Ch 30

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Harry's P.O.V

James hurries me inside, needing to hear the whole story with detail. After he understood exactly what happened, I had to break the news to Jackie, Nardia's mother who hated me. Thankfully, the room wasn't filled with hatred yells or her wanting to launch herself over the table to kill me. Instead, the room was slowly flooding with her cries and weeps. Maybe her anger and violence would have been better...

When Jackie was calm, the three of us decide to leave so we could see my baby girl. I offered for the two to rode with my but, of course, they declined. She told me that she didn't like me at the best of times.

I was driving to the hospital behind James as tears filled my eyes, few leaking over. Soon enough, we were pulling unto the hospital car park, jumping out and heading inside. I was being to hey anxious of how James and Jackie were going treat to seeing Nardia in the state that she was currently in. Soon, they were going to see her lying lifeless in a plain, white hospital bed. Cords were hanging from her body with a few bandages wrapped over her skin to conceal the wounds.

Letting out a sigh as I continue down the hallway, leading her mother and James to the room she resided in. When we arrive the three of us step in, but I am stopped by Jackie.

“You don't think I would let you anywhere near her after this, right?” She spits bitterly.

Tears burn my eyes at the sudden demand, but I now my head regardless. Before I left, my eyes drift behind Jackie's body to get a glimpse of my stunning girl. That image of her laying unconscious in a dull hospital bed will be the last memory I will have of her. Sucking in a breath I make my way back down the long, narrow hallways.

Making my way outside the cold air nips at my limited exposed skin of my face and hands. My mind drifts back to the image of Nardia laying lifeless in the bed making me cringe.

Although I understood exactly why Jackie didn't want me around it still hurt me. However, if it was my daughter in Nardia's position, her boyfriend being the reason that she was there unable to comprehend the world around her, I would never want him back in her life again. Hell, I'd want to kill the kid.

I start walking to the Starbucks around the corner to get myself a hot chocolate I'm a cheap attempt to warm my numbing body, or to wash my guilt away. Which ever came first, I guess.

As I sit in my depressing pity party, my phone buzzes next to me. I groan in an attempt to ignore it but the device is relentless and persistently vibrates against the wooden table. I want to scream at the device to "fuck off" but it would disturb the few people in the store. Instead, I pick the phone up and answer the call.

“Harry,” Vanessa's nagging voice seethes through the receiver. Great, just what I need. “Why haven't you come to pick your daughter up yet?” Vanessa yells but u just roll my eyes.

“Look, I have something going on right now. I'll pick her up when I can.” I answer sternly, turning my phone off and throwing it on the table. Standing with my cup in hand I decide to hear home to get a few hours of sleep.


I wake up from my slumber, turning my phone on to be astounded by the fact I had slept until the next day. I was really tired and stressed out which would explain it.

I crawl out of bed as I start to go throw my messages. I find Louis, Niall and James had messaged me. I open up James' first, eager to see if Nardia's condition had changed. Opening the text I am slightly disappointed that nothing had changed yet somewhat relieved.

James: Jackie's gone home. Couldn't stand down seeing Nardia like that. Won't be back until she wakes up so you can visit her until then...

I smile a little at the text, rolling out of bed to get ready. I pull in my signature black skinny jeans with a ripped knee adding a dark grey sweater and my brown boots.

As I make my way out of the house I read Niall and Louis' texts which simply said they saw the news on telly and they were sorry.

Quickly, I drive to hospital, soon pulling into the car park. I start to feel giddy as I think of being able to see my girl again. I walk to her room, not hesitating to enter to be faced with her unconscious body left I'm the same way in the bed.

“Hey baby,” I say as I move over to her, pecking her forehead softly.


I had decided to go back to work and do as much as I can in hopes to stop thinking about Nardia. It had been three weeks and she still hadn't woken up. Honestly, I was starting to loose hope that she would wake up...

Nardia's doctor had been considering taking off of the life support which would have a high chance of killing her. If they did, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, knowing that I killed a young girl because of my ex-wife.

As I look through the presentation on Friday I hear a gentle knock on my frosted glass door.

“Yeah?” I spit in a harsh tone. Since Nardia's accident, I have gone back to being angry all the time, closed up from the surrounding world.

“Erm, M-Mr Styles, sir, there is s-someone holding on line th-three for you.” My latest assistant, Kylie, stutters making me more agitated.

“First, stop stuttering or you'll loose your job. Who is it?” I know I was taking my anger out on everyone in the office but I couldn't stop it. And because of this, Vanessa won't let me have Cleo.

“H-he said his names is J-James. James Donald,” She informs MD and I look at the small red flashing light on my phone.

Sucking in a harsh breath, I dismissed Kylie and answering James' call. “Hello?”

“Harry, it's about Nardia...” He says and my heart instantly beats at a more rapid pace.


Second last chapter!!!  :( I'm so sad for it to end. You guys have been wonderful. You can always read my other books though ;)  love you x

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