Ch 19*

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*Smut in this chapter*

When Harry was finished work we went straight to his place after picking Cleo up from daycare. Harry gave me the opportunity to stay with him for as long as I wanted.

When we walk inside Cleo asked if we could play a game together. We both run up to her room, excited to play. I sit down on the ground, Cleo handing me some of her dolls. When we were playing together she asked me a random question.

"Are you dating daddy?"

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Are you and daddy together. I told mum about you babysitting me and you slept with daddy the other night, she told me you two will be together." she pauses. "But she doesn't like you. She called you nasty names." she tells me.

"Oh," is all I can manage as I process the new given information. "Well, we're not together. We're just... friends." I tell her and she nods continuing with her dolls.

After a few more minutes of playing Harry comes into the room, instructing Cleo to go for a bath. Once Harry had taken Cleo I make my way downstairs, I rake through the cupboards finding something to cook for dinner. I decide on chicken and salad.

As I cut the lettuce Harry comes back into view with Cleo perched on his hip. His eyebrows knot together, smiling a little as he walks over to me.

"What are you doing? I was just going to order in take-out."

"No, it's fine. I feel bad for just hanging around, being a burden." I say. He walks over to me, pecking my lips, my eyes going super wide, attention moving to Cleo who had now been placed in her high chair. Harry comes to realisation, completely stunned.

Cleo then frowns as she looks between the two of us. "I thought you said you weren't dating daddy." she says and I bite my lip. "That's what daddy did to mummy when we lived together."

"Cleo, we're not together." Harry explains. I move to Cleo's side, bending down to her level.

"What you daddy means is that it's a secret. If you tell people then I won't be allowed to see you anymore. So, how about we keep this out little secret." I say and she nods.

"Why doesn't mummy like you?" Cleo asks.

"Mummy doesn't want daddy to have another girlfriend." Harry chimes in, Cleo resuming her previous actions.

After dinner Cleo is put to bed, Harry and I sat on the lounge talking to each other. Harry was telling me about how he was worried about what would happen if Vanessa found out that Harry and I were fooling around, and oddly enough I wasn't all that worried. Our conversation drifts off to a business trip that Harry was required to take soon, how Cleo would be starting the first grade soon and how Harry was so happy that his little girl was growing up so quickly. He was excited yet so scared that time was going by too fast.

Harry sighs, head lowering. "Nardia, I still keep thinking about Vanessa, what if Cleo tells her?" he asks, rolling my eyes I smile gently as I face him.

"Harry, honestly, calm down. I promise it'll be fine." I assure, Harry still seeming a little uptight about it. I reach over and mould my lips with his. Harry quickly deepens the kiss, gripping my waist and pulling my body onto to him, straddling him. His hands roam around my hips, my hands gripping the small curls at the nape of his neck. His lips trail from my lips, over my cheeks and to my neck, sucking harshly, no doubt leaving a hickey.

I roll my hips, pushing down and grinding down on Harry's member. Harry moans deeply, head rolling back. His hands grip the bottom of my shirt, pulling the material over my head, my black and red bra on display for him. My hands moving to the bottom button on his shirt, undoing them one by one. I slip the shirt off of his broad shoulders pecking the skin bit by bit as it becomes exposed, his tattoos coming into view. My hand traces them, Harry watching my movements. Picking me up so my legs wrap around his waist and our lips stay attached, he carries us up the stairs.

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