Ch 7

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We walk out to the car, climbing in. As I help Cleo buckle in she grabs my attention by asking, "Why did you lie to your mum?"

"Um, what do you mean?" I ask for clarification.

"You said that you and daddy don't sleep together, you do. You and daddy slept together last night." She states and I sigh at how observant this little girl is.

"Well, if I told my mum that I slept with your dad then I wouldn't be allowed to go near your daddy or even you anymore." I explain to her.

"Why?" She pushes.

"Because... Your daddy is older than me, my mummy doesn't like that." I try to tell her but she frowns, clearly offended by my new given information.

"What wrong with my daddy?" She grumbles, her small arms crossing against her chest.

"Nothing!" I exclaim. "Nothing's wrong with him. Honestly, I like your daddy... a lot." I pause as I drift into thought. "But, nothing could ever happen.."

"Why?" She asks looking generally concerned. "Daddy likes you too. He told me." She says as a smile plays on her lips.

"Really?" I ask as my stomach begins to flip, butterflies stirring widely in my stomach. She nods eagerly and I smile, teeth peering through.

When Cleo is secured in, I close the door and jump in the car myself, clipping my seatbelt on and start the car. I then drive to the closest Beach which was about half an hour away.

When we pull up, Cleo is looking out the window as her green eyes sparkle, a large smile dancing on her lips as the dimples pop in her cheeks. She bobs up and down, clearly happy and excited to be at the beach.

I grab the bag with all of mine and Cleo's things after unbuckling Cleo and letting her climb out of the car. She grabs my hand with hers as I lead her down to the beach. I set our things down, laying out a large towel for me before stripping off into my bikini. "You coming?" Cleo asks and I smile brightly, nodding.

"Sure," I answer. "We got to put sunscreen on first though." I instruct and she sighs but nonetheless walks to me. I cover all of her exposed skin before pulling out her hat, pulling it onto her head.

I cover myself in sunscreen also before rushing down to the water with Cleo. We play around, splashing each other and playing games that the two of us made up. When we got out Cleo wanted to make a sand-castle which I happily agreed to, so we spent about an hour and a half building a sand-castle with a bridge running across our moat that surrounded our massive sand-castle covered in shells and other debris that had washed up along shore.

I stood back and snapped a photo, sending it to Harry. Finally, we had agreed to get some ice-cream before we headed home. As I pulled my pants onto my body Cleo and I both caught sight of a couple kissing in the water. While her face twisted with disgust, I imagined it to be Harry and I. My heart clenched when my subconscious told me to stop because that could never happen.

When my shoes were firmly on my feet I helped Cleo get dressed. I look up and see a guy from school walking toward us dressed in a lifeguard outfit.
"Hey, Nardia. How are you?" He asks with a smile.

"Hi Luke, erm, I'm alright." I say awkwardly as I see his eyes peer down to my chest. "What's up?" I wonder.

"Nothing, just noticed you in the water." He explains eyes still switching from my chest to my face. "You looked pretty fit," he adds as he licks his lips. His eyes scan my entire body and I cringe.

"Oh.." I trail off covering my body. There's a pause before I speak. "Ok, well, erm, I gotta go. I promised Cleo ice-cream." I say desperately trying to get away.

"Is she your sister?" He asks glancing at the small girl.

"No, I just baby sit her." I clarify and he nods.

"Well, before you go, could I give you my number?" He asks. I wanted so badly to say no but I felt bad, so instead, I unlocked my phone and open up a new contact, handing him the device. Most definitely a number I will never use.

When he is finished, he gives me back my phone before we bid goodbyes. I look at my phone again just as a new message from Harry comes through, a smile breaking through.

Harry:- Nice castle :) x

My heart rate increases dramatically at the kiss at the end of the text. I'm too worked up over the kiss to text back, so instead, I lock my phone and walk with Cleo to the car.

We get ourselves situated before I drive to the ice-cream parlour five minutes away. There was one by the beach but it didn't have as many toppings as the other. I park the car and walk in with Cleo, observing the topping bar.

Cleo decided a on chocolate mint with flakes on the top and the bottom of her cone filled with Nutella. I, on the other hand, get a cookies and cream with choc-chips on the top and Nutella in the bottom.

We find a table outside and sit down, observing other people walking by. "Nardia?! Can we take a photo for daddy?!" The little girl beams.

I pull my phone out of my shorts, before posing with Cleo. I hold my cone up, Cleo licking hers as we both smile into the camera. I look at the photo afterwards, making sure that I had a fair amount of my chest in the photo before sending it.

Me:- *Attachment

Me:- Ice-cream!!!

I decide against sending a kiss before locking my phone. Minutes later, a reply comes through.

Harry:- Looks yummy!!

Harry:- And not the ice-cream.. xx

I blush before locking the phone. We both finish off our ice-creams before we head back to my place.

When we get back we go back up to my room so I can get dressed and pack my things. I change into a fresh set of underwear as well as a black cropped top with white and yellow flowers and my ripped black jeans. I pack all my things that I will need in my overnight bag before ringing Harry.

He had called me three times since we left the ice-cream shop. He answers on the second ring. "Hey, is everything alright? Why weren't you answering? Are you staying again?" He rushes out.

I giggle before answering. "Yes, I am staying. Everything is alright, I just couldn't answer because I was driving." I chuckle. "Relax Harry, we're fine. Cleo and I even talked a little bit today. I learnt some things about you too..."

"What?" He asks sounding curious. "What did she say?" He wonders. Through the tone of his voice I could tell that he was smiling.

"Oh, I can't say, sorry." I say with a smirk dancing on my lips. I look down at Cleo as I feel her pat my arm.

"Can I talk to daddy?" She whispers and I smile at her.

"Ok, well, I'll see you tonight. I got-"

"Hey, can Cleo talk to you?" I ask. There's a small silence before he answers.

"Y-yeah, of course." His voice was filled with joy making me smile wider than I already was.

I hand my phone to Cleo as she says, "Hey daddy," happiness dripping from her voice.

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