Ch 8*

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(WARNING! - Explicit content. Readers 15 years and over only!)

I was sat on the couch just like last night as I waited for Harry to come back from work. Gosh, I sound like a clingy wife from the 50's.

I hear the door push open slightly, my head moving to see Harry walking in. He smiles at me as I smile back. Without saying a word to one another, I take his bag and carry it up to his office. I place it on his desk before walking down to his room. I sit on his bed, peering through the bathroom door that was slightly open, only to see him peeling his shirt off his body. I blush as I bite my lip.

His eyes find me on his bed through the mirror, a smirk setting on his lips. "Hey," he says and I blush harder.

"Hi," I squeak. I watch his muscles as they contract under he toned skin . He holds himself up by the sink as he kicks his shoes off. He moves out of my sight as he strips off completely and jumps into the shower.

No words are spoken when he gets out to change. He walks into the room in just a towel, pulling his boxers up under the towel. He takes the towel back to the bathroom before he comes back.

His little show had me all hot and bothered as he walked back. I bite my lip as I look over what is exposed of his skin. I look up, my eyes meeting his as I blush. He leans in the doorway of his bathroom as I stay seated on his bed.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" He asks.

"Cleo told me a little secret about you," I say quietly. He walks over toward me, making me stand up quickly. His hands latch to my waist, luring me toward him.

"Yeah? What'd she say?" He asks huskily. I bite my lip, pausing for a second.

"Can't say," I breathe, my heart rate quickening. I move my fingers over The tight skin covering Harry's chest.

"Tell me," his gravelly voice says but I shake my head.

"Nope," I say quietly, all my confidence gone all because of his hands on me. "Can't do that. Sorry." I tease. He raises an eyebrow before lowering his head, pressing his plump lips against the skin of my neck.

I moan, tilting my neck for him to access more of my skin. "How about now?" He asks, his voice deeper than usual.

"N-no," I squeak, struggling to say anything.

"God your stubborn." He growls, pushing me back on the bed. He looks me over in my pyjamas before licking his lips.

My heart beats frantically in my chest at the anticipation of what was going to happen. He slowly crawls down the bed to rest above me, his eyes asking permission which I gladly agree to.

He bends down slowly, giving me plenty of time to stop him, before connecting our lips. The movement is slow, a bit like our first kiss. Soon enough though, the pace quickens as he begins to become rougher with me. His hands gripping me tightly.

He moves his hand up under my shirt, cupping my breasts. I moan as I move my head away from him, rolling it back in pleasure.

"Can I take it off baby?" He whispers in my ear, his hot breath fanning against the shell of my ear. He sucks my earlobe into his mouth as I nod my head. He pulls back, roughly ripping the material from my body, exposing me to him.

I had done this with a handful of other guys, yet I was so nervous for Harry to see me. He was older and clearly more experienced, I mean he has a freaking child. I blush as I watch his eyes look over my entire body, probably looking for all the imperfections.

"Fuck," he grumbles softly. I take in a deep breath, calming myself. Without warning, I feel Harry's lips connect with my own. I move my hand up to cup his face as he moves his lips along with my own. Just from kissing I could feel myself becoming more and more wet.

I feel Harry's hands on my waist, rubbing circles above the waist band of my shorts. "Take them off." I order Harry and he pulls away to look at me, smirking. He does as I say and pulls my shorts and panties off.

Never have I been so self-conscious and nervous. "Ah, freshly shaven." He says and I blush, my eyes moving away from him. He chuckles before connecting our lips once again. He massages my breast, trailing his hand down my body, rubbing me over my centre. I moan, bucking my hips into his hand. "Eager? 'Cause you're fucking wet..." He says and I blush madly.

He rubs his finger over the little bundle of nerves making me moan louder than before. "Shh baby, you'll wake Cleo." He says seductively in my ear making me shudder.

He then pushes his long fingers inside of me, pumping his hand. His pace is torturingly slow to start with before he picks up his speed.

"Oh.. shit," I mutter as my hands grip the sheets. I let go of them before clawing his back. "Harry, I'm... almost there," I say as he continues, using his thumb to run over my clit. Eventually, I reach my high.

"Oh my god," I say as I lay back, catching my breath. Harry pulls the duvet over me, laying down next to me.

"Do.. you..." I start but Harry shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm alright." He smiles and I do too. Gaining confidence I reach up and connect my lips to his.

"Well... thanks." I blush.

His smile begins to vanish as he speaks. "You know that no one would agree with this. Your mother would ban you from babysitting. God I fucked up." He says throwing himself down onto the bed.

"Harry, stop. I let you and I'd let you do it again..." I say as I blush. "Look, we just won't say anything."

"I could go to jail," he argues and I roll my eyes.

"Not if I'm the only one who knows. Honestly, I'm happy to be you dirty little secret." I smile, pecking his lips.

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