Ch 22

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Chad and I were drinking for a while, not once did Harry come and speak to me. Maybe it was because he didn't see me or because he didn't want to come see me, but we hadn't spoken yet. Nevertheless, it had been one of the best nights.... apart from my birthday with Harry of course.

We had somehow made our way to a table that was sat near the bar and near a door that lead to a balcony. From this time that I had spent with Chad I had found that he was a really great guy. Throughout the night that I was speaking with him I was giggling, but then again that could have been from the burning alcohol coursing through my veins.

Was I wasted? No. Was I tipsy? Definitely. Don't judge me. I needed some way to stop thinking about Harry and that whore.

Just as I was about to erupt into another fit of giggles from a joke Chad told, I hear someone clear their throat behind me. Turning around I am faced with Harry. "Oh, you're here. I've been worried sick, Nardia."  he says exasperated. I simply roll my eyes in response. 

"Good evening, Mr Styles. This is my new friend, Chad. He's a super great guy. I think you two could be great friends." I say with a smirk bringing the glass cup full of the burning liquid to my lips.

"You're drunk." he states the obvious with a smirk.

"Duh," I say with a giggle. Looking at Chad to see that he was staring daggers at Harry, a similar look to what Harry was giving Chad.

"Nardia," Harry starts, "We need to get you home. You're drunk." I roll my eyes at him once again.

"Mr Styles, why would I want to leave? I'm having a lot of fun." I say, Harry's jaw tense and I smile a little to myself.

"Nardia, can I speak to you in private." Harry says as he grabs my arm pulling me toward him then out the door to the balcony. "What the fuck is going on with you?" he asks using a rather loud and demanding tone, sobering me up a little.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my hands moving to my hips.

"I mean with him. Why have you been here with him?" he says, my anger boiling even more.

Did he actually have the nerve to ask me that?

"That's rich coming from you. When I walked in here the first thing I saw was you holding some whore, eyes stuck to her chest. I don't know what this," I say pointing between the two of us, "means you you but it meant a lot to me. I actually really cared for you, but seeing you with some other girl hurt, it fucking stung." Harry looked stunned by my confession.

"You think that what we have together means nothing to me?" he asks and I nod. "Nardia, you've got to be cra-"

"Harry, just stop. Don't try and tell me that this means something to you because I saw how you were with that bitch. Actions speak louder than words." he honestly looked a little sad but at this point, with all my anger, I didn't give damn.

"Can we go back to the hotel and sort it out back there?" Harry suggests, eyes glazed over like he might cry. I nod, agreeing with him before I walk away. Heading back to Chad and tell him the I have to go before we exchange numbers. He was understanding about everything that was happening in which I was grateful for.

Harry and I got into the car, not saying a single thing to one another the whole drive back to the hotel. As soon as the car pulled up to the hotel. When we arrived I jumped out, walking to the room, not waiting for Harry to catch up.

When I got into the room I went and got myself a glass of water. As I sipped it, Harry walked in. Walking over to me, he placed his hands on my hips before I pushed them away. He looked me dead in the eyes, my knees falling weak.

"I'm sorry," he tells me and I shake my head. He is not getting away with it that easy. He is the first person that I have opened up to in a long time and he is abusing it. Harry's phone then starts to ring and when he pulls it out the photo of the bitch from the benefit came up making me cringe. 

I look at Harry in disgust and he looks at me with panic covering his face. "I can explain." he says and I shake my head going to the bedroom slamming the door shut. I get dressed into a blue and black flannel with some black skinny jeans.

I wipe all of my makeup off and put my hair into a high pony before packing up my things. When I am packed I place my black flats on before getting all my things and leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" Harry questions as he walks over to me.

"Don't. I'm leaving and don't follow me." I tell him before leaving the room.

Harry's P.O.V

As Nardia walked out of the hotel room I went into the bedroom to find the dress that she was wearing tonight with some money and a note with her handwriting sprawled onto the paper.

I'll pay you back the rest when I get home. 

I sigh, my heart breaking at the message. I knew that this was her way of telling me it was over, that she wanted nothing more to do with me. I began to panic as I looked at the money. What if she didn't have enough money for herself now? She can't be on the New York streets by herself without any money.

My eyes drift away from the money to the Victoria Secret bag on the floor next to the bed. I picked it up and read the tag. To my surprise Nardia had written over the message that I had previously wrote.

For your whore

Groaning I threw myself onto the bed. This is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I decide to text Nardia.

Me: Please come back.
I'm sorry. I don't want
her, I want you, baby.
I know I fucked up, but
give me one more
chance and I promise
I will fix it.

I lock my phone, laying on the bed I panic over her wellbeing. 

Nardia's P.O.V

I decide to go somewhere I knew I would be accepted. Calling ahead just to make sure it was alright before I got a taxi. When I arrived I knocked gently on the door before it opened to reveal Chad in just sweat pants. I walked in placing my things on the floor before sitting on the couch with Chad.

"What happened?" he asks and I explain the entire story to him. By the end of it I feel much better. I don't know how it happened but I was practically sitting on top of Chad. I looked up at him to see he was already staring at me intently. Before I could register what was even happening Chad smashed his lips onto my own. I immediately pushed him off of me, moving away from him. He places a hand on my inner thigh close to my heat.

"What the fuck are you doing?"  I ask with nerves and disgust in my voice.

"I thought that when you said you wanted to come over it was because you wanted to hook up to make your boyfriend jealous or pissed or something."

"What? No. I told you I wanted to come here because I had nowhere else to go to." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, now you're here you're not going to be a tease are you?" he says moving his hand closer than before as I shoot up.

"You're disgusting." I tell him as I grab my things and leave his apartment. Now I was on the streets with nowhere to go. 


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