn into a flat line as I look for my clothes which had disappeared from the floor. I look around the room, confused where they could be. Soon enough I find them neatly folded on the dresser, a note resting on top.

Have a great day baby. I'll see you later.
  Harry xx

I smile as I read over the note. I pull my clothes on before heading downstairs and calling myself a cab. I arrive home shortly after, rushing upstairs to get myself ready. Today was Friday so unfortunately, I had to prepare myself for school. Finding a black long-sleeved crop top and a red and black plaid flannel I pull them on. I match it with my high wasted denim shorts. I straighten my hair, tying it in a high pony before slipping on my black converse.

Once I am ready I go back downstairs to ask James for a lift, however, mum starts her interrogation. "Hi, honey. When did you get home last night?" I shrug nonchalantly, discreetly rolling my eyes.

"I ended up staying out with girls. We slept at Macy's." I lie.


"Macy's, she a friend. Can I go now? I'm already late, mother." she sighs with a nod.

"Yeah, okay. Have a good day." she says and I nod, James standing and grabbing his keys.

We both make our way out to the car, James pulling out and heading for the school. "So, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you stayed at his place, huh?" I bite my lip, looking out of the window. "So, that's a yes?" he says but I don't react. Soon enough we were at school. I try to jump out of the car but am stopped by James. "You know, your mum wants what's best for you." he says and I groan, not wanting to listen to him defending my mother.

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