Ch 5

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"Nardia. Narida, love, wake up." I hear someone whisper as their large hands shake my exhausted body. My eyes flutter open to see Harry standing above me, his bag resting on his shoulder. I shoot up, eyes snapping open wide as my hand covers my mouth as I yawn.

Harry places his bag on the ground before plopping down next to me on the sofa. "So, how was Cleo?" He asks looking at me with tired eyes.

"She was very good. A great kid." I smile.

"Yeah, she is." Harry says with a smile dancing on his lips. He paused before adding, "I'll be right back." He stand from his previous place, heading upstairs. I follow after him, curious as to what he was doing. I see him sneak into Cleo's room, shutting the door but leaving it a crack open. I peek through as he sits down on her bed. His hand reaches to her forehead, pushing the baby curls back, smiling brightly at his little girl. "I love you Cleo. More than anything." He whispers, pecking her chubby cheek.

Cleo quickly sits up, her small arms wrapping around Harry's neck.


It had been a month now that I had been babysitting for Harry and Cleo and I had become really close. Tonight, I was staying over because he would be working on the other side of town and staying in a hotel or something for the night.

All day I had been excited to see Cleo even though I only just saw her on Wednesday.

The bell rings finishing class as a huge wave of students file out of the school. I step out and see Harry's car parked, waiting for me. I smile as I see Harry sitting in the driver's seat for a change. He sent me a text earlier to let me know that he wasn't going to leave until later tonight so he was going to pick Cleo and me up today. Just as I get a mere meter away from the car, a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Nardia, do you wanna stay over tonight?" Izzy asks and I sigh.

"Sorry, I have to babysit." I rush before turning to walk away, of course being stopped once again.

"Who?" She pushes and I sigh. I never really told her that I was babysitting Cleo because it never really came up. I wasn't trying to hide it nor was I bragging about it.

"Well, remember when we did work experience? Harry asked if I could babysit his daughter. It's been like a month now. Anyway, I have to stay the whole night tonight while he stays on the other side of town." I inform her. "I gotta go." I add walking away.

"Hey," Harry greets me.

"Hi," I say back as I lean back in my chair.

Soon Harry is pulling up out the front of the daycare. I get out and am surprised when Harry does too. When Cleo notices us, she runs to us, wrapping her small arms around Harry before she does the same with me. She packs up all her things before we walk out the car. I buckle myself in while Harry fixes Cleo. I offered to do it, arguing that it was what Harry paid me for but he refused telling me he can deal with his own child.

Although, when we get to Harry's, I was quicker and got Cleo out before we went inside. Harry was letting me stay in his guest bedroom so when we were inside I followed Cleo upstairs putting my bags in the spare room while Cleo puts hers in her room. We then both make our way back downstairs to the kitchen.

We walk in to see Harry scanning the cupboards. "What would you like sweetie?" Harry asks looking over his shoulder.

"Chocolate sandwich!" Cleo shouts as she jumps in her chair. Harry turns around completely, a frown set on his face.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather a bit of fruit? Like a pear or orange?" He asks.

"No daddy," Cleo says through a giggle. "Chocolate sandwich." She repeats, Harry pulling the Nutella from the cupboard. He makes Cleo her sandwich before using a heart cookie cutter to cut them into heart shapes.

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