Ch 15

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After school Harry's car was waiting for me, Tomas sitting in the driver's seat. I get in, Tomas heading for Cleo's day-care.

I walk in, Cleo smiling when she noticed me walking in. With arms open wide, Cleo's small body runs to me. I pick her up, smiling happily at her. "Hey Cleo, how are you, love?" she was the most adorable little girl ever.

"Okay. Daddy's been upset though." she pouts.

"Why?" I ask, internally aware of the reason. "What happened, sweetie?"

She shrugs her tiny shoulders. "I don't know. He's been just weird." she tells me.

"Oh," is all I can manage to say to the young girl, leading the two of us to the car. I open the back door, setting Cleo in her seat and buckling her in. When I am buckled, Tomas begins his drive back to Harry's. When we get there, I go inside to do the normal normal routines.


I was waiting for Harry to come home so I could call James to take me home. I was exhausted, all I wanted to do was go to bed. My thoughts are interrupted as the door swings open, an exhausted Harry entering the foyer. Instantly, I gather all my things, jamming them into my backpack.

Fishing my phone out of my  back pocket, I unlock it heading toward the door. "Nardia, stop. I'm not going to let you get away that easy." he says, turning around to look at him. "I'm sorry, so sorry for everything that I let happen. Nothing should have happened between us, Look where it got us."

"You really don't get it, do you? I enjoyed what happened between us, I like it."

"You did?"

Frustrated by the fact that Harry didn't realise how I really felt about us, I throw my hands up. "Are you kidding me?! Of course, Harry."

Harry rushed over to me, surprising me as he smashes our lips together. I don't know what it was, but I didn't shove him off, I didn't want him to stop him. In fact, I kissed back, moving my lips along with his. My bag and phone drop as I lift my hand, reaching for Harry's neck. My fingers wrap the small hairs on the nape of his neck around them, Harry picking me up and pinning me against the wall.

The heated moment is ruined as Cleo appears from the stairs. "Dad?" she asks, small fists rubbing her eyes to help her adjust to the new lighting. Harry lowers my body, making me feel a little upset at the loss of contact.

"Cleo," he says as he clears his throat. "Ah, you should be in bed." my eyes drift from Cleo back to Harry, noticing his member was a little excited. Grinning, I turn my attention back to Cleo.

"C'mon, I'll take you to bed." I walk over to her, picking her up and carrying back to bed. Once she is tucked in I make my way back downstairs. I find Harry seated on the sofa, a glass of water in his hand. "So..." I trail off, biting my lip and holding my arm.

"I'm sorry," he says once again. I nod as Harry stands and walks over to me.

"Me too," when Harry reached me, he places his forefinger on my chin, lifting my face so that I am looking him in the eyes.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for, love." he smiles at me and I smile back, feeling happier than earlier. "So, you forgive me then?" He inquires and I nod.

"I don't know, you forgive me?" he shakes his head at me.

"Love, you did nothing wrong."

"Okay, okay. I forgive you." I tell him and he smiles, kissing my forehead.

"Can I take you home?"

"What about Cleo?"

"Right, right." he chuckles. I pick up my phone, dialling James' number.

-›› -›› -››

When I get home I go straight to my room, heading to my en-suite. I strip out of my clothes, jumping into the heated shower. As I squeeze shampoo in my hair, running my hands through my hair, my thoughts sit on Harry.

Walking out in just a towel, I head to my dresser. Opening the top draw, I pull out my panties and pull them on. I find my blue shorts, pulling them up my legs followed by a white tank top.

Sitting on my bed, James walks in. "How'd it go?" he asks. I can't help it as I smile, the memory of Harry and I flooding my mind.

"Well, we made up."

"So, things are back to the way they were then?" I nod, biting on my bottom lip.


"Well, I'll let you get to bed then. Good night." he says, standing and leaving the room.

"Yeah, night." James turns the light off on the way out while I get comfortable in bed. Pulling the covers up to my neck, snuggling into them. Just as I am about asleep, my phone lights up my bedroom. Picking up the device, I have a look at the notification that had just appeared. Smiling widely at the name, I open the text message.

Harry: Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams xx


Thank y'all for reading!! Sorry it's short though...

I'd also like to apologise for my lack in updating. There's not really an excuse for it, just lazy. Sorry lol

I would like to add two key notes...

1. Some of the stories that I put on hold I'm thinking of deleting

2. How do I get more reads on a chapter rather than the previous? Like, you skipping chapters? I'm confused..... Hmmm

+ the chapters will start getting longer, promise x ;)

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