Ch 2

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Today was my last day of working at Styles Inc. and honestly, I was kind of sad. I enjoyed working there, the experience it gave. Another thing that made me want to stay was that Harry even enjoyed having me there.

I turned up to work, heading straight for my desk rather than going to see Harry this morning. Once I had worked for about two hours, I feel a hand tap on my shoulder.

Spinning my head around, I am faced with Olivia, her perfume, which I personally thought she wore WAY too much of, seeps into my nostrils while a frown was plastered into her face. "Mr Styles would like to see you." She informs me.

Apparently Harry had said something to Olivia about being lazy a d not doing the park because ever since I said something, she a Ted very weird around me, very quiet. The work was evened out, yet she never seem to have hers completed on time..

Slowly, I rise from my comfortable swivel chair, starting my short walk to Harry's office. I knock before Mr Styles allows me entrance. "Hello Nardia." he greets. I smile in acknowledgement before he continues. "I am taking you sees shopping as you will be attending the benefit gala with me tonight, strictly business, of course. After shopping we will enjoy a lunch to celebrate you time here." He instructs and I not. Harry rose from his chair, pulling his jacket in in which was hung over the back of his expensive chair.

He grabs his bag, as do I and we head to the elevator. Waiting for it to arrive and travelling in it was filled with an awkward silence. Well, for me at least. Eventually, we made our stop to the lobby, Harry informing Amy of his whereabouts for future reference. He breifly explained what he will be doing before ordering that she tells no one what he is doing, simply saying that 'he's unavailable'. When he was finished his conversations with her we left the building, waiting for Harry's driver to turn up.

Soon enough, a fancy, black car pulls up, an older gentlemen stepping out to greet us. "Good morning Mr Styles," he say. As he nods his head at Harry. "And to you too Ms.."

"Clark," I remind him with a smile before crawling into the back of the car. After switching through the numerous amount of cars and anxiously waiting through every red light we were pulling up to the dress shop. My eyes roam the displays in the large glass windows, my jaw gaping open in awe. No matter how good I was paid for this week, there was NO WAY I could afford ANYTHING in there.

Though, I follow Harry as he steps out and walks inside. His overly large hands rack through the many dresses that hang, picking out different ones for me to try on. Each pick he would hand to me before continuing his search. When there is large pile of dresses, so big I struggle to haul it around, Harry sends off to the dressing room.

Multiple dresses were tried on, each and every one not being bale to live up to the high standards Hardy held. He was a hard man to impress.

I pull the seventh dress off its hanger, pulling it onto my partly naked body. Before I revealed myself to a very picky Harry, I observe myself in the mirror.

The dress was a strapless dark peach dress. Around my breasts it was tight, complimenting the size incredibly. The dress flowed out from underneath the beaded belt around my torso. The skirt part flowed right down to my ankles, duping over to partly cover my feet.

I loved it. Hopefully Harry does too.

Sucking in a deep breath I step out of the small box. When I first stepped out his eyes were glued to the small screen of his phone, the rest of the world non-existent. Although, it didn't last too long as I clear my throat, his eye fixating into my body.

His eyes widen when he looks at me. Maybe this is a good sign.

Agonisingly slow, his eyes travelled from the neck line of the dress down to the hem. He looks back at my face, eyes meeting mine. "Yes, that's the one. That is the dress you will wear tonight." He said finally satisfied.

Happy that we finally agreed on a dress I pull out the price tag, eyes nearly falling from my head at the price. Maybe it won't be my dress. I open my mouth ready to object to Harry but he speaks first. "Don't worry about it, love. I asked you to come so I will pay for it, ok?" He says. I tried to disagree but he cuts me off as he calls over one of the workers.

Harry and the sales assistant talk about who knows what, studying the dress as I look in the mirror. Although there was this nagging feeling of Harry paying for me I was still happy to own this dress. It was stunning.

I blush when I look at Harry, a very evident smirk present on his feature. I strip from the dress when Harry tells me he has to pay for it before we went shoe shopping. The shoes we found were stilettos. They were white, the heel covered on small diamantés. Just like the dress, they were stunning.

With my own money, I had purchased a cheap necklace with a fake diamond pendant as well as a simple silver band. Me buying my own products of course annoyed Harry but I told him that I'd he wanted me to go I need to buy something for myself. Argument won.

Once our shopping was finished Harry took me to a very nice restaurant in which he was very well known at for a lovely meal.

Who am I kidding? Harry is well known wherever he goes. Jeez, even his daughter is.

Trying to keep our meal as private as possible, Harry demanded that we were sat in a table toward the back of the restaurant. Thankfully, hardly any people were near the back and the few that occupied the area didn't say anything.

Our time that we waited for food was filled with conversations regarding then ball tonight. Eventually though, the conversation inevitably drifted from the gala.

"Nardia," Harry starts. "I was wondering if you would consider to do some further work for me?" He questions, his beautiful, yet intimidating eyes bore into mine.

My eyebrows pull together I confusion before speaking. "What sod of work?" I ask.

"You're very aware of my daughter, yeah?" He asks and I nod. "Well, I was curious if you would be interested in looking after her? You know, baby sitting." He suggests and I shrug. "Hours will include after school, until about 9-11pm. Occasionally on weekends I made need you to look after her too. In which case you may need to stay over the night. I try to avoid the weekend work but every so often it happens. I may need you to look after her when I go away on work too." He explains and I nod as I listen. "The pay rate will be the same you are on now." He adds and my brows shoot up. I could really use that money to put toward University.

"Of course I would have to talk it over with my mother but yes, I am very interested."

• • • •

So sorry for the long wait!!! I know, it was months but here's an update!! I am so, so sorry!! I promise I will be working on this a lot more often! I put all my other stories on hold so I can focus on three.

• My New Boss
• Loved You First
• Unexpected Differences

When they are finished I'll work on some others, ok!! Sorry for making you wait so long. I'm probably gonna post chapter 3 too because it's written up now too. So sorry!!

I love you!!! Vote? Comment? xx

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