Ch 3

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After lunch, Harry took me home and I went straight to my mother, talking about the gala that Harry wanted me to attend. Strictly business. I also questioned about babysitting Harry's daughter, Cleo.

My mother happily agreed to let me go to the gala. It was one night and we would be surrounded by many other people, nothing able to happen. She knew it was a great business opportunity.

She was hesitant though to let me babysit. She claimed that I would be 'around Mr Styles too often and he would try something'. I told her that nothing like that would happen and I honestly needed the money for university. When the money side came up she was still sceptical but gave in.

As soon as I got the ok from my mother I ran upstairs to get dressed for tonight. Which brings me to now, standing in front of my bathroom mirror, burning tight curls into my dark hair. My makeup was applied perfectly too.

When I am happy with my hair I scan over my appearance, satisfied with the outcome. With a smile present on my face, I grab my phone and open up my social media, scrolling through to kill a little time.

After about half an hour I finish getting ready, knowing very well Harry will be here soon.

I walk to my underwear drawer, pulling out a pair of peach-dark pink panties along with my pale strapless bra. Stripping from my previous clothes, I pull on my undergarments. Once they are on I pull on the beautiful dress Harry got me.

I add the jewellery I purchased along with my baby pink earrings and my heels before looking at myself. I fix a few slight faults in my makeup before grabbing my clutch and making my way carefully down the steps. I absolutely hate waking downstairs in heels.

"Sweetheart, you look gorgeous!" My mother gushes as I step on the last step, my eyes flittering up to meet hers. She smiles widely before pulling out her phone, snapping a picture of me. "James!" She calls looking over her shoulder. "James! Come look at Nardia!" James emerges from the kitchen, a smile on his face when he sees me.

"You look beautiful." He says sincerely. I blush as I look to the ground, a shy smile tugging on my lips.

"So when is h-" her sentence is cut short by the sound of a horn honking outside.

"Guess that's him," I giggle feeling giddy. My nerves begin to build with each step that I take. As I open the door I see an older man walking toward my door dressed in a suit.

"Hello Mrs Clark, I'm Tomas, Mr Styles' personal driver. I will be driving you to the gala." He explains and I nod following as he leads me to the limo.

He opens the door but I can't see Harry anywhere. I turn to ask Tomas where Harry is but he closes the door before I can manage to. When he buckles himself in I decide to ask.

"Um, Mr... Tomas, where is Mr Styles?" I ask politely. Tomas starts the car, pulling away before answering.

"Mr Styles is already at the gala and awaiting your arrival, Miss Clark." He says, glancing at me through the rear-view mirror. I nod as I relax back into my seat.

Eventually, we are pulling up to the gala, Tomas helping me get out. I fix my dress before I make my way inside awkwardly, not sure where to go. I had never been to something like this before. The most fancy thing I have ever done is to to a expensive restaurant or a wedding, and even then, that's not that great. I look around and see many people having a wonderful time, me becoming completely out of place.

Where's Harry..?

I walk around the venue in search of Harry, nerves building up with each passing second. I don't fit in here.

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