Chapter 2: I'm usually tree #2

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C H A P T E R 2: I'm usually tree #2

"Why exactly are you guys being nice with me? I mean you three are popular and are supposed to bully me not treat me nice" I asked confused of their actions. See after that introduction they helped my dizzy self stand up and took me to the nurse. The nurse asked what happened to me all alarmed because of the blood, I told her 'I slipped and hit my head with the floor'. She believed me but on the other side the guys glared at me for saying a lie.

"We don't really care about popularity if we're honest" Jakob said he was sitting in a chair next the place that the nurse had told me to sit, aka the bed.

"And we just thought why not? You seem different than anyone else and don't really seem to care about what people says about you" said Chris who was standing against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Should I take that as a compliment? I don't really know, but what I have for sure is that I probably blushed.

"Plus we need more friend and we don't really like the people here so we also thought maybe you wanted to be our friend?" Ethan continued giving me those smiles that you use when you ask your parents something. Almost as if his smile was saying 'please be our friend pretty please'.

"There are other girls that want to be your friends and even more than that" I answered to Ethan's question. They seem nice but I can't believe in them, after all the things people in this school had made I simply can't. It's not that easy.

"Yeah but we don't really like them. They just want to be our friends because of our looks and we're tired of that" now Jakob said a little disappointed, yet I could still hear a hint of nervousness in his voice, almost as if he was hiding something. Well, looks like they know they're cute.

"And why of the nothing you all come and help me? I mean it's not the first time someone bullies me and I bet it won't be the last one. I don't believe in you guys, you're probably doing this because of a bet. Who dared you? Drake? If so tell him to-." And I was cut of.

"No one dared us" said Chris still in his serious voice tone but now, you can hear a hint of hurt in it.

"We just wanted to help you because we don't like watching people being hurt" Ethan continued. Do this boys practice who's gonna talk first than second then third and at the same time? Well who knows.

"Mhm sure" my sarcasm filled the room and they looked disappointed at me.

"Why do you don't believe in us?" Asked Chris in his curious tone of voice.

"So many people had made me this prank. Being all nice with me and telling me they want to be my friends and then just humiliate me in front of everyone and then leaving me all alone. So many people have done it that I can't even count them with my fingers, and I'm almost sure you guys will do the same for more popularity, but you know what will give you more if that's what you wan? Beating me up" I said I was so hurt remembering all that. They just stayed in silence.

"Ethan, Jakob" Chris suddenly speaks from the silence. Ethan and Jakob stood up and went to were Chris was standing and stood in front of him. They talked in whispers that I couldn't hear from were I was. They seemed so concentrated. When they ended up talking whatever they were at the end I could hear Chris say 'Okay?' Then Jakob and Ethan nodded and they all came and stood in front of me.

"Let's make a deal" Chris started, his smile was once again plastered in his face.

"We'll be best friends for two weeks. We will do anything best friends do wether is going out or stay at home watching movies. If we ever do something to hurt you or anything like that we promise we'll never ever talk to you again." Ethan continued to What Chris said.

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