Ch 9

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The sound of the door running along the carpet pulls me away from my peaceful slumber. With my eyes squinted, I look toward the door to find Cleo clumsily stumbling in.

My body heats with the anxiety and nerves of being caught. Frantically I sit up, rapidly tapping Harry's shoulder to wake him from his slumber. Rolling over, his eyes were still flickering to stay open. Curiosity was etched into his face, sleep still battling his eyes, almost winning. I bite my lip, Harry's eyes flicking over to Cleo. The curiosity washes away as the fear and panic set in. He was clearly anxious.

My fearful eyes quickly dart down to my naked body, tugging at the sheets to ensure that its at least hidden. My cheeks are stained with the heated blush as the memories of last night slowly flood my mind, the events very detailed in my mind.

When Harry finally comes to terms with the issue at hand, he send me a crisp nod. He pulls the sheets tighter and higher, as a safety precaution of ensuring our nude bodies are not on display for Cleo. Slowly, Cleo continues to clumsily approach the bed.

“Good morning, sweetie,” Harry cheerfully greets his young daughter, momentarily forgetting our predicament. His lips were tight pulled into a bright smile, his fondness of his daughter evident. 

“Can I get under the covers?!” Cleo beams, far too happy for an early morning in my opinion.

“Oh, ah, no, honey.” Harry says as he lightly grabs hold of her small frame. Cleo's brows instantly start to knit together in confusion about why she couldn't get in bed when she is always allowed to. Tears well up in her sharp blue-green eyes because of her father's answer of rejection. “Aw, no, sweetheart, um, I'm not wearing clothes. Daddy's naked.” he swiftly lies, Cleo's small fists wiping her salty tears away. Harry's lie was successful though as her cute face twists into disgust at the thought of her naked father.

“Ewww!” Cleo gushes as she shakes her head, hastily jumping off the bed. “Nardia, get out!” She adds still looking frightened. I chuckle at the small girl.

“Oh, I don't mind.” I giggle, pulling my body up a little on the bed, keeping my body covered.

Cleo quickly darts out of the room, clearly grossed out with the idea of being neat her naked father. When she's gone I bite my lip, turning to look at Harry with a small smile playing on my lips from the banter.

He smiles back at me, his emerald green eyes sparkling at me, while he had deep bags resting under his eyes. His silky soft, chestnut brown hair was a mess, his baby curls sticking in every direction. I giggle as I continue to look at him.

“What?” he asks with a small chuckle. His morning voice was really sexy. It was gravelly, more so then usual, with a deeper, more raspy tone. Honestly his morning voice alone made me weak at the knees.

I continue to gnaw on my swollen lip as I stare fondly at him. “Nothing,” I whisper. Grinning at each other, Harry leaning down and pressing his soft lips against my own. I wasn't even worried about morning breath.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Ah, there it was again, his sexy morning voice. Being called beautiful in that voice.

“Morning,” I mumble back. “I've gotta go home soon.” I tell him as I tug on the chain wrapped around his neck. My eyes flicker to the digital clock on his table. He furrows his brows, twirling my shabby hair between his ring clad fingers. “Isabella wanted to go to lunch.” I explain to him and he nods.

Harry takes me off guard as he wraps his strong right arm around my small body, tugging me effortlessly closer to him. “Really? Do you have to?” he whines as he peppers kisses all over my face. I chuckle at the man tracing the swirls of ink stains, nodding at him.

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